San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

As of today:

"Case Status
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center."

District Office - San Jose
Mailed application - 03/11/06
Check cashed - 03/20/06
Received Date - 03/14/06
Priority Date - 03/14/06
Notice Date - 03/28/06
Notice Received - 03/31/06
FP Notice Received- 04/17/06
FP Date - 04/29/06

Different Interview dates

Hi Folks

I did my FP on May 2 and I received my interview letter along with my wife's this afternoon. Surprisingly we have it on different dates.

My wife's is on July 24 and mine is the next day at 7.25 AM. Is there any way one can schedule it such that both of our interviews are on the same day & time.


sunil_shiv said:
Hi Folks

I did my FP on May 2 and I received my interview letter along with my wife's this afternoon. Surprisingly we have it on different dates.

My wife's is on July 24 and mine is the next day at 7.25 AM. Is there any way one can schedule it such that both of our interviews are on the same day & time.


I don't have answer to your question. However I would like to know your Priority Date and where you did FP? My FP was also on 2nd May but havent got interview letter.

sunil_shiv said:
Hi Folks

I did my FP on May 2 and I received my interview letter along with my wife's this afternoon. Surprisingly we have it on different dates.

My wife's is on July 24 and mine is the next day at 7.25 AM. Is there any way one can schedule it such that both of our interviews are on the same day & time.



My guess is that I think you can reschedule your appointment. (Does your letter say anything about how to reschedule the appointment date?) But, I am not sure if you could specifically request when you want to reschedule it, instead. And, any rescheduled date will probably be later than your current dates which you said are on July 24 & 25. Unless you really cannot make the appointment on those dates, if I were you I would just keep the current appointment date. :)
Bay_Jay said:
I don't have answer to your question. However I would like to know your Priority Date and where you did FP? My FP was also on 2nd May but havent got interview letter.


March 14 was my PD and I got my FP done in San Jose.
I just got my Inteview Notice. The appointment is set for July 25, @ noon.
Thank you and good luck to all board posters.

District Office - San Jose
Mailed application - 03/11/06
Check cashed - 03/20/06
Received Date - 03/14/06
Priority Date - 03/14/06
Notice Date - 03/28/06
Notice Received - 03/31/06
FP Notice Received- 04/17/06
FP Date - 04/29/06
Interview Notice Received 05/13/06
Interview Date 07/25/06

McBV said:
I just got my Inteview Notice. The appointment is set for July 25, @ noon.
Thank you and good luck to all board posters.

District Office - San Jose
Mailed application - 03/11/06
Check cashed - 03/20/06
Received Date - 03/14/06
Priority Date - 03/14/06
Notice Date - 03/28/06
Notice Received - 03/31/06
FP Notice Received- 04/17/06
FP Date - 04/29/06
Interview Notice Received 05/13/06
Interview Date 07/25/06


Congrats! I hope that the rest of your process goes smoothly.

To all board posters... BTW, any idea how often they have oath ceremony in/around San Jose area? I've seen some past postings saying that some people were attending the oath in Campbell, and others in San Jose. Just curious...
ams_sim said:
I rescheduled my interview but did not get a date yet.
My original interview was scheduled for 6/20/06. I sent a letter to san jose office stating the reschedule request and returned the interview notice in it.
I sent the letter on 4/18. I got a notice from them on5/3 stating my interview on 6/20 is cancelled and I will receive further notification when the new interview date is set.
I believe, San Jose schedules interviews in 3 month batches.
april-may-june is the current batch. I hope to get an interview date in the next batch which is july-aug-sep.

I got recheduled interview date.
orig int 6/20
resched 7/17
skr said:
They have one oath ceremony every month in Campbell.
But, I've seen some people post that they have oath ceremony
at the USCIS District Office in San Jose too. However, I don't know
how often and in what cases they let people
take oath in the DO.

Thanks, Skr.
Got interview date y'day. Timeline so far -

N400 Sent: 03/02/06
FP Date: 04/12/06
Interview Notice: 05/11/06
Interview Date: 07/17/06
Filing permanent residency for siblings/parents


Have you guys done the paperwork for filing for permanent residency for siblings/parents. Are you familiar with the procedure ?

I know you file I130 for parents and they get it immediately. If you file for siblings the priority dates are about 5 yrs back (i.e. 2001) and then they release certain quota of visas every year.

Do you guys know what that quota of visas is and which application dates are currently being filled.

I could look around on the uscis site, but was wondering if somebody already knew all this stuff.

N-400 Tracker at CSC - SJC

CSC - San Jose
N-400 mailed : (02/17/2006)
N-400 received by USCIS: (02/21/2006)
N-400 PD : (02/21/2006)
N-400 ND : (03/04/20060
FP - ND: (04/03/2006)
FP letter received: (4/05/2006)
FP Appointment: (04/20/2006)
FP Taken at San Sose and sent to FBI: (04/20/2006)
Interview Letter Notice Date: (05/10/2006)
Interview Letter Received : (05/12/2006)
Interview date : (07/06/2006)
Oath letter received: (TBD)

I am new to the tracker... above is my case history...

