Recent Visitor Visa Extentions from California Service Center

Send it 45 days from the I-94 expiry in my opinion.

Thanks for the reply - How soon do i have to do this? I plan to send this to the Vermont center. If i send it in the next couple of weeks, what is the likely hood of knowing the result by end of this year?

Thanks again, babu
Seems like "chennai_123" got some issues. I haven't seen any +ve reply or assurances from this Guy :eek: :eek: :eek: Always trying to scare people from EOS :confused:

Trying to scare:rolleyes: ? Huh, you don't want to hear the truth. Bottom line, i don't encourage visa abuse. You always want +ve assurances and encourage visa abuse?

First a visitor is a person who comes and leaves, not start living in the U.S. Extensions for stay in a B-2 visitor category should be applied only in circumstances beyond control. Most people seem to file the extension with lame and with frivolous reasons. This NOT ONLY jeopardizes their future, but also for all others who want secure visas for short visit(s). Secondly what i don't seem to understand is that why is it so hard to keep up the word regarding duration of stay that u mention in the application form? While the rest of the citizens from other countries (Western Europe etc) can finish their visit in 3 months, why can't the folks from S.E asian countries NOT finish their visit in 6 months? If you take a sample, most of the extensions for stay are from people from S.E asian countries. If the people who got visitor visas keep their word, it would be beneficial to the rest of the folks to secure visas to visit their children and grand-children.

BTW, i don't intend to start a flame war on this. I am stating my opinion on EOS. In the end, i can't stop people from applying, but atleast would like to let them know the consequences and the damage they cause to others / themselves by applying using frivolous reasons. I would definitely vote for a law that would have a "NO EOS" stamped on all B-2 I-94s stamped for 6 months. This would definitely curb abuse and would help genuine visitors to get visas.
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I have to agree with Chennai_123 here. A valid point has been raised. It is very hard to present a justifiable reason to extend a visit that is already six months long in duration. "Grandson's birthday", "I want to take my folks to Yellowstone", "Our daughter-in-law is pregnant and needs TLC", etc are feeble reasons. An I-539 adjudicator will see right through these. All of these "reasons" can be avoided by a well timed initial entry.
Frequent I-539s from a specific set of nationalities does end up making it difficult for other applicants from those countries to secure visas. Local consuls are aware of B-2 AOS/COS figures and keep those statistics in mind when adjudication local visa applicants.

While the rest of the citizens from other countries (Western Europe etc) can finish their visit in 3 months, why can't the folks from S.E asian countries NOT finish their visit in 6 months? If you take a sample, most of the extensions for stay are from people from S.E asian countries.
You are entitled to your opinion, but I have a question for you. In your view, what exactly would be abuse of a B-2 visa?
Rambalaji, I respect your opinion. Visa is a previledge and people should use it judiciously and enjoy the benefits and NOT ABUSE IT. In most countries in western Europe, the visitor stay is restricted to weeks or atmost a month. There are NO OPTIONS to extend one's stay over there. The irony here is that people are NOT SATISFIED even after spending 6 months of stay in the U.S. There are also people who seem to justify that is OK to request an extension for lame duck reasons. The problem i see is that when people go to the Visa interview, they seem VERY HONEST. "I will only spend 3-5 months in the U.S" . 5 secs After getting the visa, they change their mind. Many parents / grandparents who would like to visit the U.S for a short stay, get their visas denied just bcos of problems commited by people who got their visas. If people were TRUE to what they had said in the application form, i bet most people from SE asian countries would to some extent enjoy the same previledges as those from Western Europe. If the level of abuse shoots up north, then we will start seeing more stringent visa stay requirements that are in existence in other western european countries
Hi S.K.Ghori,
I meant not to abuse the facility of extension because, many parents want to do do baby sitting as their sibblings will be working in USA and there fore apply for extension. Other wise you do not need more than 6 months to stay in USA for sight seeing. At the time of applying for B2 visa, many of the visitors give the reason as "to visit their children and some sight seeing".
Hi Chennai 123,
I fully agree with your views and that is the reason I said USE and DO NOT ABUSE the facility of extension. Many parents who really want to visit their children get rejected as the VOs feel that they are migrant candidates.
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Abuse is very subjective - the immigration officer would decide it - not we. Best thing on this forum is to provide requested information, if you have / if you know - not your opinions & Judgements - its waste of everyone's time.
Abuse is very subjective - the immigration officer would decide it - not we. Best thing on this forum is to provide requested information, if you have / if you know - not your opinions & Judgements - its waste of everyone's time.

Not really true. The forum is also meant to educate people. Guess what will happen if an immigration officer sees 9 lame extensions and 1 genuine extension, he/she would be tempted to reject even the genuine one. Anyway i don't want to argue here, people need to think about the actions and the after-effects. If many people have the mentality "I will do what i want, let the USCIS decide", at some point, they will make all visitor stays to just 1 month and the real losers are the visitors.