Residing in home country

greencarder said:
My green card was based on an asylum case and the position is in an international institute there, so it will be hard to lose it. I do not see myself working in a different position there because of the good fit, the salary, and the protection it provides. I am worried that if I do not accept this position I may not be able to ever reside there and frankly I want to. Thanks for the input

My case was recently approved and I have accepted an offer to work the UN in my home country. I know that as long as you work for a U.S. company or an international organization, of which the U.S. is a member, you can stay out of the country as long as you're employed by the company. You just need to have a valid travel doc to get in. Just make sure that the US is a member of the international organization you're going to work for.

gino said:
My case was recently approved and I have accepted an offer to work the UN in my home country. I know that as long as you work for a U.S. company or an international organization, of which the U.S. is a member, you can stay out of the country as long as you're employed by the company. You just need to have a valid travel doc to get in. Just make sure that the US is a member of the international organization you're going to work for.


Are you going to file a form(N-something) to perserve your residency if you work for a U.S company?
wantmygcnow said:
Are you going to file a form(N-something) to perserve your residency if you work for a U.S company?

Yes, I am going to file the N-form so that the time I spend overseas will count toward my citizenship.

gino said:
Yes, I am going to file the N-form so that the time I spend overseas will count toward my citizenship.


Does UN count as U.S company? i dont think it does..maybe i am wrong. Double check.
This is BS

annaraka said:

You are very courageous to come on this forum and demand answers to such questions. What you are trying to do is ULAWFUL. That is why there are specific immigration laws in place that prohibit such conduct by a beneficiary. You are maintaning a residence in your COP; which first of all raises questions about the validity of your asylum claim, and secondly; obviously, excludes you from maintaining a continuous presence, i.e. residence, in the US.

Having said that; I know of several people who have done that, and have, by some miraculous luck, been able to obtain US citizenship. But to do that requires "lying" to an immigration officer; an act which I believe everyone on this forum will discourage you from; and an act which automatically raises another question, which we on this forum cannot answer for you: 1)will you be caught? and if so, 2)what will be the consequences?

You should consider the 'totality of the circumstances' when making such a decision, which is what a judge would do if you are caught maintaining a residence in your COP, and placed in removal proceedings.

Good luck!

I have been looking at this forum for the past two years, although most posts are helpful and fulfilling, others are not worth reading. What you said above annaraka is not only BS but only based on YOUR OWN interpretation of the laws of this country… I do not think you are a member of congress or a law enforcement officer to give a real non-biased opinion on what the law means. Sir, in this country people can sue you for giving false information with such passion. Asylees are diverse people, they do not share the same story, they do not share the same values… Some have fled because there countries made their lives a living hell and others have fled because of “fear of possible prosecution” or “not being able to live freely in their country” for example, I am an asylee from Lebanon. My asylum was based on the fact that I am a gay male. If I go to Lebanon will they kill me or hit me? NO did I lie in my interview and said they would? NO however, if I have a sexual relationship in Lebanon with another male and the police finds out will they put me in jail? YES

So based on my asylum claim, I can go home, visit my parents every once in a while, RESTRAIN from living a normal gay life for a week or two, and I will be just fine. I said that to the officer and yet he granted me asylum. Not every asylee will be hanged the moment he steps in his country, and not every asylee is a liar and a criminal who abused the system if he goes back to visit. Does abuse happen? Sure it does… but not everyone is an abuser. This is exactly why the law does not state that you shouldn’t go back home. It states that if you do, you *may* need to explain yourself.

You seem to have brought with you to this country the mentality of your own government that thinks everyone who thinks, act or look different is a criminal and should be hanged or deported. The abused became the abuser.
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wantmygcnow said:
Does UN count as U.S company? i dont think it does..maybe i am wrong. Double check.

The UN is an international body of which the United States is a member and as such it DOES COUNT
... what about religious problem ?

