Earlier in this thread, there was an excellent article about modern slavery and miseries of H1Bs in this country. we are no less than unsung heros, but unfortunately missing an united voice that can echo and reach the minds of law makers.
Inspite of the constraints& slavery, to show how important we are to this economy, following are the numbers i came up with to support .
600,000 H1Bs with average salary of $60,000/ PA, 25% towards SS, Fed Tax, State Tax and medicare comes to % 15,000.This comes to $9 Billion every year. Remember this amount is we are giving but in return we get very little(practically nothing, as we are not entitled for any SS benefits in case of job loss, for ex). Also i think it's fair to include other facets of our contrbution to economy in terms of spending such as buying a car, other goods, paying interests for home loans etc; I'd guess that atleast another 20% goes in to this category, which brings up another $7.2 Billion (20% of $60000 * 600,000)
One approach is to take some demographic details of how all of us are spread across this country & make a nice PPT presentation. This is a bit of work but let us lay the foundation with more facts. I'm sure whenever i approach any senator or congressman (i did this atleast 6 times until now in Midwest), facts presented in terms of dollar amount is always appealing& strikes at bulls eye.
On the other hand, there must be some sort of comparison how we are different from illegal immigrants in the same context,(meaning how much an illegal immigrant would cost the local govt without paying taxes, no medicare, no inputs to SS etc
. This is very much needed to support our genuine cause when ever anti-immigrant forces step up their lobbying.