S. 1932 Status

hk196712 said:
So which is the correct section....it is really confusing to get all these information while making calls....

Gurus, we need to find out the correct section # or just tell them...."immigration reform".

What so you suggest?

Guys Do not confuse the secrectray of the law makers when you call ..

Section 8001 in the S.1932 is not a immigration reform. It is a provision in the deficit reduction bill, by recapturing unsued visas (both tempory & permanant) from previous fiscal years for an extra fee, to generate more revenue for the government.
can_card said:
Guys Do not confuse the secrectray of the law makers when you call ..

Section 8001 in the S.1932 is not a immigration reform. It is a provision in the deficit reduction bill, by recapturing unsued visas (both tempory & permanant) from previous fiscal years for an extra fee, to generate more revenue for the government.

Please note that Section 8001 in Senate version of S1932 is what we want, but the house version of S1932 Section 8001 has nothing to do with immigration. I checked this on the Congress site. So we should specify what we are supporint, in words and not in numbers as detailed above.
Everybody Call All State Senators Too ....immediately

Call Your State Representative .........and Other State Representatives Too.

We Will Make 8001 In The Bill This Year..... Just Pick Up The Phone And Dial ........... Call.
When I called up a couple of the senators, I only got the recorded message stating that the office is open only from 9 AM to 6 PM ET. So I guess we have done all the calling that we can for today. Make sure that you do call as many Senators and HRs from the conference committee tomorrow.

Also I see that sites like Numbersusa.com have diverted their attention to the other immigration laws like the Sensebrenner law. So the more effort that we put in now, better the effect.
rucshaca said:
Call Your State Representative .........and Other State Representatives Too.

We Will Make 8001 In The Bill This Year..... Just Pick Up The Phone And Dial ........... Call.

Immigration is purely a federal matter. So what is the point in contacting state reps and senators. Let us not get carried away with all the positive energy that we are generating here.
ALL conference committee Member phones ????

somebody please give us the phone numbers of Senators and HRs from the conference committee....

Iam taking a day off tomorrow to call..... let us all make friday, our happy day.

please advise.
gc_bronco said:
Immigration is purely a federal matter. So what is the point in contacting state reps and senators. Let us not get carried away with all the positive energy that we are generating here.

gc_bronco, have u been following the recent posts here? This bill cud WELL become a law WITH the immigration provisions, so we DEF need the +ve energy
Read this

Well we all pay fedral income taxes and i am sure it does not say that the funds will be spend inthe state where i work or reside , and the senator/ HR personal when they pass a bill into law it has impact in all states equally. it becomes a "fedral law" :eek:

gc_bronco said:
Immigration is purely a federal matter. So what is the point in contacting state reps and senators. Let us not get carried away with all the positive energy that we are generating here.

I am 100% with you and have been following all the posts. I just want all the positive energy to be channeled properly in contacting the US Senators and HRs and not the State Senators and Reps as pointed out by ruschaca.

My understanding was that ruschaca meant the senators and reps local to the respective states. For e.g in NJ we have a number of senators and reps in Trenton, our local state capital.
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pardon my ignorance but what is the difference between a state and a US senator. My understanding was that each state had 2 senators.
o give you an analogy, IIRC, its like your local legislative assembly minister and Cabinet minister in Govt of India.
Still useful to call and fax?

Please tell me if it is still useful to send calls and fax? When will the final decision come out regarding S. 1932?
Senate Budget Conference Committee Members

These are the Senate Budget Conference Committee members:


Sen Judd Gregg: R-NH: (202) 224-3324
Sen Pete Domenici: R-NM: (202) 224-6621
Sen Charles Grassley: R-IA: 202.224.3744
Sen Mike Enzi: R-WY: (202) 224-3424
Sen Wayne Allard: R-CO: (202) 224-5941
Sen Jeff Sessions: R-AL: (202) 224-4124
Sen Ted Stevens: R-AK: (202) 224-3004
Sen Richard Shelby: R-AL: (202) 224-5744
Sen Arlen Specter: R-PA: 202-224-4254
Sen Saxby Chambliss: R-GA: 202-224-3521
Sen Mitch McConnell: R-KY: 202-224-2541

Sen Kent Conrad: D-ND: (202) 224-2043
Sen Patty Murray: D-WA: (202) 224-2621
Sen Tom Harkin: D-IA: (202) 224-3254
Sen Paul Sarbanes: D-MD: (202) 224-4524
Sen Daniel Inouye: D-HI: 202-224-3934
Sen Jeff Bingaman: D-NM: (202) 224-5521
Sen Max Baucus: D-MT: (202) 224-2651
Sen Ted Kennedy: D-MA: 202/224-4543
Sen Pat Leahy: D-VT: 202-224-4242

We should call all of them 9am EST tomorrow!
segio_01 said:
Please tell me if it is still useful to send calls and fax? When will the final decision come out regarding S. 1932?

It is definitely effective to call and fax as the conference committee is not done yet. More so to call rather than faxing. When you call, do take the effort to explain your suffering and what exactly you want the senator/House Rep to do. For today most of their offices are closed, so you might not be able to call but please do call them tomorrow morning.
nozdam said:
pardon my ignorance but what is the difference between a state and a US senator. My understanding was that each state had 2 senators.
A State Senator is a member of a state's Senate, the upper house in the bicameral legislature of 49 U.S. states.
For ex california has 42 odd state senators.
We need to contact U.S senators. I guess the person who posted on this meant the same, it was misunderstood