revoke permanent status


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Long story, but to make it short, can I do something to petition to revoke wife's permanent resident status?

I am US citizen. Wife is not. We got married. Peititioned for conditional residence for wife. Received. Petitioned to remove conditional residence after some time. Received. Wife filed for citizenship. Wife went for testing and was approved, but not sworn in yet. Wife showed very drastic change in her *love* for me after the citizenship test. Currently separated and intend to sell home and go our separate ways. No children involved. Wife commit adultery before separation, but after citizenship test.

Before separation, had time to discuss a lot of issues. I was hoping to resolve our issues, but wife saw it differently. Wife did not admit to marriage under false pretense, but that is the feeling I got by the tone of her talk and the subjects of our talk.

I visited INS to see if I had any options. Because wife was not sworn in as citizen, INS helped with initial denial for citizenship. As for her permanent residence, because we lived together as husband and wife, filed joint tax, had joint bank account (wife also had her separate accounts), home under both names, etc was advised there was nothing I could do.

Is that true? Couldn't I file a petition to revoke permanent resident status and INS would at least take my petition. INS would do some kind of investigation or at least inform wife to answer? What form do I need, if there is any in existence?

New to forum. Please direct me to correct subforum if I am in the wrong place. Thanks for any advice.
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This is going to be long winded and comlicated. You will need an attorney.

First, you can nullify the marriage if you can prove adultry on your wife's part, thus relieving you of the other liabilities/responsibilities that you might otherwise have had.

You may be able to stretch it and try to prove that her intention in the first place was to get a GC/citizenship only. This will be difficult as she stayed with you for some time even after she got her unconditional GC. Remember, just marrying you does not make her your lifelong slave.
hiccup said:
Is that true? Couldn't I file a petition to revoke permanent resident status and INS would at least take my petition. INS would do some kind of investigation or at least inform wife to answer? What form do I need, if there is any in existence?

She's a permanent resident. There's nothing you can do to revoke her residency or to punish her. And since you got her citizenship delayed, then you have only managed to continue your obligations under the affadavit of support you signed.
sell the house

Thanks for the replies.

Another issue. I don't know where wife is. All I have is her email, which she has been checking. But she has not been responding. Don't know where she moved to, don't have phone number. I tried the post office to get forwarding address, but they would not offer for security and privacy issues.

House is in both names, my name appearing first. Want to sell house and wife suggested she will get realtor. I suggested she find someone now since it is empty. But no word from her (as I said, she does check her email, but does not respond).

I want to sell the house. Can I put it up for sale without her signature on the realtor intent to sell contract (not the actual sale of the house contract)? What options do I have, if any?
Unless you can present convincing evidence that she married you with the intent to committ immigration fraud, there is nothing you can do regarding her green card.

My advice is to to obtain the best possible financial settlement you can from the divorce and then move on with your life. Marriages do fail and there is no point in reliving the past.

Good luck to you.

hiccup said:
Thanks for the replies.

Another issue. I don't know where wife is. All I have is her email, which she has been checking. But she has not been responding. Don't know where she moved to, don't have phone number. I tried the post office to get forwarding address, but they would not offer for security and privacy issues.

House is in both names, my name appearing first. Want to sell house and wife suggested she will get realtor. I suggested she find someone now since it is empty. But no word from her (as I said, she does check her email, but does not respond).

I want to sell the house. Can I put it up for sale without her signature on the realtor intent to sell contract (not the actual sale of the house contract)? What options do I have, if any?
hiccup said:
Thanks for the replies.

Another issue. I don't know where wife is. All I have is her email, which she has been checking. But she has not been responding. Don't know where she moved to, don't have phone number. I tried the post office to get forwarding address, but they would not offer for security and privacy issues.

House is in both names, my name appearing first. Want to sell house and wife suggested she will get realtor. I suggested she find someone now since it is empty. But no word from her (as I said, she does check her email, but does not respond).

I want to sell the house. Can I put it up for sale without her signature on the realtor intent to sell contract (not the actual sale of the house contract)? What options do I have, if any?

No you should not. Something like that will be impossible to sell. Get a good divorce attorney to finalize your divorce. Tracing a person is quite easy. Spend some money on a private investigator. Why are you still married anyway when you do not even know where she is?
We are recently separated. Hoping to sell home to get some $$ to proceed with attorney for divorce. But looks like I have to take some action now.

It is my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong), that I could request through court to have the house listed for sale.

arizonian said:
No you should not. Something like that will be impossible to sell. Get a good divorce attorney to finalize your divorce. Tracing a person is quite easy. Spend some money on a private investigator. Why are you still married anyway when you do not even know where she is?