Recent Visitor Visa Extentions from California Service Center


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Can anybody post about the recent visitor visa extentions from CA service center ? The USCIS web site says the current processing date is Dec 13 (3 months behind), so just wondering if anybody is getting the approval within the 45 days (typical no of days before I94 expiry, before which extention needs to be applied).

Can you also post the reasons you mentioned in the application ?
Also the application says that we need to send the valid tickets, but to do that we have to cancel the current tickets, so just wondering if anybody got the approval without getting the new travel reservations done ? I don't want to make new reservations without being very sure about the approval.

Revisit while previous enention decision still pending..

Applied the extention in California SC, and got the receipt date of March 30, and my parents' I-94 expires on May 17.
Not sure if I'll get the decision before that or not.

What I'm planning to do is to send my parents back to India before I-94 expiry and have them come back within a month on their 10Yr multiple entry?
Now my question is, what happens if their approval/denial comes after they come back and get a fresh I-94 ? If they get denial, will it cause any problems ? and if they get approval and a new I-94,which I94 will be valid ?
the one which they recieve at POE during their second visit OR the one that would arrive in the approval letter.
Any other suggestions ? Please share.

Applied the extention in California SC, and got the receipt date of March 30, and my parents' I-94 expires on May 17.
Not sure if I'll get the decision before that or not.

What I'm planning to do is to send my parents back to India before I-94 expiry and have them come back within a month on their 10Yr multiple entry?
Now my question is, what happens if their approval/denial comes after they come back and get a fresh I-94 ? If they get denial, will it cause any problems ? and if they get approval and a new I-94,which I94 will be valid ?
the one which they recieve at POE during their second visit OR the one that would arrive in the approval letter.
Any other suggestions ? Please share.


A visitor cannot spend more than 6 months of a calendar year in the U.S. Re-entering too soon demonstrates an immigrant intent and they will be grilled at the secondary inspection point. There have been cases where people have been warned and given only 1 months's stay for entering within a short duration of time and some have been sent back. They will need to spend more time in their home country than in the U.S. Regarding your extension. They are risking their 10 yr visa if they stay past the original I-94 date and if their extension gets denied. Better to leave before the I-94 date and not enter the U.S for 8months - 1 year, if they spent 6 months in the U.S
Applied the extention in California SC, and got the receipt date of March 30, and my parents' I-94 expires on May 17.
Not sure if I'll get the decision before that or not.

What I'm planning to do is to send my parents back to India before I-94 expiry and have them come back within a month on their 10Yr multiple entry?
Now my question is, what happens if their approval/denial comes after they come back and get a fresh I-94 ? If they get denial, will it cause any problems ? and if they get approval and a new I-94,which I94 will be valid ?
the one which they recieve at POE during their second visit OR the one that would arrive in the approval letter.
Any other suggestions ? Please share.

Could you please post when you sent your application and how long it took for the receipt notice. We have applied 20 days back and have not yet received the notice.
I have my mother here on a Vistors visa. It will expire on 05/11/07. I did apply for an extension and only received the receipt, but no other response. Should she leave the US if the extension is not granted by the time of the visa expiration on 05/11/07. Or should I give it to chance and keep her here until I do get an approval/denial. If she over stays will it be a violation that will jeopradize her re-entry at another time and or future green card acceptance.
Parents went back before I-94 expiry

I guess it took about a week to 10 days to get the receipt.

My parents left before I-94 expiry while the decision on I539 was pending.
Now I plan to send the withdrawal letter and have them come back next month.

My parents had overstayed during their last trip in Yr 2004 and got a denial and they left in 2 weeks. When they reentered on the same multiple entry visa, they didn't have the problem, no body asked any proof or documents.

I had enquired USCIS about this, and was told that as long as you can prove that you had applied for the extension while on valid status and have a record of leaving US(like boarding pass etc) within a reasonable time after denial, there should not be any problem, so I didn't bother to ask my parents to get another visa.

This time I didn't take a chance and my parents left before i94 expiry(I shouldn't have applied for extension at the first place as the wait is never ending, but I was hoping for miracle) anyway, I called USCIS customer support and I was told that I can send the withdrawal letter if my parents leave before the decision was made on I539, and that' s what I plan to do.