ArgenLibanes said:
I have been looking at this forum for the past two years, although most posts are helpful and fulfilling, others are not worth reading. What you said above annaraka is not only BS but only based on YOUR OWN interpretation of the laws of this country… I do not think you are a member of congress or a law enforcement officer to give a real non-biased opinion on what the law means. Sir, in this country people can sue you for giving false information with such passion. Asylees are diverse people, they do not share the same story, they do not share the same values… Some have fled because there countries made their lives a living hell and others have fled because of “fear of possible prosecution” or “not being able to live freely in their country” for example, I am an asylee from Lebanon. My asylum was based on the fact that I am a gay male. If I go to Lebanon will they kill me or hit me? NO did I lie in my interview and said they would? NO however, if I have a sexual relationship in Lebanon with another male and the police finds out will they put me in jail? YES

So based on my asylum claim, I can go home, visit my parents every once in a while, RESTRAIN from living a normal gay life for a week or two, and I will be just fine. I said that to the officer and yet he granted me asylum. Not every asylee will be hanged the moment he steps in his country, and not every asylee is a liar and a criminal who abused the system if he goes back to visit. Does abuse happen? Sure it does… but not everyone is an abuser. This is exactly why the law does not state that you shouldn’t go back home. It states that if you do, you *may* need to explain yourself.

You seem to have brought with you to this country the mentality of your own government that thinks everyone who thinks, act or look different is a criminal and should be hanged or deported. The abused became the abuser.

nicely put. I am thinking the same way but I don't have enough proof to state that "it is okay to go back to my country" because I dont really know about U.S law. My case base on religious issue. "A group" of people attacking my house because we're gonna celebrate xmas (the attack took place on 23 dec, while my family planning to do the gathering on 26 dec). They smashed half of my family properties and it get into news media (TV and newspaper). I honestly traumatic over what happened. but since I am the only one that get sent here by my parents, of course I miss my siblings and cousins. and it's frustate me to not able to see them for such a long time. I know that I can meet up with them in singapore. but what about my cousins? I have more than 50 cousins (total from both my mom and dad sides). and YES .. I am close with ALL of them because we always have BIG family gathering. So I find it not fair to read comments about "Asylee who wants to go back to their country" can be considered liar n stuffs. coz' I am not lying. It was a fact that I experienced prosecution in my country and I am seeking protection from U.S ...

I hope u right .. about U.S granted us a permission to go back to our country. They can just check each individual case and determine which case that allowed to go back to visit.
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Miss.PinK said:
nicely put. I am thinking the same way but I don't have enough proof to state that "it is okay to go back to my country" because I dont really know about U.S law. My case base on religious issue. "A group" of people attacking my house because we're gonna celebrate xmas (the attack took place on 23 dec, while my family planning to do the gathering on 26 dec). They smashed half of my family properties and it get into news media (TV and newspaper). I honestly traumatic over what happened. but since I am the only one that get sent here by my parents, of course I miss my siblings and cousins. and it's frustate me to not able to see them for such a long time. I know that I can meet up with them in singapore. but what about my cousins? I have more than 50 cousins (total from both my mom and dad sides). and YES .. I am close with ALL of them because we always have BIG family gathering. So I find it not fair to read comments about "Asylee who wants to go back to their country" can be considered liar n stuffs. coz' I am not lying. It was a fact that I experienced prosecution in my country and I am seeking protection from U.S ...

I hope u right .. about U.S granted us a permission to go back to our country. They can just check each individual case and determine which case that allowed to go back to visit.

I am not a lawyer and as such cannot give you advice. But I am a firm believer that once a green card holder, you need not to worry about going back home for visits like any other green card holder. But that’s just me… I would imagine in your case though that you wouldn’t want to go back because unlike being gay, you cannot NOT tell people that you belong to a certain religious sect.

