S. 1932 Status

Great News- Finally WE WON time being

The No are 85 and I's are 14

So the Amendment is defeated.... Kodus to all guys.
Byrd's amendment shot down 84-14

Just saw it.....and just FYI, Mrs. Clinton supported our cause! :)
We should not give up here...keep on lobbying....we have a long wasy to go
senate will vote, we need to focus on CONGRESS

Senate will vote for the immigration provisions, but now we should start working on Congressmen to make sure that there is not big opposition from the guys like tom tancredo, lamar smith. If we work hard for next 2 weeks, this should be a law by the end of the year.
GUYS, keep up your good work.

14 Ayes
80+ NOs

The Bryd ammendment is defeated, Yes Clinton and Kerry BOTH said NO.

Now PLS pray everyone that
1) This bill passes
2) The House does not ammend the Immigration reform further
3) This passes AS SOON as possible.
4) We get our GCs soon
We did a good labor, I hope that Senator Mel Martinez of Florida voted NO.

The only hispanic senator from Florida! :)

with so many strong Democrats including clinton and kerry, i see bright future for this bill. Let's all keep praying that all provisions are passed during the senate-house conference as it appears that this budget reconciliation bill WILL pass the Senate tomorrow including the most important provision for all of us. The immigration relief.

1 more battle ahead of us.
Hi all,,huuurrray!!
Is there any place in the internet to find out who said yeah and who said No?? What about Arizona senators: Jon Kyl and John McCain. Wanted to know if my calls to them was fruitful. thanks
Diwali and Eid gift

It is a Diwali and Eid gift . Common lets havea party guys
. It is been a week since I am not concentrating on anything but this Bill. Feels so great thank you guys for all your effort
What they are talking about budget act ? I saw Byred stood to spoke some thing .I can not see clearly on computer