S. 1932 Status

I think it hardly matters whether HR 4241 passes the house or not.
If it passes then the senate-house committee will strip off the immigration clause in the final draft to the president because it wasn't there in the House bill and nobody will want to revote on a consolidated bill again.

The only way the immigration clause will become a law is if an amendment to add the immigration clause is introduced in the House bill(HR4241).
Considering that there are already so many issues with the house bill it seems impossible for someone to introduce an amendment and that means whether the house bill passes or not does not matter.

Immigration clause will not go through either way. We will have to wait till Feb to see if the comprehensive immigration reform bill can give some relief.

If my understanding is wrong someone please correct?
no guarantees

There are no guarantees here peterpan, just a lot of hope and prayer that
1) The house version doesnt fail
2) The joint committee doesnt drop the Immigration reforms.

I think it is wayyyy too late for anyone to suddenly introduce immigration reforms in the House bill.

1) Who wud do that?
2) Why wud they do that at this late hour.

Right now our Best hope/prayer is that the house bill passes and then the joint committee doesnt drop the reforms.
Yes Nozdam.. I know we can only pray for the best.

Q If the house bill passes and the senate-house committee decides to adopt the immigration clause of the budget bill will it go for a vote again? since it is not there in the house version of the bill.

I am assuming that if they are in a hurry to get this bill made into law the commitee will just blindly remove all the differences between the senate and house bill and send it to the president so that they don't have to revote on the bill again.

Peterpan, i think we need to define "revote". From all that i have read here, it seems that a new joint committee will be made comprising of some senate members and some house members. Now how the items will be sorted out i have no clue. I am guessing, it will be like a reconciliation process. Some items of one house will be trashed, some from the other.

Any inputs anyone else? PLS :)
peterpan21 said:
I think it hardly matters whether HR 4241 passes the house or not.
If it passes then the senate-house committee will strip off the immigration clause in the final draft to the president because it wasn't there in the House bill and nobody will want to revote on a consolidated bill again.

The only way the immigration clause will become a law is if an amendment to add the immigration clause is introduced in the House bill(HR4241).
Considering that there are already so many issues with the house bill it seems impossible for someone to introduce an amendment and that means whether the house bill passes or not does not matter.

Immigration clause will not go through either way. We will have to wait till Feb to see if the comprehensive immigration reform bill can give some relief.

If my understanding is wrong someone please correct?

Though your assessment paints a very pessimistic picture for us, I agree with you. But there are some other possiblities too. Personally, I try to see it from another angle. I believe that the immigration relief clauses in the senate bill were introduced through a very strong lobbying by major Tech. companies. They, not us or the senators are the reasons why they are in the reconciliation bill in the first place. I still put my faith in them prevailing here. I am still hoping that they will push hard for these clauses during the Conference and ultimately the immigration relief will become reality.
But who know, it may all be wishful thinking on my part.

About the conference process: As far as I know, a committee of senators and congressmen negotiate and consolidtes the two bills, build a report which is always voted yes traditionally and then goes to President for signing. Now if during the negotiations, they drop the immigration clauses, we are done. But chances are very less because these committee normally are not comprised of 'rebellious' members.
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imqwer said:
Though your assessment paints a very pessimistic picture for us, I agree with you. But there are some other possiblities too. Personally, I try to see it from another angle. I believe that the immigration relief clauses in the senate bill were introduced through a very strong lobbying by major Tech. companies. They, not us or the senators are the reasons why they are in the reconciliation bill in the first place. I still put my faith in them prevailing here. I am still hoping that they will push hard for these clauses during the Conference and ultimately the immigration relief will become reality.
But who know, it may all be wishful thinking on my part.

About the conference process: As far as I know, a committee of senators and congressmen negotiate and consolidtes the two bills, build a report which is always voted yes traditionally and then goes to President for signing. Now if during the negotiations, they drop the immigration clauses, we are done. But chances are very less because these committee normally are not comprised of 'rebellious' members.
Guys the conference committe is composed of both House and Senate members. Once the house passes the bill; next question is who will be the members of the Conference Committee from each House. This will not be known until the differences in the two bills between the House and the Senate are fixed by the passage of the bills by each House and in each House a motion is taken to send them to the conference. The members of conference committee are not appointed by the Speaker of House and the President of Senate until it gets to this stage.

So best thing to do for us is to keep pressure on the senators and house of representatives so that retrogression problem is addressed. If house passes the bill chances that retrogression problem is addressed are more.
HR 4241 needs to pass so that the house-senate conference can take place and hopefully at that time the immigration relief becoems part of the final version. I am optimistic that it does since it has such a big support in the senate 14 - 2 in the judiciary committe 80+ senators refused Senator's Byrd's proposal to remove it. Also, the same high tech / university / immigration supporters will be pushing for its final inclusion.

imqwer i agree with u, when u say, the major tech companies, and not us, are responsible for the immigration clause. In a sense, sometimes i do feel that we are deluding ourselves, if we believe, that our letter/faxes have prompted a reform clause. But hey if that IS true indeed and we are (even partly) responsible for the immigration reform clause in the Senate bill then that is awesome. If this bill DOES go thru in the house, then we shud keep trying for sure.

