Received SR (06/28/2007) reply from TSC


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I just (08/13/2007) received SR (opened 06/28/2007) Response Letter from TSC dated Aug 3 2007.
It says

"A check of your records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision as the required investigation into your background remains open.

Until the this complets we cannot moved forward ..blah, bnlah....., If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service number. "

Does this mean my Name Check is pending?....

I was told by infopass (hartford) that my name check is clear. TSC IO told me its pending.

Does this mean i missed the boat?. My 140 had LUD Yesterday.

Does Sending letters to Sentor, FL etc help?

Gurus Please help...

Call or take an Infopass appointment to check if your fingerprints are good. "Background investigation" sounds more like the FPs were unclassifiable and so they have to get a police clearance instead of relying on FPs.
Stuck in SHIT Background Check


Yes, I too got the same responce for my SR on 06/28 got letter dated Aug 3rd with the same message.

Yes, It is Name check only.. I dont know when I will get out of this SHIT Process.

We cant belive any one.. Infopass and TSC IO's It is strage.. we are living in this country and there happazard process.. no co-ordination and no one takes responsibilites.. FBI Name Check is like DEAD END I CANT TURN any where from here.. I Want to pass thru this..

I really dont know what to do.. This upsets me a lot..

Again Letters you can try.. but it is going to deaf and dumb people..

goodachari are you from karanataka..?? eennaa uscis makaluu hatira yege yege sakkagedhhe..


PD - Oct 2001
486 - RD 06/05
1st FP - 07/13/2005
1st SR - 08/04/2006 - Shame shit Background check pending responce
Transfer to V to T on 03/15/07
2nd FP - 05/08/07
2nd SR - 06/28/2007 - Shame shit Background check pending responce

Waiting for 485 AD -

What is this message? Is this Name check process too?

I got this as an email from CRIS. I remember giving my email address when I opened the SR and I saw this mail today.

"The status of this service request is: Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, Blah...Blahh"

What is Additional Review??? Is this another version of some background process is it?
Call or take an Infopass appointment to check if your fingerprints are good. "Background investigation" sounds more like the FPs were unclassifiable and so they have to get a police clearance instead of relying on FPs.

Hi marooned42,

TSC IO told me FPs are good and told me only Name Check is pending..

one more thing i remember from info pass. The lady told me very specific that
my name check is clear and she cautioned me name " Please remember name check is not entire security/background clearance . name check is only a part of it. i agree its a major part. "

i asked her if any other thing else is pending and she told me that she cannot discuss that .

Any idea what exactly is pending?......
FBI namecheck is just one of the namechecks they perform. IBIS is another. IBIS has a 180-day expiry period. That could be what they're talking about. In any case, it's hard to trust any status provided by TSC to applicants nowadays. The only way to make these guys respond accurately these days seems to be through a congressional enquiry. Did you try that route?
FBI namecheck is just one of the namechecks they perform. IBIS is another. IBIS has a 180-day expiry period. That could be what they're talking about. In any case, it's hard to trust any status provided by TSC to applicants nowadays. The only way to make these guys respond accurately these days seems to be through a congressional enquiry. Did you try that route?

Hi marooned42,

Thanks for the info. I will congressional route tomoorow. also I have taken another infopass for tomorrow at a diff center this time. will post my exp .

Also what is IBIS? never heard of this before. can I ask info pass IO abt this?

IBIS-related stuff is mentioned in this document:

I doubt if the IO will tell you anything specific about it, even if the IO knows. No point asking.

However, you should ask the IO if anything is pending on your case, and any other information they can provide you (whether it is pre-adjudicated, etc.).

Finally, was your namecheck cleared on 7/19/2007, or was the Infopass appointment on that date? It is entirely possible that the "information" provided in the SR response was not even valid at the time it was printed (because we don't know when the SR was routed to an IO/IIO to respond to).

Lots of variables here, so don't take the SR response seriously till you've arrived at the same answer through multiple channels.
Finally received response to my SR today from USCIS...something like '.....actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please call customer service......'

Unbelievable! :mad:

Additional review is the internal audit check done by USCIS. So you are also under Extended Review. Search this forum on Extended Review to know from the other thread.
How come all of a sudden they started this extended review for many?

Very few from this forum had this status starting Dec 2006 (birdaz and next baskar20). I am not sure whether they got approval or not.

This may delay the processing of our cases few more months. If they really work it should be faster but with this July mess they are not touching these Extended Review files.
I got this as an email from CRIS. I remember giving my email address when I opened the SR and I saw this mail today.

