San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

interview details

Priority date: 5/03/05
Fingerprint date: 7/12/05
Interview Notice date: 8/26/2005
Interview date: 10/06/2005 @ San Jose

The interview took 15-20 minutes. The officer verified the information from my I-400, asked me if I have ever been arrested, been member of the communist party, pretended to be a US citizen or tried to vote.
After that I was asked 10 simple questions about the history of the United States. That was it.
Once the interview was completed I asked the officer off the record: do naturalization applicants have to put their traffic tickets history in the 'Good Moral Character' section of I-400. His answer was that is up to the applicant. They don't require this information and is completely voluntarily.

Waiting for the Oath ceremony letter.
emlsc said:
Priority date: 5/03/05
Fingerprint date: 7/12/05
Interview Notice date: 8/26/2005
Interview date: 10/06/2005 @ San Jose

The interview took 15-20 minutes. The officer verified the information from my I-400, asked me if I have ever been arrested, been member of the communist party, pretended to be a US citizen or tried to vote.
After that I was asked 10 simple questions about the history of the United States. That was it.
Once the interview was completed I asked the officer off the record: do naturalization applicants have to put their traffic tickets history in the 'Good Moral Character' section of I-400. His answer was that is up to the applicant. They don't require this information and is completely voluntarily.

Waiting for the Oath ceremony letter.

hi elmsc,
congratulations for your usc approval. and thanks for posting about the traffic ticket stuff.
waiting for interview notice. :)
Different answers

Congrats! It is so darn frustrating when everyone has a different answer. NSC says don't disclose tickets. Lawyers say that you must disclose them. Now, a CIS officer says it is voluntary (though I saw a post about how a CIS officer also gave bad info). Wonder if the USCIS is creating confusion on purpose about tickets? It did seem that it was a conscious decision when they changed the forms in 1998 to exclude the bit about traffic tickets. Maybe someone will run into some big wig and get a real answer once and for

Take Care
-- Gaude
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gaude88 said:
Congrats! It is so darn frustrating when everyone has a different answer. NSC says don't disclose tickets. Lawyers say that you must disclose them. Now, a CIS officer says it is voluntary (though I saw a post about how a CIS officer also gave bad info). Wonder if the USCIS is creating confusion on purpose about tickets? It did seem that it was a conscious decision when they changed the forms in 1998 to exclude the bit about traffic tickets. Maybe someone will run into some big wig and get a real answer once and for

Take Care
-- Gaude

I didn't disclose my traffic ticket history because I didn't see ANYWHERE in the USCIS forms, FAQ and Help even a hint for such necessity. I find it ridiculous idea to voluntarily disclose such information. By the same logic probably I should disclose all the fights I had with my wife.
It is in the interest of the lawyers the process to be complicated and difficult. That’s when they come in to the picture. The lawyers read the same information we do and I learned much more from this forum than from any other lawyer before.
Anyway, I just share my experience and opinion. You guys do whatever you think is the right thing to do. Best of luck to all of you and thanks for the congrats!
Regarding tickets...

Jramoshi and Senthilvasan are right.

Briefly, here's my story: I went to my interview two weeks ago. It went well. It lasted 5 mn. I swore to tell the truth... answered that the generic "No" questions to prostitution, crime, illegal aliens... Then I answered 5 civic questions (there's a funny story behind this, but I'll write about it later). I did not need to show any paperwork (although I brought at least 10 lbs of original documents with me).Then the officer said that I would receive a letter in the mail in a couple days. Then she handed me an envelope which contained a US passport application. This entire interview lasted no more than 5 mn. It was very quick.

I went home happy. A couple days had past, and I anxiously waited for the oath ceremony letter. Unfortunately today (2 weeks later), I received a letter asking me to provide a court letter indicating all traffic violations... The irony is that I have never received a traffic ticket. ( Only a parking ticket once for not seeing a street cleaning sign).

I am kind of surprised by the letter. So I am not sure where to go to provide such evidence (clean record, no traffic ticket anywhere). Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do? I hope this is all they need, because I already had my interview... and was already impatient to be naturalized.

So those of you out there who are still working on your application, my advice, is: DO include citation copies...

My question: Where do I get that evidence of "no traffic violation"? I'd greatly appreciate any advice.


Regarding Traffic ticket

Hi Qwertyuiop123,

Don't worry about the letter. Once you produce a letter and give it to USCIS, you will be approved for citizenship.
Senthil has posted in his one of posts about how he got his traffic ticket clearance certificate from the court. The post is on 25th Sept (page #13) in the same thread.. I have cut and pasted it below -
I just went to the Palo Alto Court office and asked them to give me a letter to indicate that I had no outstanding tickets for immigration purposes and that I had successfully completed traffic school for the ticket that I got. They had it ready for me within 2 weeks. That letter also indicated that I had successfully completed traffic school for the specific case # and that it has been dismissed and closed. Just let them have a copy of your driving ticket information that has the case number. If you don't have the case number, you'll be stuck going through books and books of micro-fiches!

Not certain if this is specific to the county, so different counties might have different policies.