I guess it is always safer to have your parents leave and come back rather than applying for extension and getting out of status when denial comes, I guess one time it is ok to do that, but you plan to bring your parents regularly here, then better not take a chance and keep the record as clean as possible...well my 2 cents....

hope that helps
my 2 cents advise.

A TRUE visitor should NOT spend more time in the U.S than in the home country in a given calendar year. I personally know of an experience where my friend's parents were grilled at the Secondary inspection point for exiting and entering U.S too often. They used to stay in the U.S for 6 months, go back, re-enter again in 6 months and stay again for 6 months. During their 3rd visit they were warned by the immigration officer and were only given 2 months of stay. They were asked whether they are doing baby-sitting, house-hold work etc. Applying for extensions, entering too often are PRIMARY reasons why Indian parents have a hard time getting tourist visas at U.S consulates in India. The greatest help that people who got visas can do is to be TRUE to what you state in your visa application form. 6 months is plenty of time to visit all the 50 states and spend enough time with family. If someone is asking for more then he/she is a VISA ABUSER!!!
my 2 cents advise.

A TRUE visitor should NOT spend more time in the U.S than in the home country in a given calendar year. I personally know of an experience where my friend's parents were grilled at the Secondary inspection point for exiting and entering U.S too often. They used to stay in the U.S for 6 months, go back, re-enter again in 6 months and stay again for 6 months. During their 3rd visit they were warned by the immigration officer and were only given 2 months of stay. They were asked whether they are doing baby-sitting, house-hold work etc. Applying for extensions, entering too often are PRIMARY reasons why Indian parents have a hard time getting tourist visas at U.S consulates in India. The greatest help that people who got visas can do is to be TRUE to what you state in your visa application form. 6 months is plenty of time to visit all the 50 states and spend enough time with family. If someone is asking for more then he/she is a VISA ABUSER!!!


We know your intentions are good and the information put out may be generally useful. But please do not disseminate inaccurate information. It misleads and/or confuses people. And please also be careful about branding people and that too using bold letters. That would simply be your personal opinion.

There is no rule/condition for a visitor not to stay for a year. In fact the USCIS rules permit a 6 month extension of visitor stay in addition to the original 6 months for a max of 1 year at a time. And it has nothing to do with calendar years. Thus there is no requirement of not being in the US for more than 6 months in a calendar year.

Why is it that "true" visitors should be limited to 6 months. I can cite a personal example of my own too - my father's friend has all his 3 children settled here and they visit the US frequently, sometimes more than 6 months at a time. They have never had their visas revoked or extensions denied. And they have never violated their visa terms or done anything to violate their status. And yes, they ARE true visitors, not abusers. It is no big deal for them to get a GC sponsored by any of their 3 citizen children. They have chosen not to and continue to really "visit" the US!

We know your intentions are good and the information put out may be generally useful. But please do not disseminate inaccurate information. It misleads and/or confuses people. And please also be careful about branding people and that too using bold letters. That would simply be your personal opinion.

I am stating the facts dude. THIS IS THE TRUTH. What i gave here is a personal experience faced by my friend's mom. I am not here to mislead people and I don't want to give sugar coated answers or false answers. This forum is meant to help out people with TRUE answers and NOT FALSE hopes. If you don't want to hear TRUE answers stay away.....:rolleyes:

There is no rule/condition for a visitor not to stay for a year. In fact the USCIS rules permit a 6 month extension of visitor stay in addition to the original 6 months for a max of 1 year at a time. And it has nothing to do with calendar years. Thus there is no requirement of not being in the US for more than 6 months in a calendar year..[/QUOTE said:
Visitor101:- A person holding a B-2 visitor visa needs to spend more time in his/her home country than in the U.S. That is the meaning of a visitor. Only valid exemptions are if they come for medical treatment. Yeah USCIS gives extensions, but the next time the applicant comes thru the POE they will definitely be grilled on their reasons for extension(s). They might escape a couple of times,but will definitely get caught one day. There are people's experience on this forum and other forums which proves that. If you are NOT convinced go ask an immigration attorney or CBP official they will tell you what the rules are for a visitor.

