return travel with AP (starting in India)


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I will using my AP for the trip to India. While coming back in India what do the airport officials check before we leave. Do they ask for a valid US visa or do they ask us to handover any portion of AP? I will be boarding my international flight out of Hyderabad. Please share your experiences on using AP out of India (especially Hyderabad)
I will using my AP for the trip to India. While coming back in India what do the airport officials check before we leave. Do they ask for a valid US visa or do they ask us to handover any portion of AP?

----- When you go to airline counter show your AP and passport, when you go for immigration clearance show your AP and passport (keep2-3 Xerox copies of AP, airline counter may ask for copy) at US POE show your passport and AP. Better keep I-485 filing receipt with you if they ask at POE show

I will be boarding my international flight out of Hyderabad. Please share your experiences on using AP out of India (especially Hyderabad)
---- I don’t have experience from Hydrabad