S.2611 Panacea for EB Backlogged


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Please share any latest info on this Section 501 of S.2611
S.2611 Amendments Voting Resumes after 5:00 p.m. 05/22/2006
as per Immigration-Law.com

`(d) Worldwide Level of Employment-Based Immigrants-

`(1) IN GENERAL- Subject to paragraph (2), the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of--

`(A)(i) 450,000, for each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2016; or

`(ii) 290,000, for fiscal year 2017 and each subsequent fiscal year;
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The news says that this was passed in the Senate today. Wonder how long the House is going to take with its opinion.
tennis11 said:
The news says that this was passed in the Senate today. Wonder how long the House is going to take with its opinion.

Considering that the House is strongly opposed to much of what is in S.2611, the final product will be very different - if any emerges at all. The only question is what will be kept, and what will be discarded.
"The Senate passed today Bingaman amendment to limit the total number of EB aliens including spouses and children for the EB-based green cards be limited to 650,000 during any fiscal year. The original bill was to exempt the spouses and children of the EB immigrants from the numerical limitation and principal EB immigrants number was proposed to be 450,000. In a way, these two proposals remain intact, provided that the spouses and children can indirectly restrict the total EB numbers available for the EB immigrants and their spouses and children, but overall this amendment will add impressive numbers to the EB immigrant annual quota system."
Adr, "amendment will add impressive numbers to the EB immigrant annual quota system"
what is quota as of now?
If u don't even know the current quota, u don't deserve the GC..:)
Current quota is ONLY 140,000

So, its about 5 fold increase
Even thou House is going to tough measures and going to have a compramise, but i don't think they will touch too much of this EB stuff.
They are mostly worroied about Illegal immigrants amnesty.

Over all this is good for us (to be current) as long as it comes out of the House.

-Ravi Surya.
ravisurya said:
Even thou House is going to tough measures and going to have a compramise, but i don't think they will touch too much of this EB stuff.
They are mostly worroied about Illegal immigrants amnesty.

Over all this is good for us (to be current) as long as it comes out of the House.

-Ravi Surya.
The real problem is not that the house would change portions of EB immigration stuff in this bill -- but the house is so deeply divided on the issue of legalizing illegals, that there is a chance of this bill getting shelved.

Since all of the EB related stuff is a part of the CIR (alongwith the controversial illegal immigrants stuff), we need a good compromise to ensure that the CIR bill goes through.

There is a slim to none chance that they will understand and acknowledge the difference between illegal immigrants and highly educated legal EB immigrants -- if they did, we would've seen legal and illegal "versions" of this bill.
A different opinion here.

Although I myself was a victim of retrogression (until I found a sub lc), and I whole heartedly support the EB relief that is contained in the bill, I do not like some of the other provisions in the bill. Some of those

1) Increase H1 limit to 115000.
2) Automatically increase this limit by 20% everytime it is hit (which surely would be hit every year).
3) Exempt all STEM (science, tech, engg. maths) graduates (US/Foreign) from the H1 cap.
4) Exempt researchers / NIW candidates from H1 cap.

Persoanlly I dont like all the H1 related stuff here. I work at a large co. and know that companies use H1 mostly so that they can get people to work at wages that they want to offer (which are substantially below market wages). In a way it hampers our career advancement, and causes job squeeze in general. This is esp. true if the economy reaches a downturn/recession (remember the job markets of 2001-2003 - when the H1 cap was 195000 and economy was in recession). Needless to say this puts a real downward pressure on salaries in general.

So although I want everyone entangled in this seemingly unending process of GC processing, I am not very enthusiastic about this bill because of reasons above.

Just my opinion.