The letter went something like:

A search of the traffic index was conducted for <my name>, date of birth <dob>, DL <license number>. We have found that the defendent has successfully completed traffic school for case #<case number> and the case is now dismissed and closed. There are no other records for any other tickets in Santa Clara County.


Good luck. Lets us know what happens.


qwertyuiop123 said:
Jramoshi and Senthilvasan are right.

Briefly, here's my story: I went to my interview two weeks ago. It went well. It lasted 5 mn. I swore to tell the truth... answered that the generic "No" questions to prostitution, crime, illegal aliens... Then I answered 5 civic questions (there's a funny story behind this, but I'll write about it later). I did not need to show any paperwork (although I brought at least 10 lbs of original documents with me).Then the officer said that I would receive a letter in the mail in a couple days. Then she handed me an envelope which contained a US passport application. This entire interview lasted no more than 5 mn. It was very quick.

I went home happy. A couple days had past, and I anxiously waited for the oath ceremony letter. Unfortunately today (2 weeks later), I received a letter asking me to provide a court letter indicating all traffic violations... The irony is that I have never received a traffic ticket. ( Only a parking ticket once for not seeing a street cleaning sign).

I am kind of surprised by the letter. So I am not sure where to go to provide such evidence (clean record, no traffic ticket anywhere). Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do? I hope this is all they need, because I already had my interview... and was already impatient to be naturalized.

So those of you out there who are still working on your application, my advice, is: DO include citation copies...

My question: Where do I get that evidence of "no traffic violation"? I'd greatly appreciate any advice.



Wow... what a mess! You passed the interview, you were given "Recommended for approval" letter and after that you received letter request for court proof of NO traffic violations!? I find interesting they also gave you US passport application on the spot? Did anyone else received such documents after the interview? Doesn't make any sense.
I hope I don't get such letter. My last traffic ticket was 3 years ago and I lived in three different counties. It will be quite an effort to collect and send INS this useless information.
I will update my postings in case I get such letter.
While I don't have any traffic violations to date, just for peace of mind, I got a CA DMV drivers license record which documents that and it costs only $5. I mailed the appl. and got the record back in about 4 weeks. I know it is being overly cautious, but the $5 spent adds to peace of mind for me.

I am NOT saying that people do this since I know it is being overly cautious, just letting you know what I've done. The link for the DMV form to request this record is:
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which court should he go?

I think that you shoud go to DMV instead of the court (because you do not know where you viloate the traffic law).
My question is if you have mentioned any traffic violation in your N400.
Good luck!

received reciept notice

Hello all,

Centre : San Jose
Application sent on : 9/14
Application received on : 9/23
Check cashed: 9/30
Receipt Notice: 10/11
Priority Date: 9/23

Status online ???

I think both our cases are almost the same timeline. Were you able to get the status online. Using the number at the back of my cleared check, I could not get my status online.

DO : San Jose
Application sent on : 9/24
Application received on : 9/27
Check cashed on : 10/4
Official Receipt Received on : -- not yet received --
Just passed the interview at San Jose. The whole process took approx. 10mins. No check of any papers. The INS person knew I had taken a recent trip after applying for N-400 (he had the exact dates) so he updated my application, then asked 3-4 simple questions from the 100. Asked to write 1 sentence and then asked me to sign the application, 2 photos and then gave me the doc saying that my application has been approved and I should get the oath letter soon.

My PD was May 11th.
sfbayguy said:
While I don't have any traffic violations to date, just for peace of mind, I got a CA DMV drivers license record which documents that and it costs only $5. I mailed the appl. and got the record back in about 2 weeks. I know it is being overly cautious, but the $5 spent adds to peace of mind for me.

I am NOT saying that people do this since I know it is being overly cautious, just letting you know what I've done. The link for the DMV form to request this record is:

Hi sfbayguy,

I've sent my inf1225 form to DMV- Sacramento a month ago. The check has not been cashed yet and I have not heard from them yet. How long did it take to get your record from Sacramento DMV?

Thank you,
Hi Rusus,
My bad, actually it took ~4 weeks to get the record back instead of the 2 weeks that I initially stated. I've edited the post so that it has the correct timeframe now. You should see the check cash sometime soon and get the report.

If someone really needs this soon, I think you can also go to a local CA DMV office and get it there after paying the $5 fee. Check the CA DMV site to confirm this.

Thank you for the info sfbayguy!

DO: San Jose
N400 sent: 08/11/05
PD: 08/15/05
Rec'd NOA: 08/29/05
FP Notice Date: 09/07/05
FP Notice Rec'd: 09/10/05
FP Appointment Date: 09/30/05
waiting for the interview
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Status Update ...

A Status Update ...

DO : San Jose
Application sent on : 9/24
Application received on : 9/27
Priority Date : 9/27
Check cashed on : 10/4
Official Receipt Received on : 10/14
Online application status : Able to check the status

Waiting for FP notice ...
Called FBI to check status on fingerprinting. Seems like they were checked and returned the same wait is on for the interview :confused:
SF timeline

just got my appt for interview



Appln Sent - july 29
PD - Aug 4
Fingerprinting - Sep 7
Interview Letter - Oct 13
Interview Date - Dec 7