If you still don't understand, refer to a dictionary on what the meaning of a VISITOR IS..

Why is it that "true" visitors should be limited to 6 months. I can cite a personal example of my own too - my father's friend has all his 3 children settled here and they visit the US frequently said:
YOUR friend's PARENTS ARE VISA ABUSERS IF THEY STAY FOR extended periods of time (beyond their original I-94 date) on each visit. No-one would call them genuine visitors? What else do u call them? U say that their visas were not revoked. I can equate this to a speeding ticket. U can speed as long as you are not caught, the moment you are caught, u pay the fine. Some day a hard-headed CBP officer would nail this thing down and the next time they go to the consulate, the VOs would take care of the rest.

Thirdly your friend's parents are denying the opportunity for other parents to visit their children by filing frivilous extensions and abusing the visitor visa.

Many genuine visitors who want to spend 2-3 months with their children and grand children get their visitor visas denied bcos of sins commited by people who got the visa. They tend to blame the VO for refusing the visa. Instead they should blame your friend's parents and YOU who justifies this act.

Your friend's parents are the guys who need to be denied a visitor visa in the first place. The more harder USCIS cracks down on these visa abusers, the more genuine visitors would get their visas..

And Also please REFRAIN from generating FALSE HOPES for people who are asking for TRUE ANSWERS. Most people WILL NOT take the risk if they know what the consequences are. Everyone MIGHT NOT be LUCKY as your friend's parents. The goal of these kind of forums is for people to exchange TRUE information and to Warn people on the consequences of their actions. In the end it is that person's call, but it is everyone's duty to atleast make people aware of the risks.

BTW i shall post a link on the risks of applying for an extension. An immigration attorney had written an article on this about a year back. I am not able to find it right now, but will post it as soon as i find it. That will give people a good insight on the extension stuff, and he obviously knows more than rest of us in this forum.
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Extension Approved

I received an email notification (setup via that the extension petiton of stay for my mother-in-law was approved on Aug 7, 2007 by CSC.

Here are the details:
I-94 Expiry Date: July 9th, 2007
I539 peition filed: May 29th, 2007
App pkt received (acknowledged via USPS): June 1st, 2007
Check Cashed: June 5th 2007 (this had the Recpt #)


Email notice of Approval received: Aug 8th, 2007

Hope this helps.
Could you please post all the docs you submitted for extension? Also what reason did you mention? Should the letter be written by the sponsor or the person applying for extension. THanks in advance...
Could you please post all the docs you submitted for extension? Also what reason did you mention? Should the letter be written by the sponsor or the person applying for extension. THanks in advance...

You should be kidding:mad: U want to apply for an extension and you don't have a reason:D ? This sounds like you don't have ANY REAL REASON. You want people over here to give you convincing reasons for your extension? Go and do some basic homework on what circumstances should a vistior apply for an extension.
Quick question on I-94 Extension for B2 Visa of my visiting Grandpa, who is 86 years old. (For Vermont Center)

My grandpa has arrived on Apr 10th, 2007. His I-94 is till Nov 9th, 2007. He has got 10 year multiple B2 Visa. He is 86 years old and no plans of getting him to US again as i see it now (we never know???). We plan to extend his stay by 2 more months till Jan 7th and so would like to file his 539. I have few questions for you.
1) Can we file for this extension electronically?
2) When filing electronically, how do I make the payment?
3) What kind of supporting documents I need to send with the extension?
4) Do i send original I-94 or a copy?
5) When filing electronically, how do I send the supporitng documents?
6) What reasons should i give for the extension? - which would fly easily?

Kindly reply.

