San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

thank you very much for answer my question. Let me confirm if I understand it correct for a particular case:
gp111 said:

1. What is the sequence of the processing:

A. DOL RIR & NON RIR Cases (because SWA part is already done)
B . SWA RIR & NON RIR Cases including remanded

If the case is filed in RIR now ( say Feb 30, 2005, providing all recruiting document, adverstiments in last 6 months is ready - mnhrdc the assumption is right ), does that mean this case going to be processed after almost all the other cases including April 31, 2001 regular cases, is that correct? (!!)

2. Is BEC current certifying any cases, or just do nothing but migration?

Just data entry, Sending out letters & entering responses

3. Could anybody comment on: For the new filer, should file under RIR now or just prepared to file PERM after March 28?

PERM is the best way to go (to avoide 24 months of backlog)

Not sure how restrict PERM is compared with RIR? It is not a matured flow, that is one of the weak point that PERM has, right?
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Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..

On a more serious note, currently, it's a confusion whether there are going to be two queues at BEC or not. According to and, there is going to be one absolute queue for non-RIR/RIR apps. So be sure that the apps filed now will be taken up at the end of this FIFO!. On, the indication from DOL seems to be more like 2 queues will be maintained but resources allocated (read # of ppl assigned) to handle the queues will be to maintain 'fairness'. Which means if at a point, if non-RIR queues have more cases (duh!), they will get more folks assigned to handle non-RIR such that two (RIR/non-RIR) apps filed at the same time will get approved almost at the same time.

Note that - once taken for handling RIR cases are expected to take lesser time actually because they are supposed to have finished recruitement efforts already vs. supervised recruitement for non-RIR..

So pretty much total time = Time it takes them to get to the cases + Time to handle the case, later being smaller for RIR vs. former expected to be same!

I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)
:confused: :eek: :confused: :)
abzy2004 said:
Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..

On a more serious note, currently, it's a confusion whether there are going to be two queues at BEC or not. According to and, there is going to be one absolute queue for non-RIR/RIR apps. So be sure that the apps filed now will be taken up at the end of this FIFO!. On, the indication from DOL seems to be more like 2 queues will be maintained but resources allocated (read # of ppl assigned) to handle the queues will be to maintain 'fairness'. Which means if at a point, if non-RIR queues have more cases (duh!), they will get more folks assigned to handle non-RIR such that two (RIR/non-RIR) apps filed at the same time will get approved almost at the same time.

Note that - once taken for handling RIR cases are expected to take lesser time actually because they are supposed to have finished recruitement efforts already vs. supervised recruitement for non-RIR..

So pretty much total time = Time it takes them to get to the cases + Time to handle the case, later being smaller for RIR vs. former expected to be same!

I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)
a little ... but

just need to be patient ... we are immigrants here ... we have minimum power to government business . Currently I believe this is not the most important issue they want to concentrate on .

Just need to be patient .

abzy2004 said:
Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..

On a more serious note, currently, it's a confusion whether there are going to be two queues at BEC or not. According to and, there is going to be one absolute queue for non-RIR/RIR apps. So be sure that the apps filed now will be taken up at the end of this FIFO!. On, the indication from DOL seems to be more like 2 queues will be maintained but resources allocated (read # of ppl assigned) to handle the queues will be to maintain 'fairness'. Which means if at a point, if non-RIR queues have more cases (duh!), they will get more folks assigned to handle non-RIR such that two (RIR/non-RIR) apps filed at the same time will get approved almost at the same time.

Note that - once taken for handling RIR cases are expected to take lesser time actually because they are supposed to have finished recruitement efforts already vs. supervised recruitement for non-RIR..

So pretty much total time = Time it takes them to get to the cases + Time to handle the case, later being smaller for RIR vs. former expected to be same!

I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)
abzy2004 said:
Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..

On a more serious note, currently, it's a confusion whether there are going to be two queues at BEC or not. According to and, there is going to be one absolute queue for non-RIR/RIR apps. So be sure that the apps filed now will be taken up at the end of this FIFO!. On, the indication from DOL seems to be more like 2 queues will be maintained but resources allocated (read # of ppl assigned) to handle the queues will be to maintain 'fairness'. Which means if at a point, if non-RIR queues have more cases (duh!), they will get more folks assigned to handle non-RIR such that two (RIR/non-RIR) apps filed at the same time will get approved almost at the same time.

