San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

My oath got canceled by USCIS!!

I received letter today, stating that my oath on Aug 8 at San Jose USCIS got canceled.

How can that happen!! While everyone got their oath letter, my oath got canceled!!

Shocking :eek:

I concur with arungk_us and they might have moved you to the ceremony on the 14th. I am afraid you'll have to wait for a bit longer.
I really hope so!! But, the canceling letter said nothing about reason!! If they moved the location, why didn't they put the new location in the same letter!!

I only have been relax for a couple days. Now, I have to check mailbox like crazy again :(

The Aug 8th one supposed to be in San Jose Local office (1887 Monterey Highway)
this is for waitforsolong


My Oath Ceremony was suppose to be on August 8, 2008 on Monterey Road in San Jose, and I have also received a letter in the mail saying it is canceled and will notify me for futher information. I am hoping it is just to switch dates as well. What do you think?
Waitfor, very sorry to hear about your cancellation.

Guys do read this article in the SJMN.
Some observations below:

1. So there will be a massive oath cer in the fairgrounds , 10k people, which is close to the number for the whole of 2007!! This is mindblowing. Could it be because of the election in Nov? Voter reg deadline is Oct mid and immig do vote in higher numbers.

2. Also there is no oath sched at the Campbell theatre for Aug 21st but their website does show for the Sep 17th.

3.Tragic development but the Voter Registration form help provided at oath cer has been suspended acc to the SJMN. This is already implemented and the voter reg has dropped drastically.
My dear oath letter

I believe for fairness, the Aug 8th people should be scheduled to Aug 7th, because according to my following of this thread, the one on Aug 8th was scheduled before the one on Aug 7th. Or, at least to move to Aug 14th.

It is just my wishful thinking, though. :eek:

But, the fact that we have NOT seen any new oath letter, is really worries me... :(

I understand your position, but my guess is that if they scheduled the oath earlier, it might catch people out of the country. It is easier to change plans if the oath is postponed. I am pretty sure you are going to get the oath letter soon, and my guess is that it is going to be for the 14. Hang in there just a little bit longer ;)
I've been reading and it says on the mercurynews that there will be 10,000 people doing citizenship in August just in San Jose alone, so maybe/hopefully there are postponding it to the dates (Aug 7 & Aug 14) where it will be a larger crowd.

I also heard on the news or read it somewhere, that they are trying to process the citizenships by Oct before the elections so that the new citizens will be able to vote, so maybe that is why they are doing larger crowds to do the oath. We will see, Waitforsolong.
Just heard some information that there will be an oath on Aug 21st. Have you guys heard anything about it?

K.B. Do you know when your case was approved? When was you ID? Was oath letter mailed from service center instead of San Jose office?
oath location

I noticed that somebody is scheduled in a big ceremony outside of San Jose USCIS office, somebody is scheduled within the the office? Is there any reason for that?
The Monterey office oath is held inside the building when it is scheduled and the oath letter will just give the address of the office. Can't understand what you mean by outside/within.

Typicall the oath is held on the penultimate (last but one) Wednes of each month at the Campbell theatre but that won't happen for Aug 21 most likely, see my prev posts in this thread.
If you mean why some people got the Monterey invite while others got the fairgrounds, that is a random assignment somehow. The oath at Mntry addr is a new addition in the DO's attempt to reduce backlog.
If you mean why some people got the Monterey invite while others got the fairgrounds, that is a random assignment somehow. The oath at Mntry addr is a new addition in the DO's attempt to reduce backlog.

Thanks, aabbcc11.

My Aug 8th oath at Monterey office got canceled. I guess because it is small one, it won't cause big issue if they want to cancel it. I might be rescheduled to another oath at Monterey office. I am worried that the oath at Monterey way can be canceled easily. I wonder whether there is any way to change my fate.
Just got the oath letter in the mail for August 14. My wife did not receive hers yet although our timelines are the same until now.
Hopefully everyone will get their oath letters soon.

my interview, i believe, was in may, where I passed the interview was also on monterey road offices. my cancellation mail came from the office from Laguna Niguel, CA. I have been checking my mailbox constantly and still nothing. When was your interview and when did you get your cancellation letter??

Let's pray we are to be scheduled on the dates where they are holding a huge crowd..
Just got the oath letter in the mail for August 14. My wife did not receive hers yet although our timelines are the same until now.
Hopefully everyone will get their oath letters soon.

Who interviewed your spouse? Was it Officer Merlan. My spouse and I had our interview on May,6'th. My spouse got her oath letter last week. I did not get mine. I was interviewed by officer Merlan. The name is on the N-652.

I am trying to figure out if there is a pattern here. Lot of people who got interviewed in May, June and July are getting their letters. Still waiting here!
My spouse was interviewed by Djio and I was interviewed by Richard Yum.

The officer did mention that their computers were down the day we interviewed and that he'd have to update the files later. I guess some officers are very prompt in updating files. Some make take longer.
But, I am feeling pretty confident that everyone will be getting their letter for the Aug 7/14 oath very soon. Good luck!