RD's Aug/00 thru Aug/01 in limbo????????


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Are RD's Aug/00 thru Aug/01 in limbo????????


just like you I'm sitting if front of my PC and checking the damn status multiple times a day, yet nothing is happening, while later RD's are getting their GC's.
What strikes me is the possibility that cases between 08/00 and 08/01 might've been somehow forgotten about.

To support my hypotesis, I will remind you that lately we've MOSTLY(if not ONLY) seen a ton of late 01's and bunch of 02's getting approved, while there's just as many 00's and early 01's that are still hanging. I mean, isn't that super strange??

Could've we somehow accidently gotten into some dark corner without anybody knowing we are there? It's a computer for crying out loud, errors occur, right?

I mean, when was the last time we saw a late 00 or early 01 getting approved?

I don't get it?

Do I make sense, or all that waiting makes me delusional ????????





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I did not hear anybody, too. maybe my file was forgotten or lost ( my lawyer sent INS a letter two months ago to question INS in this way)? ( my lawyer got no reply letter till now).
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samman said:
I am 8/31/00 and have received my GC on 7/1/2005...

When mentioned that 08/00 - 08/01 window, I wasn't really basing it on concrete facts, just observations because I know there are plenty of folks in this forum with late 00 RD's and they haven't gotten their GC's yet
Let me join the club. ND - September, 2001. Went to code 3 myself ahead of schedule. Waiting... :mad:
This is because that office is like a zoo, and is ran by a bunch of cheap laborers.

I visited the NE office back in 2000, and I saw many employees going in (all young females of a certain ethnic background) who appeared to be recent immigrants. That freaking office lost my file and many documents I have sent through the years (I always had a USPS delivery confirmation recpt.).

So, be patient and keep praying that they do not screw you up!
Guys, do you have any idea if we can do something to have our cases processed? Writing these morons inquiry letters, maybe. I prepared a draft and plan to send it in a couple of days, if I do not see any changes in LUD. I'm pissed. :mad:
Morning said:
Guys, do you have any idea if we can do something to have our cases processed? Writing these morons inquiry letters, maybe. I prepared a draft and plan to send it in a couple of days, if I do not see any changes in LUD. I'm pissed. :mad:

The funny thing is according to my lawyer, most of the 2000/2001 cases are still waiting approval...even though many of those cases are ready to be approved, USCIS hasn't approved them. WHy? NO ONE KNOWS! The good excuse they give us that "an officer is waiting to review your file"

I think its more of a political agenda among the USCIS employees. Remember the letters they sent that send back to us the GC we issued? That was done because ONE and JUST ONE...USCIS officer thought that they had erroneously issued thousands of GC's..He did not know the 1 year rule. There have been lots of conference calls with the USCIS and they admit they made a mistake however they will not come up and say they did..they will issue an official letter stating that "they wanted to make sure that GC issued were backdated correctly"

Mind you this case only happened for ASYLEES...
My ND is JUNE 2000, not 2001, and I am still waiting!
Filed an inquiry in October.... received a response that the case is pending.
Any advice as to what to do?
So tired of this uncertainty........................
dilarossi said:
My ND is JUNE 2000, not 2001, and I am still waiting!
Filed an inquiry in October.... received a response that the case is pending.
Any advice as to what to do?
So tired of this uncertainty........................
I hear you. I can no longer wait and just sent an inquiry and plan to do so every two weeks until I receive a constructive feedback. I may be naive, but if we all start doing that things may change. I figured I have nothing to lose and I am desperate, so why not try? :(
dilarossi said:
My ND is JUNE 2000, not 2001, and I am still waiting!
Filed an inquiry in October.... received a response that the case is pending.
Any advice as to what to do?
So tired of this uncertainty........................
Even according to BCIS's official timeline your case should already be approved! This really sucks.
wantmygcnow said:
The funny thing is according to my lawyer, most of the 2000/2001 cases are still waiting approval...even though many of those cases are ready to be approved, USCIS hasn't approved them. WHy? NO ONE KNOWS! The good excuse they give us that "an officer is waiting to review your file"

Sound like this is 9/11 deal.But I don't see logic here: if they thinking that person who applied before 9/11 2001 need more "verification , checking , etc"
they should speed up this category in order to find potential terrorists, not slow down!
Do not try to look for logic where it does not exist- it's good old INS, which contiues doing everything backasswards. Don't you remember that this agency issued visa extension to 9/11 terrorists after 9/11. It's only decent people like you and me are treated by this agency like BS.
Congresswoman help

Guys , my case is in a local office.I read in this forum , that sometimes congressman can help , but mostly its a wasting of time.So , instead of going to my congresswoman office i just send email last week , really short one with all my information and ask "to help any way she can".This monday i had call from her representative , she ask my DOB and hang up before I ask question.But in a couple hours i received email from congresswoman rep. , that local office will mail today notice for interview , scheduled appr. end of january.Now Im waiting for letter and have filling that my request to congresswoman help me to speed up processing a little bit.My point is you can email to your congressman , nothing to loose .
Good luck to all !!!