Received Approval Notice I130 - Sibling Question

Frankly, I heard different things about that. I myself got F1 and came here as student with no problem (basically officer just stamped my passport without any interview or anything) and my parents got GC year before and were filing for me (and no, I didn't hide the info). In fact I got F1 visa this way twice - 1st time in my country, 2nd time in Canada. However I also heard petition may cause problems to get student visa.
May get expedited if an amnesty happens

As I recall when the amnesty issue went before congress back in 2006/2007 the proposed legislation provided expedited processing for all pending I130 applicants who had been in the pipeline before a cutoff date. That legislation died in the senate due to opposition from some southern republican senators.

Fast forward to 2009, the democrats are in sight of a fillibuster-proof majority in the senate and Obama supports an amnesty, so there is a chance of another attempt at amnesty in the 2010 congress. Hopefully congress will put legal green card applicants ahead of legalizing illegal immigrants in the processing timeline.
Hopefully congress will put legal green card applicants ahead of legalizing illegal immigrants in the processing timeline.

My understanding of all these proposed reforms is that illegals will still be allowed to be in country and wait for GC while lots of legal relatives (FB1-4) who obeyed the laws will be waiting outside for the PD current with even very limited chance to get student or visitor visa to come to US. That's just completely unfair in my personal opinion.
That legislation died in the senate due to opposition from some southern republican senators. Fast forward to 2009, the democrats are in sight of a fillibuster-proof majority in the senate and Obama supports an amnesty, so there is a chance of another attempt at amnesty in the 2010 congress. Hopefully congress will put legal green card applicants ahead of legalizing illegal immigrants in the processing timeline.

If you think that immigration reform is a partisan issue, you're mistaken. Part of the reason why immigration reform has been so contentious is that there are strong constituencies in BOTH parties for and against the issue.