Rec'vd RFI after BIO & B$ GC - Help Please


New Member
I received the folowing message afew days ago
Type: I485 , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust

Current Status:

On August 2, 2005, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information
in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If
you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and
you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center
at (800) 375-5283.

Today I received the real RFI from USCIS. All they want is for me to "Submit evidence that you have been physically present in the US for atleast one year, in aggregate, following the date you were admitted to the US as a refugee" I am an asylee though.

Question for you all:
1)What doe they mean by "on aggregate:
2) I have my bank statements for the period between when I was granted Asylum (AD 10/99) to the time of my application (RD:11/00) which is one year later. Will bank statements showing all transactions surfice? I plan to sen copies of the statements. Do I have to have the copies certified "true copy of the original"?
3) The advise in this forum is to provide utility bills. Mut the evidence ve utility bills....Please advise
bank statments and pay-stubs are poor evidence (however I am NOT saying they are not excepted) because you could be doing online banking or do a consulting job overseas.

Best evidence would be

1. Apt Rent rolls or home mortgage papers
2. going to school
3. letter from employer that you were employed in the US
4. Utility bills would be ok too.
5. Membership of a club/organization which requires physical presence

good luck and keep us informed
bonemaister said:
I received the folowing message afew days ago
Type: I485 , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust

Current Status:

On August 2, 2005, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information
in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If
you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and
you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center
at (800) 375-5283.

Today I received the real RFI from USCIS. All they want is for me to "Submit evidence that you have been physically present in the US for atleast one year, in aggregate, following the date you were admitted to the US as a refugee" I am an asylee though.

Question for you all:
1)What doe they mean by "on aggregate:
2) I have my bank statements for the period between when I was granted Asylum (AD 10/99) to the time of my application (RD:11/00) which is one year later. Will bank statements showing all transactions surfice? I plan to sen copies of the statements. Do I have to have the copies certified "true copy of the original"?
3) The advise in this forum is to provide utility bills. Mut the evidence ve utility bills....Please advise


Used you name backwards intentionally, I'd try to explain term aggregate for you in the least confusing manner.

Aggregate has different meaning for different situations, in your case USCIS is asking you to provide total number of days amounting to One year since you were granted Asylum, in other words number of days constituting or amounting to a whole year. Another way of describing it would be Total: aggregate sales in specific market or total of 1+2=3.

Hope the above would be of some help to you, don't think about bank statement and etc. Your best bet is your Lease, telephone bill in your name and other utility bills. Your physical presence is being questioned not your banking, in order for you to humanely reside in an appartment/house, you'd require a lease and utilities. Remembre, if you cosigned the lease, it would work too.

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bonemaister said:
I received the folowing message afew days ago
Type: I485 , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust

Current Status:

On August 2, 2005, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information
in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If
you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and
you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center
at (800) 375-5283.

Today I received the real RFI from USCIS. All they want is for me to "Submit evidence that you have been physically present in the US for atleast one year, in aggregate, following the date you were admitted to the US as a refugee" I am an asylee though.

Question for you all:
1)What doe they mean by "on aggregate:
2) I have my bank statements for the period between when I was granted Asylum (AD 10/99) to the time of my application (RD:11/00) which is one year later. Will bank statements showing all transactions surfice? I plan to sen copies of the statements. Do I have to have the copies certified "true copy of the original"?
3) The advise in this forum is to provide utility bills. Mut the evidence ve utility bills....Please advise

Good suggestions by everyone. What is your ND?
wantmygcnow said:
Good suggestions by everyone. What is your ND?


What the devil is wrong with you man, don't you read. This preson is out of status, how could he/she would have a time line?

You're acting strange, gather yourself man. Please, get a grip you are going to kill yourself if you keep on stressing.

mkhursh said:

What the devil is wrong with you man, don't you read. This preson is out of status, how could he/she would have a time line?

You're acting strange, gather yourself man. Please, get a grip you are going to kill yourself if you keep on stressing.


Obviously, bonemaister already submitted his/her I-485, so he/she must have a ND. I don't see anything wrong with wantmygcnow's question.
gc66gc66 said:
Obviously, bonemaister already submitted his/her I-485, so he/she must have a ND. I don't see anything wrong with wantmygcnow's question.


Do you really have to respond my post? you won't be able to stand wrath of response. Please, stay out of it for good.

bonemaister said:
I received the folowing message afew days ago
Type: I485 , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust

Current Status:

On August 2, 2005, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information
in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If
you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and
you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center
at (800) 375-5283.

Today I received the real RFI from USCIS. All they want is for me to "Submit evidence that you have been physically present in the US for atleast one year, in aggregate, following the date you were admitted to the US as a refugee" I am an asylee though.

Question for you all:
1)What doe they mean by "on aggregate:
2) I have my bank statements for the period between when I was granted Asylum (AD 10/99) to the time of my application (RD:11/00) which is one year later. Will bank statements showing all transactions surfice? I plan to sen copies of the statements. Do I have to have the copies certified "true copy of the original"?
3) The advise in this forum is to provide utility bills. Mut the evidence ve utility bills....Please advise


I did some research for you and here is what is accepted for 1 year presence in the United States:

-Apartment lease, housing contract, mortgage statement
-Utility bill (Power bill, cable bill, water bill, etc.) or contract for utility services
-School records signed by school official, including date of attendace and days absence.
-Computer generated tax record
-Current life, health, property or automobile insurance policy or binder
-Letter from homeless shelter
-Document from Social Services
-Computer generated check stub
- A sworn affidavit stating knowledge of your 1 year valid stay in the United States after the grant of asylum may be used ONLY if one of the above documents is NOT available.

