Rewal of reentry permit and existing RP


New Member
My first RP expires in May'2014 and after going through several past discussions, I understand that I can enter the country before the expiry to submit an application for renewal and either leave after the biometrics are collected, or leave after the application has been delivered and return back to give the biometrics. However, I am missing to understand something and request some clarity in a couple of scenarios:
- Let us say I come right before the expiry, send in the application, and leave after the expiry without waiting for biometrics appointment. Will I not have a problem to reenter the country for biometrics appointment since the RP would have already expired?
- Let us say, I enter the country too soon, much before the expiry, to send in the application. As per recommendation, I should submit the current RP along with the application. Considering I don't want to wait here for the biometrics appointment, how can I reenter back for the bio, since I won't even have an RP with me?

PS: Apologies for the typo in the subject. Anyway to edit it?
When you re-enter the US the SECOND time, you will have been out of the country only for a few weeks, so you will not need the RP.

The other thing is you need not necessarily send in your old RP. If, say, you apply with only a month left on your RP, chances are low that the new one will be issued while the old one is still valid. If you want hold on to it for your records/peace of mind, you can write in the application that the old RP is "set to expire." The'll see the date, and will not hassle you about it.
When you re-enter the US the SECOND time, you will have been out of the country only for a few weeks, so you will not need the RP.

The other thing is you need not necessarily send in your old RP. If, say, you apply with only a month left on your RP, chances are low that the new one will be issued while the old one is still valid. If you want hold on to it for your records/peace of mind, you can write in the application that the old RP is "set to expire." The'll see the date, and will not hassle you about it.

Thank you for the response! So, RP is only needed strictly when away for more than 1yr since the last travel? I travelled in May'2013 for 2 weeks and when I travelled again recently, I got stamped in the RP instead of the passport (I gave both my passport and RP, and the inspector returned tje passport without even looking in). Is this expected?
Yeah, if you provide the RP, they'll take that because with the RP, you don't need a passport. Many people travel with just the RP and no passport sometimes (asylees/refugees). So, yeah, you technically don't need the RP if your trip is just for a couple of months. If you have back-to-back trips, it's good to have it on your person in case they give you trouble for that, but really, you won't need it.
Thank you for the response! So, RP is only needed strictly when away for more than 1yr since the last travel? I travelled in May'2013 for 2 weeks and when I travelled again recently, I got stamped in the RP instead of the passport (I gave both my passport and RP, and the inspector returned tje passport without even looking in). Is this expected?
Thanks for the clarification!