same question as asked by several '000s here, when will we get GC


Registered Users (C)
hi all,
its friday and after checking the portal after a long time, i could not help but vent out some rant..:0)
its been 7 yrs since i filed for GC and still dont know how long will it be. Most of my friends and colleagues have got citizenship in last few months. One of my colleague got laid off and filed a fresh application in 2005 which was rejected in 140 because he didnt have enough experience for EB2, he filed same app in another center and got GC in 2008. another friend field for PERM in early 2005 got GC in EB2 in 2007. My company filed my application with fragomen who charged ridiculous fees (so far 35K, no kidding) and followed all rules, and thus no GC yet.. now again exploring the option of filing in EB2 with porting date from EB3, that is still couple of yrs long process.. it seems all who filed with galli ka desi lawyer who found all loopholes and little faudulant applications got their GC well in time. arghhhhh.....!
that is life my friend.
look at the all the illegals. New laws come every few years and illegals become legal permanent residents much easily than people who follow the regulations.
Maybe we should all tear our work permits/ passports/ etc and wait to take advantage of the next law for illegals.
I too have many friends who hung with desi companies and are now getting citizenships.
Hang in there and don't lose hope.