Re-entry Permit vs. SB-1 Returning Resident Visa


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Hi everyone.

I am a GC holder living overseas due to US citizen spouse's overseas employment with a US company. I did get a 2 year re-entry permit before moving out of the US, but it will expire in about 6 months. We will not be moving back to the US within 6 months. From my research, it looks like I have two options:

1. Apply for another re-entry permit while visiting in-laws this summer, and fly back to the US again for biometrics/try to get US embassy here to do biometics

2. Apply for a SB-1 returning resident visa here. (The US embassy in this country has no information on this visa, but I found info on other US embassy/consulate websites)

Any recommendation as to which option is better? (Maybe 'better' is too strong a word, let's say lesser of the two evil.)

FYI, I think I have a pretty strong case of intention to return to the US (overseas move due to US citizen spouse's employment; have been paying US taxes; have US bank accounts - salary actually paid into this account; have US credit cards; all in-laws in the US; kept up professional license requirements in the US)

Thank you!
Thank you for the input. Is #1 better because it's much easier to get? I live 15 hours flight away from the US, so I may be willing to do more paperwork here than have to fly back to the US for fingerprinting...
If you apply for the SB-1 before your reentry permit expires, they'll tell you to use the permit. If you apply after the permit expires, you don't know if they'll approve the SB-1. So use the reentry permit, it is already in your hand.

If you are in Asia or Australia, find out if you can do the fingerprinting in Guam or Hawaii, so you wouldn't have to do a 15-hour flight back to the mainland US.
So I have not seen anyone on the board with SB-1. Any experiences? . From what I heard, it is very hard to get SB-1 visa.