Registered Users (C)
Updated My RFE Info.
Both of us got RFE for two issues
1. Proof that there is no record of birth (Documents submitted: Non-availability certificate from Municipal Corporation, Marksheet showing date of birth)
2. Proof that the marriage is legit, not for GC etc. (Joint Income Tax returns, Lease papers showing both our names, our new born's birth certificate, joint bank account statement).
RD - 11/07/02
RFE Issued - 9/22/04
RFE Response - 10/26/04
Both of us got RFE for two issues
1. Proof that there is no record of birth (Documents submitted: Non-availability certificate from Municipal Corporation, Marksheet showing date of birth)
2. Proof that the marriage is legit, not for GC etc. (Joint Income Tax returns, Lease papers showing both our names, our new born's birth certificate, joint bank account statement).
RD - 11/07/02
RFE Issued - 9/22/04
RFE Response - 10/26/04