Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

Jelly: Thank you so much! I guess there is not much data available, but you have done the best with what you have. Thanks again!

Flying Turk: This is sad. I really hope and pray for you that your process will get done soon. I have had a family member suffer from cancer, and I know how hard this is on the patient and the family. I fully empathize with you.

By the way, sorry I dont know your full details, but can you not make a "1 or 2 week visit". Again, sorry, I dont know your details on why or why not you cannot make the short trip visit.
Hello everyone,

I just registered here and saw my post quoted from VJ website.

This is my exact timeframe
Sent off N400 - October 5th, 2007
Priority Date - October 9th, 2007
Biometrics - January 3rd, 2008
Interview letter received - June 20th, 2008
Interview scheduled for August 25th, 2008

I applied on the marriage to US citizen basis, 2 years 9 months after getting my conditional green card.

That spearsheet was incredibly helpful in identifying the processing speed, but very discouraging at the same time as some people seem to be stuck in the name check :(:( Good luck to everyone!!!
Welcome 2loud4u! Thanks for posting your timeline directly: I have amended my spreadsheet to give you full credit (but thanks to Feliz-LA for triggering the data points :) ). This also led me to explore a little further and I found some more SEA DO N400 timelines there which I have added to the spreadsheet. They reveal nothing dramatically new but serve to validate the trends we have already observed.

FlyingTurk: I am truly sorry to hear of your situation. If I can offer a very small crumb of hope it is this: You may recall that the USCIS and the FBI announced a program for reducing the name check backlog a few months back. The program set out targets to this effect: complete all name checks pending for over 3 years by 5/08; all pending more than 2 years by 7/08; all pending for more than one year by 11/08 and all more than 180 days by 2/09.

If we assume that they meet these targets, then they should begin processing the "between one and two years" name checks at the end of this month. Your PD (3/07) comes about 75% into the period and if we further assume a roughly linear processing speed, you might then expect your IL 75% through the "one year to two year" processing period. This is slated to run from 7/08 to 11/08 which in turn suggests an October IL for you. As always, there are lots of caveats in this bit of speculation but I do think you are likely to see some progress in the relatively near future. In the meantime, I hope your mother's health improves.

Other points: As mentioned above, I have added some timelines I found on, a site that is focused on K1 and K3 processes but also has a bit on N400 timelines. One couple, Rayma&Kurt, with a mid-September PD have gotten their IL, so there should be hope for HomerSimp and Senga during the July mailing period coming up the week after next.

One slightly irritating development in the data is that there seems to be a growing delay between IL and ID. It has generally been 3 weeks to a month but the two most recent ILs (2loud4u and Rayma&Kurt) both show about 2 months. Result of the 7/07 PD bulge slowing down the next stage of the process or a more generic summertime slowdown? Who knows?

No updates from my wife. She is still waiting for oath letter.
Police clearances received by USCIS around June 25, Infopass done around July 10, but they dont even seem to open mail so fast. They say, "wait for 3 months" :(

We'll do infopass again later.
Data update from adum2007

Hi All,

adum2007: welcome. Could you share some of your additional dates, most specifically your PD, so we can time your process? For now, I have added you in the section below the main spreadsheet called "Information too sparse".


N400 Sent : 2007/08/30
PD : 2007/10/30
NOA : 2007/11/15
FP Notice : 2007/11/23
FP 2nd Notice : 2008/1/18 [ FP delayed for being out of country ]
FP : 2008/02/08
I received a letter from FBI in response to my FIOPA request.. The result : No records..
So at least i am clear on the main files..
new member

I just joined the website. I've been using for a few years now. The only problem with that website is that there currently aren't many NSC/Seattle people who are roughly on the same timeline as me. I'm glad to see this forum here. Overall, I just have to say I'm disappointed with the Seattle office's processing times for the N400s. I look at people who have filed the same month as me with NSC but different field offices from Seattle, and MANY of them already have interview dates. Whereas for me, I'm guessing I won't even see an interview appointment letter until the end of this year.

Thanks again for all the posts here.
July 4th oath ceremony 2008

I became a citizen on July 4th. It completes my immigration journey.