It is totally up to you. Life is too short, and with no family it is meaningless.
Miss Pink it seems people in your neighbourhood knew of your religion and it was a planned attack obviously. But if you go to another neighbourhood to visit your cousins where your religious choice is not known (unles you walk around with a cross necklace) I don't see how logically a two-week visit or something would put you in danger. Your case , like the cases of people who got their asylum due to their sexual preference, is a case that makes LIVING in that country difficult, not visiting. It is like if ArgenLibanes settles down there and people in his neighbourhood find out about his sexual prefence, he may get beaten perhaps or get harrassed or get fired from his job or depending on laws against gays in his country he may even get arrested, but if he just visits the city, perhaps stays in a hotel in a different neighbourhood, noone will know of his sexual preference because he is not there to live his life, he is there to visit. It is the freedom being taken away from living his life the way he chooses to is the reason he (or cases like his) got approved for asylum. Here in uSA he CAN freely be a gay person and hold his lover's hand in public.

If it was a transgender person we were speaking about, then it would be harder to hide when he visited his COP because it is visually evident in most cases that the person is transgender, but with religious choices or with being gay, noone can find out in a 2 week stay , especially if you stay clear from the neighbourhoods you grew up in or where such attacks happened.

I am not saying "go. There won't be any problems". I am giving an opinion. You must decide for yourself. Remember that there is no clear cut laws addressing this issue, therefore you would be taking a risk, but whether that risk is minor or not or whether it is something worth taking is your decision to make.
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Miss.PinK said:
nicely put. I am thinking the same way but I don't have enough proof to state that "it is okay to go back to my country" because I dont really know about U.S law. My case base on religious issue. "A group" of people attacking my house because we're gonna celebrate xmas (the attack took place on 23 dec, while my family planning to do the gathering on 26 dec). They smashed half of my family properties and it get into news media (TV and newspaper). I honestly traumatic over what happened. but since I am the only one that get sent here by my parents, of course I miss my siblings and cousins. and it's frustate me to not able to see them for such a long time. I know that I can meet up with them in singapore. but what about my cousins? I have more than 50 cousins (total from both my mom and dad sides). and YES .. I am close with ALL of them because we always have BIG family gathering. So I find it not fair to read comments about "Asylee who wants to go back to their country" can be considered liar n stuffs. coz' I am not lying. It was a fact that I experienced prosecution in my country and I am seeking protection from U.S ...

I hope u right .. about U.S granted us a permission to go back to our country. They can just check each individual case and determine which case that allowed to go back to visit.

The fact of the matter is: U.S gave you asylum in consideration for your safety..right? So now that you are a GC holder, it is up to you to decide if you are safe or not..Not United States. IF you chose to go back to your COp, its up to you. There is no written law that says you should not and there is no written law that says you should.

So any asylee who chooses to go back, its up to him/her. Everyone has to answer for themselves right? its not like if annaraka said its bad and if ArgenLibanes said its will turn one way or the another.

Its up to you. You are grown up to choose your destiny and your destination. If it scares to step back into the country then don't. If it doesn't, go have fun....Its all about your own safety. You proved your case in front of USCIS..its done with. You are not on the stand every day of your life since being granted asylum.

Its all about your safety thats what its all about..nothing else.
clotty and Mr. J :)

thx for the encouragement clotty and Mr. J :) ..
I like living in U.S and "hoping" can stay here for the rest of my life. but due to "my family still live in my country" and I do not know my future gonna be (whom I marry etc2) ..

but I know for sure, I dont wanna lose this GC or the chance of U.S citizenship. I've heard a lot of rumor about this n that for people who going back to COP. but I never really speak with "the actual person". I always hear it from my friend. and if I ask "do u know the person?" .. they will say "oh she/he is my friend's friend" ... so I don't really know is the story is true or not.

