RFE Thread Part 4

mlmg mssg - (rfe case)

Sent: 20 hr ago - Apr 17, 02 19:46 New
From: mlmg To: rsrgc
Subj: RFE

Hello rsrgc:
I looked at the RFE spreadsheet posted by you. I too was issued an RFE on 29 March.
The attorney received the RFE on 5 April.
A response was sent to INS on 11 April. The INS received the response on 12 April.
I last checked the AVM yesterday and it was not updated.
Looks like your AVM was updated. Did you happen to check today?

Also, can you let me know if your attorney sent the RFE response to the
PO Box address mentioned on the RFE or to the main INS address (24000 Avila Rd?).
natural\'s friend got rfe

RFE for 485 - Employment letter
natural - 02:42pm Apr 18, 2002 EST

Hi Gurus,

I got an RFE from CSC regarding my employment.
INS is asking for
 1) employment letter showing i have full time (40 hours job a week ) permanent job.
2) W2 for last three years.

Is there any format or templet for the employment letter.

Please help..


munu "RFE for 485 - Employment letter" 4/18/02 2:51pm

rsrgc - read discussion of natural and his friend at above link
reply to mlmg

I checked avm last night at 10 pm - message says that they recd rfe response. I do not know to which address or po box my attorney has mailed the rfe. He did mention he was going to fedex the documents.

So it does not sound like PO box

However I am not so much concerned because my avm has been updated and therefore I conclude that rfe was received.
No Title


Good to know that AVM is updated saying "RFE info received...". So, within next couple of days we are going to paint you green in our summary lists...

Good luck
received "RFE" today !!!!!!!!!!!

received "RFE" today. CSC asking for following things :

(1) new employment letter
(2) last 3 pay stubs,
(3) W-2\'s from the last 3 tax years (2001, 2000, 1999) and
(4) employer\'s 2001 tax return with DE6\'s from the last 2 quarters.
    what I don\'t get is #(3), I have started working for this sponsoring company since I have received EAD card which is nov-2001. how am I going to provide W-2\'s from last 3 years...

any idea, suggestions

Just got an RFE

All the lawyers said was it was om RFE for

1) Requesting evidence of employment for me;

2) TB and immunization for my wife (she was pregnant last time around).

I will have it responded to by next Friday because the physician we had been to for the I-693 is not practising any more and we are doing an entire physical re-done on my wife.

Oh GOD hopefully this ends soon.. Been at it since March 1998..

Forgot to ask something..

In case of an RFE, do I get a copy of the notice also or is it only sent to the lawyers?

b_bad, did you send employment letter to INS when filing I485?

rsrgs didn\'t get employment letter for his RFE, I asked him.
He said, he submitted it when filing I485. I remember, only I140
application is asked employer\'s tax return. Please talk to attorney
before your handing in RFE.

Good luck.
Mesage to rsrgc (RFE Update)

RFE Issued: 3/15/02
RFE Recvd: 3/20/02
RFE for: Tax Documents and successor(companys),Past Status, Medical(TB Report).
 My company and lwayers took along time to reply back for my RFE
RFE Replied: 4/17/02
No AVM update as of 04/18/02

  Can you guys please let me know how long it usually takes to get the approval
for RFE.I will keep posted about any updates.
message of fieldingsteve

110. 03/30/02 RFE. W2, Emplyment letter requested
Posted By: fieldingsteve 4/21/02 5:31 PM
(#186 of 186)
03/30/02 RFE. W2\'s, and employment letter requested.
PCee, Please add my updated status to your spreadsheet. Thanks.

fieldingsteve "==> JULY 2001 thread for I-485 Mailers to CSC (from 02/19/2002)" 4/21/02 5:31pm
message of bg_waiting

2.1 Man I got an RFE also....
Posted By: bg_waiting 4/19/02 7:39 PM
(#4 of 16)
Just spoke to the lawyers today and was informed that we received two RFE\'s.
One for me, requesting an employment verification letter and another for my wife -
additional immunization and TB tests (she was pregnant when we went for our last
medical in April \'01). My issue is that I am quitting my job from my earlier employer
at the end of this month. I have the employment verification letter anyway. But now the
corporate attorney will not be dealing with my case. Oh GOD! At least the folks at
CSC are working on cases.

bg_waiting "Need an Advice, Received "RFE" today !!!!!!!!!!!!" 4/19/02 7:39pm
message of b_bad

Need an Advice, Received "RFE" today !!!!!!!!!!!!
b_bad - 06:57pm Apr 19, 2002 EST

received "RFE" today. CSC asking for following things :

(1) new employment letter
(2) last 3 pay stubs,
(3) W-2\'s from the last 3 tax years (2001, 2000, 1999) and
(4) employer\'s 2001 tax return with DE6\'s from the last 2 quarters.

what I don\'t get is #(3), I have started working for this sponsoring company since I have received EAD card which is nov-2001. how am I going to provide W-2\'s from last 3 years...

any idea, suggestions


bg_waiting "Need an Advice, Received "RFE" today !!!!!!!!!!!!" 4/19/02 7:39pm

  DE6 is a form is to be submitted with the state labour dept EDD by the employer
Posted By: jingleboy 4/20/02 1:52 PM
(#12 of 16)
This is to done every quarter and declares the individual employees of the company and the respective salaries they were paid every month during the quarter.


jingleboy "Need an Advice, Received "RFE" today !!!!!!!!!!!!" 4/20/02 1:52pm
message received from i will

Sent: 52 min ago - Apr 22, 02 11:06 New
From: i will To: rsrgc

Hello. I have received RFE details for me. My question is that INS has
asked only 3 paystubs and Employers letter. Could my lawyer be making mistake here
reply to i will

I would trust my Lawyer. But if you wish to reconfirm you could ask him to send you the
copy of the rfe. You could tell him that you just want the copy for your records.

Many many people get rfe for pay stubs etc etc. INS just wants to make sure that you are
currently employed.
RFE Thread Part 5 created

BVM "RFE Thread Part 5" 4/22/02 3:01pm

Please post in the New Thread.