S. 1932 Status

any thoughts on my previous post of contacting our Indian Embassy persons......they have lobby firms to get the work done...
I am in Washington DC tell me what to do , tell me where to send email , what to write, where to talk and what to write , I will contact my senator

pallu2004 said:
any thoughts on my previous post of contacting our Indian Embassy persons......they have lobby firms to get the work done...

I find it absurd that one country would lobby to secure permanent resident status for its citizens in another country. Why would Indian Embassy lobby for increasing permanent residents in US? Besides, why would US care?
Hey ImmiVictim, if you go back a couple of pages on this thread then you can get all the contact info of your area senator. You dont need a rocket scientist to tell you what to do(I am not being rude). Tell them your part of the story how you were affected by retro and like how you will need to spend another 4-5 yrs waiting for the dates to be current and ask your senator to support section 8001, use the words EB retro.

ImmiVictim said:
I am in Washington DC tell me what to do , tell me where to send email , what to write, where to talk and what to write , I will contact my senator


Lawmakers are like desi politicians, they say what you want to hear.

If you call from pro-immi grp they say they will support and if you call and say I an anti-immi they will say they would oppose S.1932
catch_22_4_GC said:
I find it absurd that one country would lobby to secure permanent resident status for its citizens in another country. Why would Indian Embassy lobby for increasing permanent residents in US? Besides, why would US care?

YES. It does not make sense. As it is they (Indian Embasssy) do not care about our issues as bonafide Indian citizens. Now why on earth would they care about our pursuits for immigrating to the US.

Let's not fly off the handle here. Everyone please stay on focus and continue your lobbying efforts with the US lawmakers.
Hi guys,

JUST spoke to Sen Specter's DC office. The lady said that the conference committee has ALREADY been formed and it is ALL closed doors right now. She said right now there is NO news that immigration reforms have been dropped. She also said that Sec 8001 is NOT the same clause as immigration reforms ever since the committee has been formed and could NOT give me the correct section number as it is a closed door meeting and a lot of going back and forward is going on inside. Can someone call up other Senator offices and PLS confirm that the Conference committee indeed HAS been formed?

Called up sen santorum's office too (no points for guessing i am from PA;)), they said only Local/state offices can help with immigration matters. However the lady in the philadelphia office is on leave :(. Will see if i can call Any more congressmen.

Can you go and meet someone at Arlen Spector's office. If yes then Sunjoshi can help you with the material.

Do you agree with me Sunjoshi.

nozdam said:
Hi guys,

JUST spoke to Sen Specter's DC office. The lady said that the conference committee has ALREADY been formed and it is ALL closed doors right now. She said right now there is NO news that immigration reforms have been dropped. She also said that Sec 8001 is NOT the same clause as immigration reforms ever since the committee has been formed and could NOT give me the correct section number as it is a closed door meeting and a lot of going back and forward is going on inside.

Called up sen santorum's office too (no points for guessing i am from PA;)), they said only Local/state offices can help with immigration matters. However the lady in the philadelphia office is on leave :(. Will see if i can call Any more congressmen.

Neat work Nozdam. Seems like D-DAY is upon us now..
Guys PLS call the respective DC offices of senators/congressmen and PLS try and confirm if the Conference committee HAS indeed been formed. Keep ur chins up guys, it aint over till Sen Specter sings :)
Latest on www.ilw.com

Source : www.ilw.com
Rep. Sensenbrenner Bill May Sink
According to Congressional Quarterly, Rep. Sensenbrenner's border security bill (HR 4437) appears to be on the verge of sinking due to disagreement over a single "sense of Congress" sentence supporting a guestworker program proposed by Rep. Flake. Anti-immigration Republicans opposed the language because they felt it would lead to a guest worker program during conference with the Senate. In the long run, this may only be a stumbling block for the anti-immigrationists' anti-American vision finding a legislative vehicle.

On another front, the budget reconciliation bill (S.1932) is now in conference and a conference report will likely be prepared by late Friday for a weekend vote resulting in its enactment. We are, like most of our readers, most concerned with the fate of Sec. 8001 which makes available unused H and permanent EB numbers and provides for retrogression relief. The immigration community badly needs the relief that Sec. 8001 provides. We urge Immigration Daily readers to contact your US Senators and US Representatives as soon as possible to convey the importance of including Sec. 8001 in the final budget reconciliation conference report. When contacting Congress, emails are usually ineffective and we recommend our readers to use phones and faxes instead.
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immigration-law.com has just come up with slightly changed position as compared to just calling S. 1932 as dead. Here it is :
S. 1932 Compromise Process Expected to be Completed within This Week

Report indicates that the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader have reached an agreement to pass the reconciliation bill within this week. On the Senate side, the motions for the conferee instructions are currently passed very quickly. Out of the seven motions, the Senate has already passed three motions before 4:00 p.m. EST, and the rest of the motions are expected to pass before the end of the day. The House has yet to act on the instructions to their conferees but considering the agreement between the two leaders of the House and the Senate, the House is anticipated to act on it very quickly as well.
The Senate motions mean that the Senate conferees are not allowed to compromise these seven instructions in the original S. 1932 of the Senate. The conferees can negotiate with the House conferees for all other differences but the Senate has not mandated the conferees on the immigration packet. Due to the short timeframe within which the conferees from both the House and the Senate will have to reach a compromise for all the differences, unless the House is determined to accept the Senate's S.8001 and S. 8002 when they come to the conference table, the chance of the immigration packet in the original bill is slim as the Senate will pass the final compromised S. 1932 conference report even without the immigration packet.
Please stay tuned to this web site for the breath-taking development of the S. 1932 negotiations.
sundar99 said:

We are focussing on EB Retro Visa issue and EB Visa capture only here.
L-1 is the house version, so looks like senator needs to negociate with house about the imm package if they are not going to drop it.
I called up the respective washington office and came to know both John Thune and Tim Johnson are not in the conference committe. But i was able to speak to their secretaries and sent them the power point presentation while talking to them on phone.

There is only one congress woman left to contact from my state. I already left messages twice at her office in washington. Lets see how it goes. Keep up the good work guys. We are very much in the race.
I called Missouir and New jersery congress men . They promised that they would be passing my message to those congress men.