"The status of this service request is: Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, Blah...Blahh"

What is Additional Review??? Is this another version of some background process is it?

kv2002 -

Has there been any LUDs on your I-485 recently? I also received the 'additional review...6 months' mail from USCIS on my SR. Our cases look similar...
Today I received the letter with same message as goodachari1. I wrote letter to obdusmen some time in june. In the Letter it mentions about thank you for contacting obudsment etc ..With same wordings as goodachari117.

Earlier calls to USCIS and infopass appoinments. I was told that name check is clear and every thing looks good. I don't know whom to believe.
Hi All,

I just (08/13/2007) received SR (opened 06/28/2007) Response Letter from TSC dated Aug 3 2007.
It says

"A check of your records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision as the required investigation into your background remains open.

Until the this complets we cannot moved forward ..blah, bnlah....., If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service number. "

Does this mean my Name Check is pending?....

I was told by infopass (hartford) that my name check is clear. TSC IO told me its pending.

Does this mean i missed the boat?. My 140 had LUD Yesterday.

Does Sending letters to Sentor, FL etc help?

Gurus Please help...


Just got the same letter dated July 13. I sent a request to the Ombundsman in April, he notified me to expect a reply from USCIS in 45 days. No reply came after 45 days, so I sent a 2nd letter to the Ombundsman. This time USCIS replied. One funny thing, in their letter USCIS even put Ph.D (I do have one) after my name, and addressed me as Dr. I followed up through Senator's office, this is all FBI NC. I found writing to Senator doesn't help at all, except his office gives me a status update thus saving me a trip to infopass.
No LUD's - Ever....after transfer on 03/15/07

catch_22_4_GC...please see my signature. no luds and yes, our cases are similar...

Nope. No LUDS after 03/15/07....

Internal Audit?? Could that be the reason why I didn't even see LUD after my 2nd FP (Code 1) on Aug 1st. I called TSC IO after FP and was told that they received the FP on 3rd Aug but no luds... I have another FP (Code 3) appointment letter for Aug 24th, just for me, which I believe was scheduled since I called TSC and asked them to send the FP twice. They rescheduled and also send the expired FP notice to me...So I will again go for FP on Aug 24th.

Man, did they put my case in the closet and lost the keys? I am only applying for renewals and lately giving FP's left and right...
Myself and my spouse opened a SR or June 18th 07 and only my wife received a response from TSC with the following:

Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 60 to 90 days contact customer service 1-800-............

I also have opened another SR on 20th July that is also still pending.....
I received a response for a SR that was initiated Jun'20th. Same old BS .... background check, contact us back in 6 months.
catch_22_4_GC...please see my signature. no luds and yes, our cases are similar...

Nope. No LUDS after 03/15/07....

Internal Audit?? Could that be the reason why I didn't even see LUD after my 2nd FP (Code 1) on Aug 1st. I called TSC IO after FP and was told that they received the FP on 3rd Aug but no luds... I have another FP (Code 3) appointment letter for Aug 24th, just for me, which I believe was scheduled since I called TSC and asked them to send the FP twice. They rescheduled and also send the expired FP notice to me...So I will again go for FP on Aug 24th.

Man, did they put my case in the closet and lost the keys? I am only applying for renewals and lately giving FP's left and right...

I wouldnt't read too much into 'no LUDs after FP'. My spouse and I gave FPs on the same day and there has been no LUDs on my spouse's case till date. TSC IO says FPs look fine for both of us and told us not to worry about 'no LUDs'.
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beat this

I just received a reply for SR initiated MAY 18, letter dated Aug 1, blaming background check - and infopass, TSC both have told me numerous times that all checks were clear.

So I guess I'm screwed for now

I received a response for a SR that was initiated Jun'20th. Same old BS .... background check, contact us back in 6 months.
My TSC I485 Service Request response !!!

SRC05251xxxx (I-485)
Our review indicates that this case is actually within current processing time. We regret any misunderstanding if you do not receive a decision or notice of other action within our current processing time. Check our website for an update, call customer service at 1-800 -

I am not able to understand why they did not mention if NC is pending, visa #
Any guess please what is going at TSC with my case.

NIW (India) Concurrent 9/05
I140 AD: 9/05
I485 pending
3rd EAD approved
NC was pending (phone TSC IO)
wrote to senators : no use but got response from INS to senators query as NC pending
Service request: letter as above
Oh God.. You tooo.. Hope its not bad for you

istrategist.. I always thought you would get your approval mails very soon seeing the pattern on your case.. Now you got this...Ouuuchh...

You know what, hopefully all these SR replies don't mean anything (I hope).. If Infopass and TSC told its cleared, may be it is cleared...Good luck and ignore this SR reply...

Even after I received my SR reply , I spoke to a TSC IIO and she told me that, my case looks good for some one to see and asked to wait till Oct. No mentioning about any extended reviews...But my lawyer said, the msg looks like FBI name check delay...God knows what..

Hope we all get out soon...