RFE for my sisters 130 application


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I filed for my sister's green card under family based category. I got an inquiry saying "Birth Certificate you have submitted to establish your relationship to the beneficiary was not executed at the time the even allegedly occurred, the evidence has insufficient reliability and weight alone, upon which to grant a visa petition. Therefore, you must supply additional documentary evidence"

Please submit the oldest available evidence. The evidence may include but is not limited to:
1. Hospital Birth record which name child and both parents : This is not available as my sister was not born in any hospital
2. Medical records which name child and both parents. : I am not sure what is this.
3. School records which name child and both parents: This is not available as in villages mother's name is never recorded in schools
4. Census records which name child and both parents: I am not sure what is this and how to get this.
5. Religious records in the form of a certificate under the seal of the place where baptism, dedication presentation or comparable rite occurred within two months after birth: This is not available also
6. Two written statements, sworn to or affirmed by at least two persons who were living at the time and who have personal knowledge of birth.

I think I can get 6th item. Does any one used it before and was it accepted? Does anyone have the format of this? Does any one used item 4 and what is the process to get this?

Need help asap as there is a time limit.

Thanks and advance.
My father, who was born in Old Delhi in 1939, used such affidavits for his GC.

6. Two written statements, sworn to or affirmed by at least two persons who were living at the time and who have personal knowledge of birth.

I think I can get 6th item. Does any one used it before and was it accepted?
Sorry, do not have a template. It was basically an elder cousin and an aunt of my dad, stating their name and current address, attesting to the fact that they were present in the same house when my father was born.

Do you have the format he used?. If you have that, can you please paste that here.
I got same query for my brother and sister

Hi,I got recently the same letter. I have done the following.
(1) First get Non Availability certificate(Form 10 they call in India) from concered authorities like Mandal office under which
your village/town comes under for both(if you have official birth certificate listing your name, mother name and father name.then you don't need one) and for your sister.
(2) You have make 2 affadavits from your native place where you guys were born. Any of your relatives should be able to make these affadavits for you and your sister. Remember you need 2 people to affadavit for you and 2 people (can be same people) to affadavit your sister. Total 4 are needed. These can be done on 10 Rs stamp paper in India.
(3) The affadavit should contain, the person name(who is giving affadavit), their date of birth(put something if they don't know their birth date) and their parents or husband name, their birth place and list a few points saying they saw the birth of you, your sister on so and so date.

If you want copy of that please e-mail me at pamidis@yahoo.com and i will be able to send you confidentially,

Sreenu Pamidi