Quick question on I-94 Extension for B2 Visa of my visiting Grandpa, who is 86 years old. (For Vermont Center)

My grandpa has arrived on Apr 10th, 2007. His I-94 is till Nov 9th, 2007. He has got 10 year multiple B2 Visa. He is 86 years old and no plans of getting him to US again as i see it now (we never know???). We plan to extend his stay by 2 more months till Jan 7th and so would like to file his 539. I have few questions for you.
1) Can we file for this extension electronically?
2) When filing electronically, how do I make the payment?
3) What kind of supporting documents I need to send with the extension?
4) Do i send original I-94 or a copy?
5) When filing electronically, how do I send the supporitng documents?
6) What reasons should i give for the extension? - which would fly easily?

Kindly reply.


Just bcos he is OLD and has no plans to visit the U.S ARE NOT Justified reasons for applying for an extension. You need to understand that 6 months is plenty of time to spend with family and tour the U.S. Applying using "FALSE REASONS" is ABUSE of Visa previledge(s).
well now that you heard the speil the answer to your questions.

I think it makes perfect sense to use the age argument and say that due to his advanced age it will be unlikely that he will be able to return in the near future and would like to explore this country while he still can.
Thee is no law that says a visitor visa will only be six months or that a tourist has to finish exploring this country in six months.

when filing electronocally you have option of using credit/debit card or electronic check.

after you apply you need to mail the supporting docs at the address provided the docs are same as you provided for initial visa refer

send a copy of I-94.
well now that you heard the speil the answer to your questions.

I think it makes perfect sense to use the age argument and say that due to his advanced age it will be unlikely that he will be able to return in the near future and would like to explore this country while he still can.
Thee is no law that says a visitor visa will only be six months or that a tourist has to finish exploring this country in six months.

when filing electronocally you have option of using credit/debit card or electronic check.

after you apply you need to mail the supporting docs at the address provided the docs are same as you provided for initial visa refer

send a copy of I-94.
Thanks for the reply - How soon do i have to do this? I plan to send this to the Vermont center. If i send it in the next couple of weeks, what is the likely hood of knowing the result by end of this year?

Thanks again, babu
Chennai 123 - show some maturity in your reply - look at your reply and the reply from waitin_toolong.

Don't ask for opinions in a public forum if you don't hear what you wish to hear. I am telling you the truth. I will still stay the same thing even if someone disagrees with me. Visitor Extensions should only be applied if there are situations beyond one's control. Eg family emergency / medical treatment. Look at the links i posted on when an extension should be applied. What did your grandfather say to the VO on the duration of the visit when he applied for a visitor visa? 6 months? or 8 months? If he had said 8 months, i bet he never would have made his visit to the U.S. U better be true to what you said on the application form. The more people abuse the visitor visa, the more difficult it gets for other applicants to get a short stay and genuine extensions. I would be curious to know what you/your grandpa will accomplish in 2 months that you have not done in the past 6 months. If you say that you are going to tour around the country, that is just B.S. You could have done that during the 6 months of stay. If you possess basic COMMON SENSE then you will understand what i am talking about. If NOT, i can't say anything other than sorry. I am not going to stop you from applying. I will always voice my opinion when something is WRONG, whether you like it OR NOT.
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Don't ask for opinions in a public forum if you don't hear what you wish to hear. I am telling you the truth. I will still stay the same thing even if someone disagrees with me. Visitor Extensions should only be applied if there are situations beyond one's control. Eg family emergency / medical treatment. Look at the links i posted on when an extension should be applied. What did your grandfather say to the VO on the duration of the visit when he applied for a visitor visa? 6 months? or 8 months? If he had said 8 months, i bet he never would have made his visit to the U.S. U better be true to what you said on the application form. The more people abuse the visitor visa, the more difficult it gets for other applicants to get a short stay and genuine extensions. I would be curious to know what you/your grandpa will accomplish in 2 months that you have not done in the past 6 months. If you say that you are going to tour around the country, that is just B.S. You could have done that during the 6 months of stay. If you possess basic COMMON SENSE then you will understand what i am talking about. If NOT, i can't say anything other than sorry. I am not going to stop you from applying. I will always voice my opinion when something is WRONG, whether you like it OR NOT.

Seems like "chennai_123" got some issues. I haven't seen any +ve reply or assurances from this Guy :eek: :eek: :eek: Always trying to scare people from EOS :confused:
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