Receipts for June 2001 (CSC)

Summary of June/July thread(s) as of 8/20

Summary of June/July thread(s) as of 8/20

    Summary (June) 28 7 6 0 0   Handle MD RD ND AP EAD Comment Vamsi 6/01 6/01 8/07       syho 6/01           xinhua cheng 6/02           P C 6/03           sbkale 6/01 6/05 8/03       Vishnu Mahadev 6/04 6/05 8/03       atswamy 6/05 6/06 8/06       nagaraj awatiger 6/05 6/06 8/10       Waiting_F_R 6/07           rover 6/07           notagain 6/08           Kumar_h1 6/08           bibekghosh 6/08           harman 6/15           kbelagan 6/15           cathyif 6/18           A P 6/18           ten san 6/19           Gajesh 6/19           Mat Stopper 6/20           A2E2 6/22           SONA MONI 6/22           KPP 6/25 6/26 8/07       azcowboy007 6/25 6/26       App. sent back for using check for wrong amount on 8/10 ram M 6/27           keralboy 6/27           PCee 6/28           sudpal 6/28           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary (July) 16 0 0 0 0   Handle MD RD ND AP EAD Comment Manav 7/01           saab 7/01           Bin Liu 7/05           kotag kris 7/05           nadodi 7/06           jrrashok 7/10           nh 7/10           arag 7/13           bhawana gesota 7/18           balshu 7/18           sk_1 7/20           zse12345 7/20           dev_null 7/20           dummy 7/25           BB123 7/27           Girish Bakhru 7/27          
    MD Mailed Date RD Receive Date   ND Notification Date AP Advanced Parole Approval Date   EAD Employment Authorization Approval Date   Comments (if any)

Use below link for July Thread
nadodi "Thread for July I485 mailers" 8/14/01 8:21pm

- PCee
If you want to know how to format summary...

If you want to know how to format summary please see my response at this link
PCee "p.cee or ciba or debo.. anyone help" 8/20/01 2:39pm

- PCee
Recevd I-485 Receipt

Mailed Date 06/07
RD 06/08
ND 08/14

Please update


Reg..Selective Service Registration

Any idea on this RegSelective Service Registration in 485 application??
Do we need send this Part 4 before sending 485 appication??
No Title

Hi tinkud6,

First, there is only one place to sign and you must sign there to file for 485. You cannot file only part4 without filing I-485!

Where does it asks that you need to send that information before sending 485 application? All it is there (as far as I understood) is "Your information will be transmitted to Selective Service Registration system, and you MUST accept for that." If you read I-485 instructions carefully it states that there may be some instances where you must file for this and if you filed already then Selective Services System will ignore this filing.

- PCee
Selective Service Registration

I agree..that part 4 is different..according to our lawyer CSC some times may ask this part 4 ...

my lawyer asking me to sign and wants to keep this in their files, in case INS asks, they wants to advise......

Part 4. Sognature. ( Read the information on penalities in the instructions before completing this scection. You must file this application while in the United States)

I certify, under penality of prejury under the laws of the United States of America, that this application and the evidence submitted with it is all true and correct. I authorize to release of any information from my recoeds which the INS need to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.

Selective Service Registration.The following applies to you if you are a man atleast 18 years old, but not yet 26 years old, who is required to register with the Selective Service System: I understand that my filing this adjust of status application with the INS authorizes the INS to provide certain registration information to the Selective Service System in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act. Upon INS acceptance of my application, I authorize the INS to transmit to the Selective Service System my name, current address, SS#, date of birth and the date I filed the application for the purpose of recording my Selective Service Registration as of the filing date. If, however, INS doesn\'t accept my application, I further understand that, if so required, I am responsible for registring with the selective service by other names, provided I have not yet reached age 26.

Signature Print your name Date Daytime Phone #

Please Note: If you do not completely fill out this form or fail to submit required documents listed in the instructions, you may not be found eligible for the requested benefit and this application and this application may be denied

Part 5, Signature of Person Preparing Form, if other than above (sign below)

I declare that I prepared this application at the request of the above person and it is based on all information of which I have knowledge.

Signature Print your name Date Daytime Phone #

Firm and Address:
Now you confused me enough!!!


There is only one place for the applicant to sign that is in part4. Based on your agreement with your attorney, your attorney can sing forms on behalf of you while doing this kind of filings. Most of the times the attorney will type the form and send it to you so that you will sing in part4 and they will sign it in part 5 and send it to INS. Probably your attorney didn\'t get your signature before sending it to INS so just to cover their base they want you to sign it now.

One thing I can say of certain is that signing part4 means not only you are agreeing to what ever is there in part4 but also to the entire contents of I-485 that are filled. If your attorney is asking you to sign a blank form (just saying that you are accepting conditions in part4) then it doesn\'t makes any sense and rather it sounds fishy!

Good luck
No Title

I know..I signed that Part 4 and I personally Fed Ex my 485 packet.
they attended some meeting last week..CSC may ask this part 4 and 5 sometimes...bhala..bhala..they are telling...
even I verify with others...

Can anybody give me the tel. no. to dial to speak to IIO. This is for one of my friend.

No Title


It\'s the same number you will call to find out status from CSC. Any why here it is...

(949) 831-8427

Lets go to new thread...

I think this thread already became a bit big and taking some time to load. Lets start new thread for June tracking. From now on please do not post in this thread. Please use following thread for June tracking...

PCee "New thread for June, 2001 I-485 Mailers to CSC" 8/22/01 3:03pm