I have received my citizenship Interview Date for July 6th at San Jose, CA. By that time, I will have a 1 month old and 3 year old to handle.

Question: Can I take my kids to the Interview or atleast the Infant ?
Does anyone have any experience on this ?
I don't think it would be good idea

I saw some parents with their kids but either wife/husband was taking care them during his/her interview.

But I don't think they will allow you to keep your infant baby during the interview.

ropuri said:
CSC - San Jose
N-400 mailed : (02/17/2006)
N-400 received by USCIS: (02/21/2006)
N-400 PD : (02/21/2006)
N-400 ND : (03/04/20060
FP - ND: (04/03/2006)
FP letter received: (4/05/2006)
FP Appointment: (04/20/2006)
FP Taken at San Sose and sent to FBI: (04/20/2006)
Interview Letter Notice Date: (05/10/2006)
Interview Letter Received : (05/12/2006)
Interview date : (07/06/2006)
Oath letter received: (TBD)

I am new to the tracker... above is my case history...

I have received my citizenship Interview Date for July 6th at San Jose, CA. By that time, I will have a 1 month old and 3 year old to handle.

Question: Can I take my kids to the Interview or atleast the Infant ?
Does anyone have any experience on this ?
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Timmy123 said:
I saw some parents with their kids but either wife/husband was taking care them during his/her interview.

But I don't think they will allow you to keep your infant baby during the interview.

We have two children and my wife and I both had our interview at the exact same time (but with two different officers, obviously). We each took one child with us into the interview room. Neither of the officers had any problem with us having a 2 (and in my wife's case 4) year old child in the room. Infact the officer who interviewed us was joking with my 2 year old daughter and trying to make her feel at ease.

Hope this helps.
tiggermug said:
Congrats! I hope that the rest of your process goes smoothly.

To all board posters... BTW, any idea how often they have oath ceremony in/around San Jose area? I've seen some past postings saying that some people were attending the oath in Campbell, and others in San Jose. Just curious...

Here is the link to when the Oath ceremony is scheduled in Campbell (for San Jose DO cases):

Interestingly one poster indicated that his oath was going to be at the DO itself. First I have heard of it, so it is likely that some of these processes might change.
Finished Oath this morning at Monterey Road

I finished my oath this morning at the Monterey Road office at San Jose. Had a fleeting moment of annoyance at the attitude of the guard at the door more than the rule.
FYI - They make you take the cell phone, water bottles and snack bars back to the car.

The ceremony was supposed to be at 8:30 but didnt start till 8:50. There were around 35 citizens-to-be and about 35 guests. They inspected our forms and collected the green cards before letting us into the seating area.
FYI - they give you plenty of opportunity to fill out the forms - one old lady had infact filled it out wrong and they corrected it for her without any fuss.

The official in charge started with a few jokes and then barely spoke for 10 mins. Then we had the video for about 4-5 mins - the President congratulating the folks etc... we were done by 9:15. Then they handed out the Naturalization Certificates and reminded us to sign it at home, make copies, store safely and to apply for passport before flying out of the country.
FYI - The naturalization cert can be applied only inside the country and the embassies are authorized only to give duplicate or extensions for passports - so DO NOT LEAVE THE COUNTRY without your FIRST AMERICAN PASSPORT.

The second-in-charge offered to reply to questions about sponsoring other family members and other ins issues- I had a question about the delay on my wife's interview (still no action/reply/further correspondence from the INS) - Got a stock reply about security checks etc.. and frankly I had expected a better answer from someone in her position.

Well though I am happy I am done with the process - I have to wait for my wife's to finish and she hasnt gotten her Interview Date yet
(Receipt - Nov 25, 2005
Fingerprint - Apr 4, 2006)

When was your interview date? Mine was in May 2nd and I still haven't got the oath letter in the mail.

Also, can we actually apply passport on the day of oath at the monterey office? Do I need to bring photos for the passport? and how many? thanks
Congrats vpartha

Good to know that you are a US citizen.
BTW, I also got interviewed on 4th May. Officer told me I will hear about Oath ceremony in 2 weeks time.

I had similar bad experience with security guard. He told my cell phone is not allowed and I had to keep it back in my car. When I came back he marked my IV receipt as Late. He only told me to keep it back and he said there is no need to keep the receipt. grrrr.

Anyway, waiting for the oath letter. Did anyone get interviewed around May 1st week got their Oath letter?
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from skr's post, i think the officer meant 2 months, not 2 weeks.

skr's interview was in Feb and got his/her oath letter in early May.