Sample Letter while leaving the GC Employer


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,
I got my green card six months back from my current employer
who sponsored my GC.
I am planning to leave my curreent employer now.
Can you please provide the sample resignation letter that I can use
for this.
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the reply.
I need a letter with the correct wording that I can use offically if at a later time questions about my abandonment of permant employment intent arise.
Murali42000 said:
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the reply.
I need a letter with the correct wording that I can use offically if at a later time questions about my abandonment of permant employment intent arise.

"Personal reasons" are reasons enough. You do not have to justify everything. You have stayed for a "reasonable time".
Letter of resignation

Dear (Name of boss),

I have been working faithfully under you for over 3 years now. In all this time, I have never stolen even a paper clip from the office, though I have been tempted to call my mother land several times. (which I never did, sir)

According to the horoscope, it has been advised by my guru that I must leave my current job as the stars will be passing saturn and this will cause a very bad thing to happen to me should I not leave. It is with this believe that I am hereby tending my resignation to you.

The only way to avoid this great misfortune are (according to guruji),
1) 25 % increase in salary
2) Nothing more than 30 hour work per week (this is very important as the saturn will come closer to earth and haunt me should I work a minute more than 30 hours)
3) My own office (with window will reduce my karma)
4) Yearly free tickets to my mother land so that I can pray along with guruji
5) Daily free lunch (guruji said that i must never go hungry)

So it is with great difficulty that I hereby tender my resignation unless the conditions above are met.

Ok sorry about the silly letter above. Here is a real letter
[Your Name]
[Street • City • State • Zip Code]

[Date today]

[Recipient's name]
[Company name]

Dear [Recipient's name]:

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [Company name], effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I've made during my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come.

I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for you to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here.


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Copyright © 1999, J. Steven Niznik. All Rights Reserved.
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Sample Letter

Dear Sir,

My wife told to change the job immediately becuase her friend's husband (neighbor) changed the job recently and getting more money. Becuase of that, she got a new neckless and so many other things for her kids and also more time in the bedroom. So, I am not afford to work for you anymore as per my wife.

So, just take it easy and find another "bakhra" (Hindi work for goat).

Yours would be happy guy,
Blah Blah...

I usually don't write this kind of things in forum, sorry about that...

Actually, You can find many resignation letters in the internet or at least in the "How to write Letters" kind of books in the library.

Take it easy Joe....