I was actually planning to go back this summer. my bro get hospitalized (only 2-3 days) .. but I really wanna see him. since I have gc .. I thought "why not" , it's not asylum anymore. but then my friend start telling me that. "there is this person .. yada yada yada .. going back. 'n going back to U.S again. nothing happen. everything is ok. 3 months later ins call up upon him and he got letter of deportation." ..

what's up with that? .. that scared the hell out of me.

how can I argue with uscis if they send me that kinda letter right away.
without ME can explaining that "my asylum case was different".
that visiting is okay (like clotty said. living there is horrible but just to visit , it wouldnt put my life in danger. besides my parents dont live in that "incident place" anymore. and I do not intent to go to that neighborhood ever again) ...

IF , uscis make it possible for me to argue about why I am going back. I dare to go back. but seems to me uscis won't give me such option. they can juz kick me out like that. ...

I can stay a week - a month but more than that .. kinda scary. I juz wanna see people whom I love. spend time a while and continue my life in here.

Miss.PinK said:
thx for the encouragement clotty and Mr. J :) ..
I like living in U.S and "hoping" can stay here for the rest of my life. but due to "my family still live in my country" and I do not know my future gonna be (whom I marry etc2) ..

but I know for sure, I dont wanna lose this GC or the chance of U.S citizenship. I've heard a lot of rumor about this n that for people who going back to COP. but I never really speak with "the actual person". I always hear it from my friend. and if I ask "do u know the person?" .. they will say "oh she/he is my friend's friend" ... so I don't really know is the story is true or not.

I was actually planning to go back this summer. my bro get hospitalized (only 2-3 days) .. but I really wanna see him. since I have gc .. I thought "why not" , it's not asylum anymore. but then my friend start telling me that. "there is this person .. yada yada yada .. going back. 'n going back to U.S again. nothing happen. everything is ok. 3 months later ins call up upon him and he got letter of deportation." ..

what's up with that? .. that scared the hell out of me.

how can I argue with uscis if they send me that kinda letter right away.
without ME can explaining that "my asylum case was different".
that visiting is okay (like clotty said. living there is horrible but just to visit , it wouldnt put my life in danger. besides my parents dont live in that "incident place" anymore. and I do not intent to go to that neighborhood ever again) ...

IF , uscis make it possible for me to argue about why I am going back. I dare to go back. but seems to me uscis won't give me such option. they can juz kick me out like that. ...

I can stay a week - a month but more than that .. kinda scary. I juz wanna see people whom I love. spend time a while and continue my life in here.


Can't you visit Thailand or something? Thats close to Indonesia right?
uhmm ..

My mom .. offered me to go to spore. but .. not all my cousin can go there. only 1 or 2 :( and my siblings can always meet me there. I guess for now .. I cannot expect much ... 1-2 cousins enuf to cover "the feeling" ? yea rite :p .. CANT WAIT TO GET MY CITIZENSHIP !!!
ArgenLibanes said:
I have been looking at this forum for the past two years, although most posts are helpful and fulfilling, others are not worth reading. What you said above annaraka is not only BS but only based on YOUR OWN interpretation of the laws of this country… I do not think you are a member of congress or a law enforcement officer to give a real non-biased opinion on what the law means. Sir, in this country people can sue you for giving false information with such passion. Asylees are diverse people, they do not share the same story, they do not share the same values… Some have fled because there countries made their lives a living hell and others have fled because of “fear of possible prosecution” or “not being able to live freely in their country” for example, I am an asylee from Lebanon. My asylum was based on the fact that I am a gay male. If I go to Lebanon will they kill me or hit me? NO did I lie in my interview and said they would? NO however, if I have a sexual relationship in Lebanon with another male and the police finds out will they put me in jail? YES

So based on my asylum claim, I can go home, visit my parents every once in a while, RESTRAIN from living a normal gay life for a week or two, and I will be just fine. I said that to the officer and yet he granted me asylum. Not every asylee will be hanged the moment he steps in his country, and not every asylee is a liar and a criminal who abused the system if he goes back to visit. Does abuse happen? Sure it does… but not everyone is an abuser. This is exactly why the law does not state that you shouldn’t go back home. It states that if you do, you *may* need to explain yourself.

