Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

Friend got IL letter... his PD is July 19th and his interview is in May 1st week.

Looks like there is some movement.
I received my IL last Friday. The interview date is 05/06/08. My PD is 07/17/07. It looks like things are moving. To all those still waiting, hang in there - it should just be a matter of time. Best.
any update from you?

Last IL reported here is for PD July 20th. Anyone with or know anyone with PD in the last 10 days of july?
SEA D/O Experience - End to End Timeline

This is a super forum & I owe you all in SEA for the guidance.

This is my first post ever. Below is my SEA D/O timeline.

Notes :

Plan for 10 month timeline from start to finish (if there are no tickets, other complications & you've all the hard evidence on hand with certified copies when you walk into that interview). The interviewing officer was fantastic, the D/O head who handed out the cert was very pleasant, as was the SSN clerk who updated my recs & the RPO team who turned on a dime to issue the passport. Summary : They're human as we are - what makes you smile, makes them smile too. :cool:

D/O: Seattle
Mailed Application..................... 06/06/07
Interview Passed........................03/06/08
N-652 & N-445 Issued in person....03/06/08
Oath Completed / Certificate Recd.03/13/08
SSN Update / Passport Appln........03/17/08
Passport recd............................03/26/08

Best everyone ! What's a year of waiting in a lifetime of hope :D
any update from you?

Last IL reported here is for PD July 20th. Anyone with or know anyone with PD in the last 10 days of july?

No updates.
Seattle folks with PD in the July 21-July 31 range. Any updates? What is your current status? Pls. update this thread.
After one whole year of waiting, I finally passed the interview yesterday and will take oath next week. Thanks to all who have provided valuable help here, and wish all of you who are still waiting the best.
How long has it been taking people in Seattle to get their oath after interview? I wonder because I am staying temporarily in L.A. and will go up to Seattle for the interview in May. I want to know at least how long I should wait up there for oath. I called the office and they said that i should get the oath where my local office is, meaning Seattle. But they also mentioned it takes up to 90 days. I've noticed 2 people on this thread for whom it's only take about a week to get. Wonder, is that the average? BTW Congrads to Seattlebear!

Thanks for any replies.
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How long has it been taking people in Seattle to get their oath after interview? I wonder because I am staying temporarily in L.A. and will go up to Seattle for the interview in May. I want to know at least how long I should wait up there for oath. I called the office and they said that i should get the oath where my local office is, meaning Seattle. But they also mentioned it takes up to 90 days. I've noticed 2 people on this thread for whom it's only take about a week to get. Wonder, is that the average? BTW Congrads to Seattlebear!

Thanks for any replies.

From the posts in this thread, looks like you will get the oath letter when you go for your interview and oath is usually scheduled in about a week to 10 days.
Gap between ID and Oath

How long has it been taking people in Seattle to get their oath after interview? I wonder because I am staying temporarily in L.A. and will go up to Seattle for the interview in May. I want to know at least how long I should wait up there for oath. I called the office and they said that i should get the oath where my local office is, meaning Seattle. But they also mentioned it takes up to 90 days. I've noticed 2 people on this thread for whom it's only take about a week to get. Wonder, is that the average? BTW Congrads to Seattlebear!

Thanks for any replies.


Please take a look at my spreadsheet (attached to this post and updated with the most recent information). The gaps reported between ID and Oath Date for Seattle in recent months have been as follows:

January ID: 14 days, 7d, 6d, 6d, 7d, 7d
Feb ID: none reported
March ID: 7 days, 7d, 9d

Hence it looks like about a week is common - but it is possible for the gap to be longer. From what I can see, there are no obvious explanations as to why there might be a longer or shorter lag. Anyone have views?

Any updates? Pl post here....

Hey Homer,

In putting together my tracking spreadsheet, I notice that you have reported your PD as 8/24/07 in a message on 12/4, and as 9/29/07 elsewhere. Care to clarify so the tracker can be more accurate and helpful?

Thanks in advance!

Looks like seattleliter and Crosshairs are next up on this board for ILs. Best of luck to you both and others with late July PDs.

Soon we'll enter an interesting phase. Given the huge bulge in applications in advance of the end-July fee hikes, presumably there were correspondingly fewer applicants in the following months. As a matter of fact, this board and don't appear to have any August PDs for Seattle DO. So the questions are (i) how badly will processing slow down now as the bulge is being processed, (ii) when will the bulge have been fully processed, and (iii) will there in fact be a noticeable speeding up in processing thereafter?

Good weekend to all.
Thank you Jelly. I am still waiting too. Looks like they stopped at July 20 PD.

I've been reading the threads of other DO's and noticed they are seeing a pattern in which the ILs are sent out, like once a month or so.
I just looked at the "IL received date" column of Jelly's spreadsheet and except for 2 or 3 people, you will see that the ILs are received in the 20's of every month. Is this true? What do you guys think? (I know that the data set we have is verrryy small, but I couldnt help notice this pattern)

Crosshairs, if thats true then we can expect something only after 20th of this month.
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My application post date is 8/24/2007 and my priority date is 9/29/2007.

Hope this clarifies.

Several interesting tidbits from the last few days - some good, some scary.

First the good:
1. In case you all missed it, I just stumbled on a USCIS press release issued early this month in which they report making good progress on the backlog of naturalization applications, to the point where they officially reduced the processing time forecast for applications from 16-18 months to 13-15 months. Still long - but 3 months shorter than previously.

Then the middling:
2. The Seattle PI carried an article yesterday on a class action lawsuit by naturalization applicants whose applications had been unreasonably held up. Rather than repeat the points, here is a link to it. FlyingTurk: you might consider whether you can benefit from this case in some way.

And finally the scary:
3. Much more scarily, the NY Times had a front page article on the vicissitudes of the naturalization process on Saturday. It cites several horror stories about perfectly legal residents who applied for citizenship but fell foul of obscure rules at some point in their past and were thus not just denied citizenship but in fact now face deportation. I'm sure these are exceptional rather than typical cases but it underlines the need to keep one's nose ultra-clean at all times. Here is a link to the article.

The more widely applicable point is that citizenship denial rates have spiked, although they are now coming down. At one point in the last ten years they hit 30% (!!) and they are still at a relatively high 12% for 2007. See the graphic in the article. Most people that fail do so because of limited English language skills but there is clearly also an element of over-worked USCIS processors deciding to err on the side of denial in the post 9/11 climate rather than investigate further.

With a bit of luck, some of you guys will receive your ILs in about a week or 10 days time, if Seattleliter's theory holds, and be through the eye of the needle in no time flat. As for the rest of us. . .

Other points: Homer - thanks for the clarification. It really helps provide accurate insight. I attach the amended version of my spreadsheet.

thanks for the article.. I got a letter from Justice Dept. regarding my letter to Mrs. Bush. The usual canned response of 'you are under name check.. you'll have to wait' type of stuff. I will get in touch with the attorneys in the article and if i can get this thing counted as a class action suit i will.

Once again , thanks for the article..

Name check lawsuits

Flying Turk- Please let us know of your findings on the class action lawsuit. For some reason I thought it was only for those folks whose interview was completed and were still pending name check.

I am also stuck in name check.......
Trying to figure out on how many name check cases in the seattle area are pending for more than a year?

PD/ND Jan 2007
FP Mar 2007
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