I was lucky to be part of the "special" oath ceremony on July 4th. I wish everyone would get their oath at such a ceremony. I had a long wait between interview and Oath but it was well worth it.

We were asked to report at the Seattle center @ 9 am. The initial screening was well organized. There were 10 separate booths with an immigration officer at each counter.

The actual ceremony began at 11:30 am. We were given a flag at the entrance to the hall. The navy band was playing. At noon the Governor and other dignitaries arrived. We then had short 5-10 minute speeches from Greg Nickels, Jim McDermott, Dave Reichert and Christine Gregoire. Greg Nickels was really funny as the MC. He said Seattle is a great city. We have arts, culture and womens professional basketball !!

The circuit judge gave us the oath. There were 548 citizens being naturalized from 78 countries. Each country was called out in alphabetical order and immigrants from that country were requested to stand up when their country was announced. The ceremony overall was grand and well put together.

I was then interviewed by NPR about how it felt to be a citizen. After the ceremony we again went back to the counter to pick up the naturalization certificate. We were also handed passport and voter registration applications.

All in all it was a memorable event.

You can check pictures here:

Good luck to all of you.

Update: I got my passport in 8 days. I did normal processing and paid for express delivery.
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Just joined this forum. Here is my story. Mailed N400 to Nebraska Svc. Center on 07/25/2007, they received it on 07/27/2007, check cashed on 11/02/2007, received "please-be-patient-for-248-days" notice on 11/15/2007. Still waiting for fingerprints letter...

248 days BS expires today... sad.

G'day All,

CrossHairs: Sorry to hear that there has been no progress on your wife's OL. That must the ultimate in frustration - after all the other waiting, to be stuck between a passed ID and receiving an OL! Keep us posted on the situation - and if you have a chance, let us know about your passport application experience. I see that sea_rp got his in 8 days using the regular application process.

adum2007: Thanks for the timeline. It really adds value to the spreadsheet for all of us. Your late October '07 PD is particularly useful because you are likely soon "up" which provides a measure of progress and comfort for those of us with slightly later PDs. You have been added to the full spreadsheet, and we look forward to any updates as they come in.

FlyingTurk: Good to know that the FOIA request turned up a blank. While I am sure that is not surprising to you (or any of us), it must still rank as a measure of small progress to have it confirmed from the FBI itself.

lumpy115: Welcome to the thread! I have added your timeline to my spreadsheet. I guess the usefulness of any of these boards is dependent on having critical mass, which I am glad to say we seem to have here. I now monitor VJ for Seattle N-400 applicants and will add them to my spreadsheet as they emerge, as I do for I can sympathize with your frustration at seeing faster timelines in other DOs. I had considered moving back to California about a year ago but decided that my N-400 process was likely to be much faster in SEA than through any CSC DO. That turned out to be wrong! SFO DO seems to be speeding through and even LAX DO appears to be roughly in line with SEA. Well, I still maintain that processing speeds will increase from now on and SEA appears to be pretty middle of the road in national terms. At least I am getting to enjoy the fantastic summer we are having here :)

sea_rp: You have been a very helpful voice on the thread so I take real pleasure in congratulating you on becoming a citizen - tinged with regret at the likely loss of that voice now. (Actually, the same applies to you, CrossHairs). Thanks for the passport timeline and also thanks for the link to the pictures from the 7/4 oath ceremony. In my old age I have gotten sentimental and I found them quite moving :) As I mentioned once on this thread, fifteen years ago I stumbled on an oath ceremony at Monticello, Jefferson's home in Virginia, on the 4th of July. At the time, I thought that would be the absolutely perfect way to undertake this rite of passage - I am a great admirer of Jefferson and Monticello is a beautiful spot. Seattle is an amazing place in its own right, however, and I look forward to crossing the threshold here one day soon. . .

seattlerus: Welcome to the thread and thanks for your timeline, which I have added to the spreadsheet. Your timeline looks troubling: if you have not yet received even a FP letter, then I would urge you to do an Infopass. It seems to me entirely possible that your file disappeared down the back of someone's desk given that a lot of people with similar PDs to yours are now through their IDs. Keep us posted on progress.

The next 10 days should bring another batch of ILs if past patterns prevail. Hence I will hold off posting the next version of the spreadsheet until we have all those updates. Many, many of them, I hope! Please post your news as it arrives.