Hope it helps. Make sure your evidence is strong. See If you can combine more than one evidence. Write a letter stating your evidence and putting tabs on your evidence pages...reference as "Item 1, Item 2" in your letter.

Let us know if you need us to help you write the letter.

Best of Luck.
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yes, wantmygcnow, thanks for the complete list. I believe it can help a lot of people. bonemaister is not the first one I saw in this forum who received this request from USCIS.
EspressoJoy said:
I did too - haven't you noticed my all day panic?
EspressoJoy, I saw your postings. As many fellow members have tried to tell you, getting a RFE means CIS is reviewing your case, which is a good sign. And after you submit the additional documents, your case will be approved very soon! If you still panic, I suggest you to go to your local library and get a book by Dale Carnegie, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". It's a small book and easy to read. Every time when I get worried, I would read it and usually I would quickly calm down and feel some peace in mind. Hope it can help you, too.
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I assume people get RFI asking to prove their physical presense within the country for one year because they haven't attached such evidence to their initial I-485. Am I right?
Thank you all for you help especially time line is as follows
I-485 application receip date 11/00
Bio (including pics) 04/05 (There was teh mass RFI request for mediacal B4 this)
and not this RFI 08/02

Unfortunatly I was housed and did not have any bills in my name fro teh entire period between 10/99 and 11/00. I was co-signer on a lease for part of this time. All I have is my bank statements. I also have my paystubs and tax returns for the two years 1999 and 2000. Maybe I will send in the bank statements and an afidavit...please advise
well honestly I don't know about you guys, but I was so lost here when I came, I often had no idea where I would sleep next. I changed a million apartments, nobody would open a bank account for me because I did not have is sometimes ridiculous how they want u s to be genuine asylees, yet if you are one, you are screwed because you can't prove anything because you really fled out of fear, not because you had a rich uncle here...whatever!
bonemaister said:
Thank you all for you help especially time line is as follows
I-485 application receip date 11/00
Bio (including pics) 04/05 (There was teh mass RFI request for mediacal B4 this)
and not this RFI 08/02

Unfortunatly I was housed and did not have any bills in my name fro teh entire period between 10/99 and 11/00. I was co-signer on a lease for part of this time. All I have is my bank statements. I also have my paystubs and tax returns for the two years 1999 and 2000. Maybe I will send in the bank statements and an afidavit...please advise


Take a deep breath, relax for a moment. From Oct, 99 through Nov, 00 did you receive any mail at the address you lived. Did your Driver Licence bear the address where you were housed (assuming you were room mates with others).

You stated that you co-signed lease for part of this time, does (this time means period between 10-99 through 11-00?) If your answer is yes, find that lease, if you can't find the lease, go to the rental office and ask for a copy.

Make copies of all the paycheck stubs, bank statement and tax returns, write a statement, I'm confident that you'd be able to put one together then Notarize the statement include orignal(s) and make sure you ask USCIS to return them to you. Mail them and get the (Monkey) of your back. ;)


Ok try to gather as much evidence as you can. Did you attend any school? Or a drivers learning class? Think hard...Did you work anywhere during that time? You can have that Manager sign an affadavit that you were working for that person for that period of time.

Dont send any incomplete evidence. Get everything together that you think of...Get the following Affadavit ready and signed and notarized(any bank can do that).

Its always good to sign three affadavits to be considered it strong.

Ok and you were also somoene right? Write a letter for the person who housed you and anyone else(your employer) or your realtive or anyone you think can help you......something like this:


I, <Name of the person who housed you>, a U.S Citizen(OR PR) resident of <the current address> do hereby declare as follows:

1. <YOUR NAME>, resident of <your current address> was residing with me from 10/99 till 11/00.

2. <YOUR NAME> was physically present in the United States Of America from 10/99 till 11/00.

I duly testify under oath that the above statements are true.

The Person who housed you signs her

Notary Public:


Write a letter like this and put it on top of any evidence(put the RFE letter on top of everything).



Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find attached a copy of following documents to justify my physical presence in the United States as asked in the RFE:

• Official Bank Statements from <BANK NAME> with proof of transactions between 10/99 and 11/00

• Copy of my Pay-Stubs from employment at <EMPLOYER NAME> between 10/99-11/00

• Notarized Affadavit of Physical Presence from the person who housed me during 10/99-11/00

• Notarized Affadavit of Physical Presence from a close relative <SOME RELATIVE's Name>

• Notarized Affadavit of Physical Presence from a close relative <SOME RELATIVE's Name>

• A certified copy of my I-94 card noting the date of entry/exit into the United STATES of America.

From the timeframe 10/99-11/00, I did NOT apply for a Refugee Travel Document which would have allowed me to be absent from the United States of America. The attached I-94 gives the USCIS legal proof of my presence in the United States of America from 10/99-11/00; since by law, an I-94 is surrendered to the USCIS upon exit.

I am willing to duly testify under Oath that I was physically present in the United States of America from 10/99-11/00.



I wrote this quickly so check for any mistakes...Keep on adding evidence as you get...Now time to mow my lawn in the 100 degree heat..
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