You seem to have brought with you to this country the mentality of your own government that thinks everyone who thinks, act or look different is a criminal and should be hanged or deported. The abused became the abuser.

While I do understand the fact that not everyone on this forum is capable of comprehending crafty written text, I must object to some of the comments made above.

I never pretended to interpret the laws of this country, however, I must add that I have not only an inclination, but also some cognizance to do so. Everything that I said was based on personal experience however, and not on the fact that I was interpreting some law. [ btw., congress makes law, and not interpret--the interpretation of the law relies upon the courts]

While I am aware of the law relating to asylum, not all asylees have a genuine "well founded fear of persecution." After all, there are those with blatantly false claims, and most of the time, they are outed through judicial review.

Furthermore, people with LPR, must honor the "continuous presence" clause, and the OP was talking about living in his COP, and not merely visiting.

Having said that, I also understand that there are special circumstances in which one must visit his or her COP. I have done that myself. However, those people subject themselves to status review or re-evaluation. They do so by voluntarily re-availing themselves to the country of which they seek protection, and are subjected to [I]possible[/I] loss of status.

read esp. sec. (b) - Adjudication issues.

Furthermore, I was actually never abused in my home country, I arrived here fairly young and do not have any objections to the regime there.....
Therefore I suggest that whomever misread my initial statement, hopefully this will clarify some confusion.

annaraka said:
While I do understand the fact that not everyone on this forum is capable of comprehending crafty written text, I must object to some of the comments made above.

I never pretended to interpret the laws of this country, however, I must add that I have not only an inclination, but also some cognizance to do so. Everything that I said was based on personal experience however, and not on the fact that I was interpreting some law. [ btw., congress makes law, and not interpret--the interpretation of the law relies upon the courts]

While I am aware of the law relating to asylum, not all asylees have a genuine "well founded fear of persecution." After all, there are those with blatantly false claims, and most of the time, they are outed through judicial review.

Furthermore, people with LPR, must honor the "continuous presence" clause, and the OP was talking about living in his COP, and not merely visiting.

Having said that, I also understand that there are special circumstances in which one must visit his or her COP. I have done that myself. However, those people subject themselves to status review or re-evaluation. They do so by voluntarily re-availing themselves to the country of which they seek protection, and are subjected to [I]possible[/I] loss of status.

read esp. sec. (b) - Adjudication issues.

Furthermore, I was actually never abused in my home country, I arrived here fairly young and do not have any objections to the regime there.....
Therefore I suggest that whomever misread my initial statement, hopefully this will clarify some confusion.


Annarka, Great find!!!!!!!!!!!! That website explains everything in the manual.
wantmygcnow said:
Does UN count as U.S company? i dont think it does..maybe i am wrong. Double check.

UN is not a U.S. Company. It's an international organization of which the U.S. is a member. So based on the immigration regulations, you can work and live overseas and can keep your status so long you work for a U.S. compnay or an international origanization, of which the U.S. is a member (e.g.. UN agencies, IMF, the World Bank, WTO, etc.)
gino said:
UN is not a U.S. Company. It's an international organization of which the U.S. is a member. So based on the immigration regulations, you can work and live overseas and can keep your status so long you work for a U.S. compnay or an international origanization, of which the U.S. is a member (e.g.. UN agencies, IMF, the World Bank, WTO, etc.)

Ok cuz i remebered reading somewhere that the company should be publicly traded on u.s stock exchange in order for you to preserve residency..i didnt read the details though.
wantmygcnow said:
The fact of the matter is: U.S gave you asylum in consideration for your safety..right? So now that you are a GC holder, it is up to you to decide if you are safe or not..Not United States. IF you chose to go back to your COp, its up to you. There is no written law that says you should not and there is no written law that says you should.

So any asylee who chooses to go back, its up to him/her. Everyone has to answer for themselves right? its not like if annaraka said its bad and if ArgenLibanes said its will turn one way or the another.

