for thoses who wants to know the market in which they attend to work in usa... the cities who have the highest pay, highest employement rates ect...
I think that could help to chose which place to go because most peoples just want big cities like NYC, LA ect but do not necesserely know how is the job demand so I think thoses links could help.
Sometimes the salaries are just plain sick (for someone who lives in france where all salaries are the same regardless of the degrees...)]
after scruting thoses two links, I found out that owning your own business in usa can be very very lucrative, a whole nother level compared to France.
& the good thing is that in usa it is relatively easy to open your own business, the hard part is maintaining it
bonus, an extra link who rank cities according to crime, weather, cost of living ect...
I think that could help to chose which place to go because most peoples just want big cities like NYC, LA ect but do not necesserely know how is the job demand so I think thoses links could help.
Sometimes the salaries are just plain sick (for someone who lives in france where all salaries are the same regardless of the degrees...)]
after scruting thoses two links, I found out that owning your own business in usa can be very very lucrative, a whole nother level compared to France.
& the good thing is that in usa it is relatively easy to open your own business, the hard part is maintaining it
bonus, an extra link who rank cities according to crime, weather, cost of living ect...