Request for evidence


Registered Users (C)
Hi iam software engg with having a degree from india
i recently applied for my tansfer of my visa
and one one the questions was asked was

"explain why the work done requires the service of a person who has a collge degree or its equivalent in the occupational field"

can anyone give me some inputs what shoudl be the reply??

Basic123 said:
Hi iam software engg with having a degree from india
i recently applied for my tansfer of my visa
and one one the questions was asked was

"explain why the work done requires the service of a person who has a collge degree or its equivalent in the occupational field"

can anyone give me some inputs what shoudl be the reply??

OK. First explain what is the work done - System analysis, design, DFD , VB VC++ SQL PL/SQL, SQL Server/Oracle RDBMS etc etc etc etc all technical terms at the end write, to do this complex science and mathematical analysis job the candidate must have a Bachelaor degree in Science/Engg/Comp Sci or equivalent.