Received Passport when I should expect my naturalization certificate back?


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Today I received Passport book which is pretty cool! However I did not received naturalization certificate the same day.
When should I expect to get it back? Thanks.
Or paraphrase question is it normal if you receive passport but no naturalization certificate the same day?
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3 weeks after receiving passport!? Wow this is surprise to me. I remember someone wrote that he received passport and certificate the same day. Well I guess everything is OK then. It is strange though. Why to keep certificate for so long after they did passport already?
Yes, normal. It might take up to three weeks to get your certificate back.
Please, read the sentence carefully "up to three weeks", you might get it much sooner, but there is no reason to panic if a week goes by and you don't see the certificate. The problem is if I or someone else tells you to expect the certificate within one or two days and you don't get it it's going to be cause of unnecessary anxiety :)
Was worried about the same thing. I got my PP book on April 1st but no NC yet. Called the # at the online status check and the customer representative told me it could take up to 3 weeks to receive it... he did say that it was mailed out on March 31st.
Thank you guys for your calming :) answers, now I will not worry about this.

The passports are usually mailed out via Priority Mail (correct me if I'm wrong), whereas the certificate is mailed via regular mail. Depending on how close you are to the processing facility, it may take a few days to get the certificate back. As everyone has already pointed out, you'll definitely get it back. Relax. :)
It seems it would make more sense and maybe be cheaper if they would mail everything together but I guess they have different facilities processing applications and actually producing the documents. The way they are set up it must be easier to just send things from where they are located versus trying to merge documents into a single envelope.
I got my NC (First Class, letter size envelope) the day after my PP (Priority Mail). Another day later I got my PPC (standard white business envelope, regular mail)
It seems it would make more sense and maybe be cheaper if they would mail everything together but I guess they have different facilities processing applications and actually producing the documents. The way they are set up it must be easier to just send things from where they are located versus trying to merge documents into a single envelope.
I got my NC (First Class, letter size envelope) the day after my PP (Priority Mail). Another day later I got my PPC (standard white business envelope, regular mail)

I think you hit the nail on the head. For example there is a massive passport facility somewhere in the country (I forgot, Alabama?). I'd assume orders are sent electronically to the facility to produce the passport, while the passport application documents remain with the person processing the application. It also decreases the risk of losing everything. If they mail separately and the passport is lost you can apply for another one, if the supporting documents are lost at least you have a passport to prove identity and citizenship. The likelihood of both being lost is minimal compared to just losing one envelope (which is small to begin with).
Today I received Naturalization Certificate by regular mail, just like Vorpal said.
So to sum up my time line. On April 7 received Passport book by Priority mail and on April 9 Naturalization certificate by regular mail. Very happy me :)
Passport at Regional Office--same day passport?

Can anyone share if you have applied your passport at a regional passport agency if you are travelling within 14 days? Los Angeles Regional Office

Today I received Passport book which is pretty cool! However I did not received naturalization certificate the same day.
When should I expect to get it back? Thanks.
Or paraphrase question is it normal if you receive passport but no naturalization certificate the same day?

Today or Tomorrow...
Oops... I guess you already got it back. Lately it gets to you a couple of days after the passport...
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