Search for I 485 cases

can some run the following src for me. I am not able to run it. It runs but I do not see the results.

SRC-02-109-54000 to 54500


I run the software but exceeded the limit permitted by the web page. As soon as I am allowed to re-run it, I’ll do it for the rest of the numbers. Hope your case is within the range in the attached file.

The range you are giving is to wide (6000 cases). Could you please try to shorten it to around 500 cases?
Hi Manolacho..

Sorry for that...

Could you please run 0203553440 - 020353940
0203554000 - 020354500

Thanks in advance
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I’ve been trying to run the program but once again received the message that I have exceeded the limit of cases checked. I deleted all cookies related to this web page but still get the same message. I guess, I have to wait 24 hours to run it again.

Does anybody know the name of the cookie in case I am not deleting the right one?

Hi Guys,

I am new to this forum. I tried running the script, but was unsuccesful - for whatever reasons. Could someone help me to run the script for the following numbers,

SRC 03-109-55534
SRC 03-109-55460
SRC 03-109-55522
SRC 03-109-55497

Thanks in advance

Are there your case?

If there are just 4 numbers, you do not need to run the scripts!

Just track it one by one.
Remember use the format like this: SRC0310955534

All your four applications were received on March 10, 2003. And they are pending.
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Is anybody in the forum, whose 140 and 485 have been applied concurrently on or after March 10, 2003 and has recieved AP and EAD?

thank you very much for your help. one more question about the result. what does it mean "received" and "approved" ?
I just have done my FP this month. and my status is "received"

Changed INS Scanner (Added Appl Type)

Hi all

I got the program changed to pull the application type also,

So all of us waiting on I765/I140/I131/I485 ... and all Can use the same

Hope this helps.....

It will be nice if all of us share the info as we scan that way we don't duplicate the efforts..

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I understand that Received means that they have not received or updated the web page with your FP.

For Approved, I understand that the GC process is finally approved and the beneficiary has freedom at last.

Anybody has comments?

Attached is the file with the information for the ranges you requested yesterday.

Please post your conclusions.
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Hi Manolacho

Can you please run the range SRC02-026-54490 -

Thanks For your help,


Sure, I will run your numbers tomorrow. I already excided the daily limit (1000 cases) and have to wait 24 hours to run it again.
I erased the cookies that I thought were related to this program but did not work. I don't want to erase all the cookies in Explorer.

If anyone knows which cookies should I erase, please let me know.

Attached is the file with the information for the ranges you requested today. I run it from home so I had an extra 1000 cases check. Not a single approval for this range.

Please post your conclusions.
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