Residing in home country

annaraka said:
While I do understand the fact that not everyone on this forum is capable of comprehending crafty written text, I must object to some of the comments made above.

I never pretended to interpret the laws of this country, however, I must add that I have not only an inclination, but also some cognizance to do so. Everything that I said was based on personal experience however, and not on the fact that I was interpreting some law. [ btw., congress makes law, and not interpret--the interpretation of the law relies upon the courts]

While I am aware of the law relating to asylum, not all asylees have a genuine "well founded fear of persecution." After all, there are those with blatantly false claims, and most of the time, they are outed through judicial review.

Furthermore, people with LPR, must honor the "continuous presence" clause, and the OP was talking about living in his COP, and not merely visiting.

Having said that, I also understand that there are special circumstances in which one must visit his or her COP. I have done that myself. However, those people subject themselves to status review or re-evaluation. They do so by voluntarily re-availing themselves to the country of which they seek protection, and are subjected to [I]possible[/I] loss of status.

read esp. sec. (b) - Adjudication issues.

Furthermore, I was actually never abused in my home country, I arrived here fairly young and do not have any objections to the regime there.....
Therefore I suggest that whomever misread my initial statement, hopefully this will clarify some confusion.


Oh, come on, Annaraka, if it wasn't for your dad, you would have been somewhere in Prishtina selling apples in a kiosk. Don't tell me you didn't have any objections to the regime there. And we are all capable of comprehending your crafty texts. You are the one who just went to Prishtina and came back on the last day of the validity of your RTD and was all nervous 'in the room' at the airport. I am sure you had a couple of 'stories' lined up in case they questioned you. Weren't you even considering going back and living in your COP because things are much more to your advantage now? I won't be surprised if you yourself will soon be trying to figure out how to keep your 'continous residence' in the US. Don't be a hypocrite! The man is just trying to live his life. As long as he didn't kill anybody or steal, I am ok with whatever he wants to do.
14ksusha said:
Oh, come on, Annaraka, if it wasn't for your dad, you would have been somewhere in Prishtina selling apples in a kiosk. Don't tell me you didn't have any objections to the regime there. And we are all capable of comprehending your crafty texts. You are the one who just went to Prishtina and came back on the last day of the validity of your RTD and was all nervous 'in the room' at the airport. I am sure you had a couple of 'stories' lined up in case they questioned you. Weren't you even considering going back and living in your COP because things are much more to your advantage now? I won't be surprised if you yourself will soon be trying to figure out how to keep your 'continous residence' in the US. Don't be a hypocrite! The man is just trying to live his life. As long as he didn't kill anybody or steal, I am ok with whatever he wants to do.

the "man" came on the forum asking a question. i did not offer advice to him just out of thin air!!!! if you go back and read the OP's message; it will be clear to you that he was:
1) intending to (made a decision to) go home and live there.
2) he had a job lined up there.
3) he wanted to still maintain his status here.
4) he wanted to live the rest of his life there but keep coming every six months to keep his status ("just in case" the old regime returns")

well then ---- that is illegal.

now, back to my story.
1) I did say that I would live there in a heartbeat, but "should the CIS cause problems regarding my visit there." I never intended to cheat the us govt. by maintaining two conflicting positions at once. And frankly, due to certain circumstances, I too was offered a political position in my cop, but I chose my us citizenship - (and a law degree) - first. I still believe that should I return to my home country right now, I could easily get ahead -- due to several factors I do not care to discuss right now........

2) ok, the regime was f.ed up, I give you that, but I was too young at that time to be affected by it extensively........

3) as i explained before, i was not "nervous in the room," i did not care anymore; furthermore, there are usually no 'returning to cop' problems at the point of entry, but further down the line of the immigration process. and besides, i had no intention to lie to the cis, so i did not need to "line up excuses" as my reason for going was sensible; and in addition, i never have had ANY problems with cis at the poe's. ever. they do not seem to bother me. my nervousness came due to the fact that my RTD was on the verge of expiration.

4) i did not mean to be hypocritical, but you are comparing apples and oranges here. there is a difference between visiting the cop and residing there. i am the first one to advocate the issue of visiting the cop. and as i explained to the op, there have been many people who did, and never had any problems, but he was pushing it with living there (while maintaining his us residence, again.)

5) as far as your comment about apples, don't be so sure. my family ended up here precisely due to the fact that they were the elite - highly educated people. i don't usually advertise this fact, but when people become insulting, they give me no choice. so i don't think i would have had to end up there. besides, you are forgetting that we're still talking about europe. these countries are far more advanced than what you are used to hearing, if you get what i mean.
annaraka said:
the "man" came on the forum asking a question. i did not offer advice to him just out of thin air!!!! if you go back and read the OP's message; it will be clear to you that he was:
1) intending to (made a decision to) go home and live there.
2) he had a job lined up there.
3) he wanted to still maintain his status here.
4) he wanted to live the rest of his life there but keep coming every six months to keep his status ("just in case" the old regime returns")

well then ---- that is illegal.

now, back to my story.
1) I did say that I would live there in a heartbeat, but "should the CIS cause problems regarding my visit there." I never intended to cheat the us govt. by maintaining two conflicting positions at once. And frankly, due to certain circumstances, I too was offered a political position in my cop, but I chose my us citizenship - (and a law degree) - first. I still believe that should I return to my home country right now, I could easily get ahead -- due to several factors I do not care to discuss right now........