Its up to you. You are grown up to choose your destiny and your destination. If it scares to step back into the country then don't. If it doesn't, go have fun....Its all about your own safety. You proved your case in front of USCIS..its done with. You are not on the stand every day of your life since being granted asylum.

Its all about your safety thats what its all about..nothing else.
you were one of the reasons this decision was very difficult to make after you told us about the scary story of your friend whose asylum was revoked when he applied for citizenship. Can you set the record stright on this story and give us an update on it.
greencarder said:
you were one of the reasons this decision was very difficult to make after you told us about the scary story of your friend whose asylum was revoked when he applied for citizenship. Can you set the record stright on this story and give us an update on it.

Greencarder, his story was unique and different. When I heard his story, I couldn't believe it and told you all and thought no one should risk it. However my stance has changed over time. To tell you the truth, NO one person will tell the entire truth to another person regarding what happened etc. Over time, i have found out that, Yes he returned to his home country BUT

his story was partly that he returned to his home country but also partly because some stuff in his asylum application turned out to be not true. In other words, his basis of persecution was not right when he returned to his home country. He went back to his home country but for different reasons, not to visit but to claim a spot in a political party.

Thats why I say every person has a unique story & history. His basis of persecution was black/white..meaning if he returned, he would've been arrested right on spot since he was a politician...
question .. question ..

Mr. J ...
what about my case? ... I've told story about my case. It was religious issues. After couple years living in U.S ... everything goes okay. etc2..
until 2 years ago. When I call back home. My cousin congratulate me. and I was confused. "what for?" ... and she said "OH u don't know? ur dad went into political bla bla bla" ... I don't know what's going on ... but all I know that He has is own business (contractor, building roads, etc2) and He is a pastor (he open his own church etc2 "couple years before the incident") .. and NOW .. he also work for government.


My DAD a person with a vision. He always said he owe the church and the country because when He was young , he got scholarship and he basically live from the money that was given by Indonesian government (scholarship) and funding from church. So He pretty much dedicate himself for the country (church and government, besides his "main" job btw) ..

now .. the thing that confused me. I AM asylum. and He works for government. what a confusing combo. I asked him "are u sure u wanna involved in government? I am an asylee. (considered traitor of the country) .. what about later .. people in the government that hate my dad WILL MAKE a big fuss about this , later in the future. ...

oh yeah. I am pretty sure they will say something. My dad said "it's not relevant .. , my life is my life. ur life is ur life. You are my daughter but whatever decision u make, and which country u choose, shouldn't jeopardize my status or ur status) ....


coz when the interviewer asylum asked me "WHY only u that come here. what about ur parents and bro?" ...

honestly .. I don't know how to answer that. but when I keep quiet. even the interviewer himself answer his own question by saying ....
"ahhhh .. he is a pastor. it wouldn't be right isn't it to run away and abandon his people. it won't give a good example" ..

and I am like :eek: .. how can u come up with that idea? but it make sense. coz I asked my dad once, why he doesnt wanna moved here. he simply said "This is my country. I will die in here. besides he feels that it is his calling to spread the gospel bla bla bla" ...

I AM SO SAD .... I guess all I can say .. "it is his choice. it is my bro choice. it is my choice to come here." .. they could easily get asylum. IF they want to. but they choose not to.

about him involving in the government. I personally think he is being TOO IDEALIST .. he said "in order to fixed the country people need to start making their move." .. and I said "dad, ONE person won't changed a country" ... but he insist .. "one is enough, as long as he wants to try" ...

I love my dad. If something happen to him. I will hate that stupid country forever!

Many fanatic doesn't like him though (the fact that he's christian) .. coz most of people work in government "supposed" to be muslim .. (well there is no law about that in my country .. but it's like "unwritten" preferences)

anyway back to my question. My status in here won't affect him. as his status in my country won't affect my status in here right? ..

even we are blood related. Father and daughter. We have our own life that we choose to fulfill. don't u think so ?