Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

The July 4th Oath is a major ceremony with over 500 citizens given the oath ceremony. Please see link below of the 2004 ceremony. It seems that every year it is attended by WA senators, ex-Governor and other biggies. They need to gather 500+ "new" citizens for this ceremony and probably stop conducting individual ceremonies in June.

So, there is basically no choice for us, whether we want to take an earlier oath or wait for the grand ceremony on july 4rth.

You asked what I meant by this on my oath day:

"Luckily a non-oath swearer gave me his{seat}, and 2 or 3 oath swearer were left standing."

The oath swearers (those there to swear in) were all seated in the first front section of the auditorium. But there were some of us seated behind that section (because of lack of seats in the front) along with the family and friends of oath swears. One of the family members of an oath swearer let me have his seat. There were 2 or 3 others oath swearers that came in later and couldn't find a seat so ended up standing throughout the ceremony.

Hope that makes sense now. :)
Good luck to you and all!

Sea_rp: congratulations on clearing the interview hurdle!

I seem to recall that posters here consistently report 70 or so people at each weekly oath ceremony. In that case, it would make sense for them to begin to aggregate oath takers now, about seven weeks ahead of 7/4, if they want to get to 500 people (7x70=490).

Adamsavich: welcome to the board. You are the first August '07 filer that we have seen. Thanks for filling a gap in my spreadsheet (I'll explain below). Re your questions, I think the collective experience of this and other boards is that the online status checks cannot be relied upon. However, since the later July '07 filers are now receiving their ILs, I imagine you are not too far off receiving an IL of your own. Fingers crossed.

I maintain a spreadsheet (newest version attached to this post) tracking the timelines of all on this board that report progress. I have added you and your PD but obviously don't have any other data. Could you report dates for your other key milestones (see spreadsheet). It all helps provide information to those going through this process. Thanks in advance!

New N400 processing date for Seattle.... July 2nd 2007 (posted on May 15th).

Any updates... please post here....
I'm hoping to get IL within few days. Someone I know got it and he had applied late July.

the next batch of ILs should arrive this week. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'd say this is time to call and get transfered to an IO, to see if your interview is scheduled and if the notice has been mailed.
No IL as of yet - I keep hoping it will show up in my malbox :)

Here is an update on my processing dates. Sorry I do not have all of them.

N-400 mailed: 08/03/2007
Notice date: 11/14/2007
Priority Date: 08/09/2007
FP notice: 11/21/2007
FP done: 12/11/2007
nothing since
Thanks for the detail of your timeline, adamsavich.

I have incorporated it into the SEA DO spreadsheet, the latest version of which is attached and which has been prettied up slightly. I originally put it together for my own use and thus did not care too much about how good it looked . . . Anyway, the main change is that I have highlighted the day counts from PD to each milestone in a pale yellow to highlight that important piece of information.

Hope you are all doing well. Good luck to seattleliter and msnvidemail's wife, who both have their interviews on Tuesday.

IL received. My interview date is June 23 (spouse also got IL for June 16) - would have been good to have same dates which we had so far, but no complaints.

I will keep my fingers crossed for things to go well. Good luck to the folks who have interviews this week - update us how it goes.
Congrats to you and your wife, CrossHairs! I told you that you will be getting your IL this week ;)

Thanks Jelly.
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Gosh! You guys don't allow much time before I have to post another updated version of my spreadsheet :) - but at least the update is for the best of reasons: congrats to CrossHairs and wife.

In the updated spreadsheet, I have (a) included Mrs. CrossHairs separately, since we now have data on her; and (b) presumed that you both received your ILs on Saturday 5/31. The latter may not be correct, so please let me know if it isn't.

The pessimistic view is that you both set spreadsheet records for time-to-IL/ID (excepting a couple of problem children quite awhile back) at well over 300 days. However, it is interesting is that the interim between you receiving your ILs and the IDs assigned is relatively shorter than we have seen for some time. A sign that the USCIS is beginning to turn the corner on the backlog? Hard to tell on such flimsy evidence but at least this particular straw in the wind is blowing in the right direction.

Also, since we are in the pre-Fourth of July phase, both of you should end up at the same oath ceremony (on 7/4) if current thinking on this board holds.

congrats to CrossHairs and his wife!!!

EasyDoesIt, queensheba & js360 - have you got IL too?? Please let us know...
IL received. My interview date is June 23 (spouse also got IL for June 16) - would have been good to have same dates which we had so far, but no complaints.

I will keep my fingers crossed for things to go well. Good luck to the folks who have interviews this week - update us how it goes.

Congratulations Crosshairs!! Hopefully you'll get the same oath date at least.
Finished Interview Today - Oath July 4rth

I had my interview appointment at 8am today, checked in at 7.45am, and waited in the waiting area of 2nd floor. Was called in at 8.10am and was out by 8.20 or so.
Officer was, I would say nice(not too serious, at the same time not too friendly either), swore me in, just checked DL, passport and GC, nothing else. He went thru the app, and updated my trip, asked yes/no questions. Then the 6 history questions(stopped at 6 once I got them correct). Questions were - what do we celebrate on july 4rth, how many house of representatives are there, how long is the president elected for, names of countries that were our enemies during WW2, what is the executive of a state govt called & name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment. He then asked to read a sentence "His wife is at work right now" and asked to write "I live in the state of Washington", then he said I passed and gave the oath letter for july 4th in seattle downtown near the space needle. I asked if there was an earlier date available and he said that is the only one, so I took it.

Looks like all of us with interviews end of May to July 3rd will be at the oath together! :)
Good luck to everyone!
Thanks Bobsmyth. Hopefully there are no glitches in the interview and hopefully we will get same oath dates, and they dont run out of space for the july 4 which seems to be the date they are scheduling for all folks above.

CONGRATS seattleliter!!! What a relief it must be for you! Hopefully ours will go well too.
1. Did you take an updated page with your new trips to the officer? Did the officer attach this updated page?
2. How did you sign the photos (full name in cursive? not your usual scribble signature?)
3. I presume you signed the N-400 at the interview in the same way - full name in cursive? Can you update?

Other folks who have this Seattle interview on June 3, pls. update once you come back.