2) ok, the regime was f.ed up, I give you that, but I was too young at that time to be affected by it extensively........

3) as i explained before, i was not "nervous in the room," i did not care anymore; furthermore, there are usually no 'returning to cop' problems at the point of entry, but further down the line of the immigration process. and besides, i had no intention to lie to the cis, so i did not need to "line up excuses" as my reason for going was sensible; and in addition, i never have had ANY problems with cis at the poe's. ever. they do not seem to bother me. my nervousness came due to the fact that my RTD was on the verge of expiration.

4) i did not mean to be hypocritical, but you are comparing apples and oranges here. there is a difference between visiting the cop and residing there. i am the first one to advocate the issue of visiting the cop. and as i explained to the op, there have been many people who did, and never had any problems, but he was pushing it with living there (while maintaining his us residence, again.)

5) as far as your comment about apples, don't be so sure. my family ended up here precisely due to the fact that they were the elite - highly educated people. i don't usually advertise this fact, but when people become insulting, they give me no choice. so i don't think i would have had to end up there. besides, you are forgetting that we're still talking about europe. these countries are far more advanced than what you are used to hearing, if you get what i mean.

I understand everything you say, but you are young and still in school and things are still ahead of you, and you still need to wait for your green card, just like all of us. So it's easy for you to say that you 'chose US citizenship over a lucrative job in your COP', just because you are in a different situation. Considering how long it takes to get permanent residence and US citizenship for asylees and that the situation in their countries change over 15 years (like in my case), frankly, the requirement of continous residence seems ridiculous. I understand it's the law, but I also understand how the fellow is trying to find a way around it (such as using an aunt's address) in order to pursue his dream job and may be improve his life. It's like paying taxes and finding ways to reduce your debt by claiming various things and being creative. You don't really cheat, but you are not entirely honest and have a risk of being audited.

In regards to apples, I was just messing with you. You sound like a well educated person, I am sure you can do better than that, thanks to your family too! :)
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annaraka said:
the "man" came on the forum asking a question. i did not offer advice to him just out of thin air!!!! if you go back and read the OP's message; it will be clear to you that he was:
1) intending to (made a decision to) go home and live there.
2) he had a job lined up there.
3) he wanted to still maintain his status here.
4) he wanted to live the rest of his life there but keep coming every six months to keep his status ("just in case" the old regime returns")

well then ---- that is illegal.

now, back to my story.
1) I did say that I would live there in a heartbeat, but "should the CIS cause problems regarding my visit there." I never intended to cheat the us govt. by maintaining two conflicting positions at once. And frankly, due to certain circumstances, I too was offered a political position in my cop, but I chose my us citizenship - (and a law degree) - first. I still believe that should I return to my home country right now, I could easily get ahead -- due to several factors I do not care to discuss right now........

2) ok, the regime was f.ed up, I give you that, but I was too young at that time to be affected by it extensively........

3) as i explained before, i was not "nervous in the room," i did not care anymore; furthermore, there are usually no 'returning to cop' problems at the point of entry, but further down the line of the immigration process. and besides, i had no intention to lie to the cis, so i did not need to "line up excuses" as my reason for going was sensible; and in addition, i never have had ANY problems with cis at the poe's. ever. they do not seem to bother me. my nervousness came due to the fact that my RTD was on the verge of expiration.

4) i did not mean to be hypocritical, but you are comparing apples and oranges here. there is a difference between visiting the cop and residing there. i am the first one to advocate the issue of visiting the cop. and as i explained to the op, there have been many people who did, and never had any problems, but he was pushing it with living there (while maintaining his us residence, again.)

5) as far as your comment about apples, don't be so sure. my family ended up here precisely due to the fact that they were the elite - highly educated people. i don't usually advertise this fact, but when people become insulting, they give me no choice. so i don't think i would have had to end up there. besides, you are forgetting that we're still talking about europe. these countries are far more advanced than what you are used to hearing, if you get what i mean.
I had enough of your arrogance and disrespect. What is illegal about what I said. Read the laws carefully! I am not totally losing my ties with the States. I know many people, including relatives who are maintaining their green card and residing in other coutnries. For example, many parents do that. Also, I may not like it there and may come back after few years, so why are you depriving me of the opportunity to do that. So, stop judging me young boy and keep your stupid and silly arguments for your freaken self.
greencarder said:
I had enough of your arrogance and disrespect. What is illegal about what I said. Read the laws carefully! I am not totally losing my ties with the States. I know many people, including relatives who are maintaining their green card and residing in other coutnries. For example, many parents do that. Also, I may not like it there and may come back after few years, so why are you depriving me of the opportunity to do that. So, stop judging me young boy and keep your stupid and silly arguments for your freaken self.

1) i am not a boy, but a girl
2) you came here and asked questions
3) those are your answers
4) i am not depriving you of anything
5) do as you please, i don't know you; it is your life. all i could do was give you an answer to your question...............

good luck!!!!!