Best of luck to all,

Old? You seem to be young, jelly213 :)

I posted another thread with details about my passport - but here is a summary repeated.
Passport received in 5 business days with expedited processing. You can update the info.
CrossHairs: LOL! :D:D:D

In retrospect, I can see that my online persona - at least on this thread - has a certain youthful optimism to it, quite unlike my real-life self. Professionally, I earn my keep in part through a deeply ingrained skepticism and my nickname at work for many years was "The Abominable No Man". In fact I am - gulp! - in my forties. . . But you know how it is: guys never get much beyond 19 in their own minds.:)

Thanks for the update on your passport application. I found the other thread you posted on and am sorry that you had a bad experience with the USPS clerk. It is amazing how pettily inconsiderate some people can be. I may try to go to the Seattle Passport office, rather than the post office, when (if?) my time comes. Does anyone have experience with that avenue for a passport?

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You can only go to the seattle passport office *if* you have an upcoming trip very shortly, only then they will give you appt, and it is by appt only.
CrossHairs - Thanks for that crucial bit of info. I'll have to bear it in mind. Luckily I can usually engineer an overseas trip at will. Bridges to cross when we get to them....

Thanks Jelly213 for the wishes. All the best to you.

As you can see, I am still lurking around this forum :)
Passport Processing


I have had a look at the passport processing time issue. There appears to be no official data on it but the State Department website indicates that expedited processing will be done within 2 weeks. The State Department is the sole issuing authority for passports and I don't think location of applicant would matter hugely.

Looking at this thread, there are 5 people who have reported their passport application timelines. Chicago_m applied through the expedited service in Seattle on Friday 7/6/07 and picked up his passport on Monday 7/9/07 (3 days). Jirapan applied on 1/25/08, again through expedited service in Seattle, and had her passport 4 days later. The last Seattle applicant, acharmer, applied on 3/17/2008 but did not indicate whether he used normal or expedited service. He had his passport 9 days later. The remaining two, from Atlanta and Dallas, took 7 and 8 days respectively.


Apologize for the late response here, Jelly213 - first time I'm checking back on the site this month.

I'd originally set aside 10 business days from the date / day (3/17) I applied for the passport in the county court office with expedited everything.

However, on 3/21 I discovered I'd to travel overseas in urgency the week after & could not take chances. So I called the Seattle PO automated toll number on 3/25, fixed an appointment for 3/26 noon (its pretty simple - just pick from the 30 minute automated options offered) & explained to the counter clerk with evidence in hand the urgency (email communication / fax copies of emergency, travel itinerary & onward visa requirements as reason for quicker processing). The clerk was very helpful / understanding, conferred with his supervisor & she had a second conversation with me.

In that conversation she mentioned they were 2 business days away from mailing it out anyway (which would be 3/27, or 10 days from date of submission in county office to provide you evidence of timeline for process) & reconfirmed if I could not wait for it. She asked me to return at 3 PM to the counter & at 3 PM the same day, they'd my passport ready to go. It was returned with the Naturalization cert in original & I was asked to confirm if my name / address etc on passport was all correct. It was. The clerk even joked with me saying he'll be happy to see me back in 10 years (for the renewal :D). So, as mentioned in my original post these guys were humane & really turned on a dime for me that day.

A month later, I even received a refund check from the State Dept for the expedited processing mail back fee, since I'd picked up my passport in person. I was pleasantly surprised by that refund & glad that they'd thought thru the expense on the transaction.

I hope this detailed response helps. Best to all who're still working on N400 !
Hi, I am new to this form, here are my details.

N-400 Sent- 11/21/2007
FP Done- 02/11/2008
IL Received-07/24/2008
Interview Date- 09/22/2008
Recieved Interview notice

I received my N-400 interview notice last week. The interview is in first week of September 2008.

Thanks to everyone for sharing their information. Made the process a little bit more bearable.
Congratulations on the interview. It at least gives me a little idea when I can expect my wife's notice.

I'm also a member on, and EVERYONE that filed the same month as me (April 2008) at other field offices already did their interview or has an interview date within the next month.

Seattle is the worst. It's depressing.

Thanks again.