Once again i ask, any updates whatsoever on the HR4241? Has it even reached the stage of debate?
By "revote" i mean that the house and senate members will need to do voting again on the bill after the differences are consolidated into one bill.

But i maybe wrong. Maybe the committee will have the power to add or remove the differences and send it to the president directly without a need to revote.

Question is if House has not voted for or against the immigration clause(because it wasn't there in their version of the bill) but the committee adopts the immigration clause after working out the differences then does the house need to vote again on the differenced bill?

I maybe getting too much in specific to the legislation process but i was just curious , because if the house members have to revote then our chances are slim but if not then i feel chances maybe better?
Based on the list given from

Most of the H.R are done, except H.R. 1129, H.R. 3889 and the great H.R. 4241. It should be any time then, Isn't it?

H.R. 1492 Done
H.R. 1564 Done
H.R. 1972 Done
H.R. 3351 Done
H.R. 3507 Done
H.R. 3721 Done
H.R. 3981 Done
S.161 Done
H.R. 318 Done
H.R. 323 Done
H.R. 326 Done
H.R. 1129
H.R. 1790 Done
H.R. 3975 Done
H.R. 856 Done
H.Con.Res. 288 Done
H.Con.Res. 268 Done
H.R. 3889
H.Res. 500 Done
H.R. 3647 Done
H.R. 1036 Done
H.R. 866 Done
H.R. 1442 Done
H.Res. 547 Done
H.R. 1065 Done
H.R. 4241
peterpan21 said:
By "revote" i mean that the house and senate members will need to do voting again on the bill after the differences are consolidated into one bill.

But i maybe wrong. Maybe the committee will have the power to add or remove the differences and send it to the president directly without a need to revote.

Question is if House has not voted for or against the immigration clause(because it wasn't there in their version of the bill) but the committee adopts the immigration clause after working out the differences then does the house need to vote again on the differenced bill?

I maybe getting too much in specific to the legislation process but i was just curious , because if the house members have to revote then our chances are slim but if not then i feel chances maybe better?
Once the bill goes through the conference committee and all the relevant changes are made and reports the final version of the bill. Each chamber must then pass the bill, which – unlike the budget resolution – is sent to the President for his signature.

The chances that each or either chamber will not pass the bill is possible but are very thin. The reason why I am saying this is that

1. Both House and Senate is controlled by Republicans. So nobody would like to screw up when the bill is at last stage. Therefore chances that each or either chamber will oppose the bill are very thin.

2. The bill will pass the House only if the changes are made as per the requirement by some of the Republicans who are currently opposing it. Now if the conference committee make further changes and make the bill which is similar to the current version of the bill then it is possible the either of the chamber may oppose it.
House goes on recess starting monday 11/21 till Dec 4.

This is what I found from MajorityWhip website's scrolling news update:
The Office of the Majority Leader has announced the following updates to the November/December House Calendar:

The House will be in recess Monday, November 21st through Friday, December 2nd.

Members and staff are advised that
votes are expected the week of December 5th, and that
first votes may occur as early as 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 5th.

More information regarding the December schedule will be sent to offices by the end of next week.

Members and staff are reminded that
votes are expected next Tuesday, November 15th through Friday, November 18th, and that
votes may possibly run into Saturday, November 19th.
So, my thinking is that even if HR4241 gets passed this week, conference committee will take up this bill on or after the week of 12/5. Long long way to go!

Focus on S.1932

Hi, Everyone,

I think as a group we are losing our focus right now. As we all know we need solve the issues related Priority Dates Retrogression and I140 and I485 concurrently filing. But HR 4241 does not include any provision regarding this issue. I search on HR 4241 and found out nothing. But if you search S.1932, there are some provisions related to Priority Dates Retrogression. So I think we should focus on the pass of S.1932. So what shoud we do to get this bill passed.

Any idea?

Thank you,

Bin Xu
S 1932 depends on HR 4241

binxu said:
Hi, Everyone,

I think as a group we are losing our focus right now. As we all know we need solve the issues related Priority Dates Retrogression and I140 and I485 concurrently filing. But HR 4241 does not include any provision regarding this issue. I search on HR 4241 and found out nothing. But if you search S.1932, there are some provisions related to Priority Dates Retrogression. So I think we should focus on the pass of S.1932. So what shoud we do to get this bill passed.

Any idea?

Thank you,

Bin Xu

Bin Xu,

From what I can understand HR 4241 needs to pass the House, then there will be a conference between Senate and Congress to come up with a reconsiled bill. This bill will hopefully have all the provision of S 1932 and it will get passed.

There are to many steps here. We need all of them to work out.


11/16/2005: House Floor Action Update

* The House was in full session all day today passing various legislative bills and resolutions. The House failed to reach H.R. 4241. But H.R. 4241 is still scheduled to be debated and acted upon before Saturday. It is just that there is slim chance that this bill will be acted upon within today even though the House is still in full session as of this reporting (5:00 p.m. EST). Once this bill is passed, there is a good chance that the Speaker of the House may name the members for the conference with the Senate bill. Please stay tuned.