Note that - once taken for handling RIR cases are expected to take lesser time actually because they are supposed to have finished recruitement efforts already vs. supervised recruitement for non-RIR..

So pretty much total time = Time it takes them to get to the cases + Time to handle the case, later being smaller for RIR vs. former expected to be same!

I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)

IF not Confused

There will two Separate Q (RIR) / TR (SW generated )
Based on Reciept of Reply, Processing starts based on FIFO and PD for RIR/TR
The estimated time for TR cases is around >1 month
The estimated time for RIR cases is 15min/1hr.

FIFO means whoever applied first for LC should get earlier attention, Does not mean they stop Looking at other RIR Q.
Based on above No.of analyst may be more for TR Q compared to RIR
In the Long range TR will process at faster rate at BEC compared to To days pattern at RO offices

What is TR? Why does it take 1 month?

So the queus are FIFO based on PD (date app was received @ the State office) and not on RD (date app was received @ the Regional office), correct?
Thanks abzy2004. This is such a frastrating question. Maybe God means file PERM directly instead of file RIR on Feb 30th.....

abzy2004 said:
Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..

I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)

RIR CA cases transfered to Philly BEC are DOOMED.

CA cases which has gone to Philly BEC are doomed. Philly BEC are a month behind from Dallas BEC. More so, I can see all the RIR cases with PD 2001 from NY/NJ/IN are poring in there.
I think it will take minimum a year to reach the earliest CA cases with PD May 2002 RIR on Philly. God know when they will touch our cases. :(
abzy2004 said:
Just a light humor that you can't file on Feb 30th.. the office is closed..
I don't know if I ended up confusing anybody.. :)

All information very clear and in strait plan English (!). only one point not clear..What is "Feb 30th" ??
My understanding of the process

Anand_Mishra said:
CA cases which has gone to Philly BEC are doomed. Philly BEC are a month behind from Dallas BEC. More so, I can see all the RIR cases with PD 2001 from NY/NJ/IN are poring in there.
I think it will take minimum a year to reach the earliest CA cases with PD May 2002 RIR on Philly. God know when they will touch our cases. :(

As per my interpretation any BEC can process the case once entered into the system. The BEC will process the cases based on PD of cases entered into their system. So it is possible that the case entered in Philly BEC will be processed by someone at Dallas BEC. If that is not the case then it will be truly absurd.
really ... that is bad ...

Anand_Mishra said:
CA cases which has gone to Philly BEC are doomed. Philly BEC are a month behind from Dallas BEC. More so, I can see all the RIR cases with PD 2001 from NY/NJ/IN are poring in there.
I think it will take minimum a year to reach the earliest CA cases with PD May 2002 RIR on Philly. God know when they will touch our cases. :(
Recd 45 day letter

Hi folks,

I got my 45 day letter from Philli BEC today.Employer has replied with "Go Ahead" option.

FYI pls,
PD: May 03
RD: July 04
navdod said:
What is TR?
Tradinal Route = Non RIR
Why does it take 1 month?
As per BEC guidline estimated for TR cases
So the queus are FIFO based on PD (date app was received @ the State office) and not on RD (date app was received @ the Regional office), correct?
YES, and for Replies recd at BEC center
You might be right. But how about the other physical supporting materials involed, like degree certificate...?

Besides, if DOL is common-sense enough to streamline the whole process, the several hundred k backlog wouldn't exist in the first place.

vijay421201 said:
As per my interpretation any BEC can process the case once entered into the system. The BEC will process the cases based on PD of cases entered into their system. So it is possible that the case entered in Philly BEC will be processed by someone at Dallas BEC. If that is not the case then it will be truly absurd.
Hi All,
Anybody still waiting for the decision on 3 option letter from DOL.Mine was replied back in Oct 2004 ,AVM still says received. :mad:

Any response is highly appreciated.


same boat

dask_1 said:
Hi All,
Anybody still waiting for the decision on 3 option letter from DOL.Mine was replied back in Oct 2004 ,AVM still says received. :mad:

Any response is highly appreciated.



Me...waiting too..
If I wasnt suffering, I would be laughing at this huge mess. :D