Renunciation Certificate necessrary to apply for an Indian Visa?


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I have learnt from an unconfirmed source that if you have acquired American citizenship and wish to apply for an Indian Visa, you must fill out the renunication certificate before you can get the Visa? Is this true? I thought you filled out the RC only when you were applying for an OCI card?


Renunciation is required no matter what, whether or not you apply for a visa, PIO or OCI. They can only enforce it if you apply for something, though. But, yes, for a visa, you are required to pay for renunciation too.
Thanks cafeconleche,

They sure now how to milk new former indian citizens, after jacking the fees from $20.00 to $175.00 in just about a year. Damn, damn, damn.
Hehe, it's pretty annoying, especially because renunciation really isn't necessary. Indian citizenship is automatically lost once you become a citizen of another country. This is really just theft for a silly piece of paper. The certificate is simply a stamped and signed copy of the actual application for renunciation that you fill in and send to them! They staple it to your cancelled passport.
Hehe, it's pretty annoying, especially because renunciation really isn't necessary. Indian citizenship is automatically lost once you become a citizen of another country. This is really just theft for a silly piece of paper. The certificate is simply a stamped and signed copy of the actual application for renunciation that you fill in and send to them! They staple it to your cancelled passport.

Completely agree. It's a scam to make money. If you're applying for PIO or OCI atleast, this renunciation should be free..since you're already about over $250-$300 to get those. Now this fee is $175 on top of that. What a rip-off.
NRI are meant for money

Completely agree. It's a scam to make money. If you're applying for PIO or OCI atleast, this renunciation should be free..since you're already about over $250-$300 to get those. Now this fee is $175 on top of that. What a rip-off.

Just on the side note they need more money to go big on the scams every day,

some of the citizens in India who are mostly never out of country believe that India and Indians are now become super rich and shortly US will be below them in terms of economy etc, !!!

If they want to prove them correct then I hope they can start advertising on every second on every Indian channel that now you can send your Indian Rupeees free of cost to your poor NRI relatives to feed their family. Then they can atleast have some satisfaction of being RICH and DEVELOPED economy.

Until then as an NRI be ready for such scams for your money.