Ramukesi and other old timers 2000 (Aug/Sep/Oct...) ne news on ur cases??????- eom

contact congressman

I have just gave my case number over the phone to someone in my local congressman office here in MN. I don\'t even need to mention more and she seemed to knew the situation more than I would like to say. I assumed they are fairly familar and have dedicated person to deal with the service center. Let see what is the outcome. Couple weeks ago, I contacted a senator office and they requested me to send them a letter and I am too lazy to write a letter and gave up that try.

I have called IIO twice and I think that is useless. Firstly, I guess the IIO themseleve have limited information.

RD Oct 2000, ND Nov 2000, FP 03/2001
Very usefull information

I\'m also from Minnesota with ND in Dec. 2000. Could you please post phone number and name of the congressmen, whose office you contacted. Thanks.
Still here

RD - 09/05/2000
ND - 09/21/2000
FP - 02/28/2001

Still Waiting. Spoke to an IIO 2 weeks back. He said my application has moved to the Distribution area. Dont know what that means. Spoke to an IIO today. She doesn\'t seem to know anything about what the other guy said. She mentioned that INS is waiting for some more information but not from me(from some agency!!!). She cant say anymore. Still Waiting....
unlucky cases

I have the feeling that some of the unlucky case, for example for those I-140 that were approved from other service centers, etc. your case will be delayed. The worst part is that NSC management is very unorganized, the unlucky cases could easy lost track and sit at some places until Osman\'s bomb has aimed at NSC. If you care about it, instead of spending 20~30 minutes dailing and another fixed time watch of 20 minutes hold time before you heard a voice from an IIO, I will advise you to take the time to look up some help from senator or congressman from the place that your live. You can get contact via web site.
read this

After getting info from INS NSC that they are having difficulties matching my 140 and 485.

I posted a message here to which I got useful replies that if I140 was procesed by NVC which is the Department of State center for Visa Processing, then there is a possibility of the 140 Approval being sent to the Local Consulate in India.

So I checked the 140 Approval and yes there was a note that said that the approval was sent to the Consulate in INDIA.

Calling NVC I found out that my approval was sent to a US consulate in India on the 18th of July.

So now what? I call the attorney to get explanation.

They tell me that while applying 140 there is a little field where they ask for optional consular processing center(US consulate in India).

So that is why the approval was sent to India. But they confirmed that even if the 140 was for consular and AOS, INS should be OK as far as my 485 was concerned.

Now I have to fiind out from NSC if they will make a requisition to the US consulate in INDIA or should I do it.

And also can call the US consulate to find out if my files are physically present there

The Irony is that came to know about this only now, so if I had chosen to go for consular processing(sometime end of 2000 or beg 2001) I might have got my GC approved.

Talk about BAD LUCK, u r talking about me. LOL

Hope this helps ppl.



Uchai, Could you give me who that Congressman was? If they so much knowledge, I don\'t want to go wi

No Title

I got RFE for Birth Affidavits and Employment Letter. My wife got for
Marriage certificates. We sent RFE on Feb 4 and AVM update on Feb 5.
Waiting for approval. In meantime my company moved from NSC to TSC area. but no change in tax id and same old corporation. I do not know
whether NSC will ask for new I 140 or they will consider under AC21.

Please post if you have any info.

RD:07/00, nD:08/00
My case is similar to yours

My I140 Approval Notice also says the they have sent the information to NVC and will be forwarded to the Consulate. AFter checking your messge, I checked my I140 approval Notice. It exactly says what u have mentioned. WHen I called NVC today and keyed in the LIN # it couldn\'t find it and asked me to call during office hours to talk to a rep. I\'m not sure why it couldn\'t find my case. WIll call tomorrow and post the update. Also, I did ask my attorney and he replied that it takes only 2 weeks for the INS to get back the application from the Consulate.
I also went thru the I140 application that my attorney filed. In PART 4(Processing Information) it says "Below give the US consulate you want notified if this petition is approved and if any requested adjustment of status cannot be granted". My attornye had put Chennai and India in thost fields. I\'m not sure if this triggered the whole of things of sending the approval for CP to Indian consulate. I need to ask my attorney about that. WIll post the update tomorrow.
Meanwhile let me know if you have any updates. Lets have some hope and wait for some more time.
Hello GURUS 5thyearNSC/JavedG/SICKOFINS & others pl reply about AILA

Hello GURUS,
My attorney is contacting INS NSC thro AILA reg my pending I 485 cases.

1. What is AILA?
2. Will INS answers AILA, how powerful it is, any sucess with AILA??
3. Why ATTORNEYS prefer AILA, instead of contacting INS directly?

Your comments are appreciated,
Thanks, ramukesi
American Immigration Lawyers Association

Hi all you looooooooooooong waiters. It\'s been a while since I cruised this site and, sadly, I\'m still waiting for those INS twits up in Lincoln, NE to approve my 485. My wife had her fingerprint redo in Dec (11 months after the originals were rejected). We only got the redo thanks to the kind efforts of my Senator\'s office. I\'m planning to write my Congreeswoman in March since I am to busy right now in school finishing up an MBA.

As for the AILA, the INS regularly speaks directly to AILA and they seem to have a lot of lobbying power. Remember when the 180 rule came out? It was the AILA that pressured the INS to cough up written rules. At first, Janet Reno and her cronies did sweet dick all for a long time but were then forced to act when the AILA sued the INS in Federal Court for not implementing the law in a timely manner as outlined in the Federal Satutes. The AILA, I would say, is quite powerful.

Good luck all you waiters and I hope you all get a speedy relief!
RD: 7/00 ND: 8/00 PD: 10/97 (yes, 97) EB3 regular
Why your attorney did not contact INS directly, instead go to AILA

I am sure you attorney has tried to contact INS, but failed!

You attorney does not kick the NSC\'s butt hard enough or right in the center! to triggle a response, so he has to lease an "AILA" bulldozer, hopefully it can shover off all the heavy snow that deeply burried your case and many others.
Got a reply

I got a reply via congressman. It seemed that NSC is smart enough to assign some officers to congressional lisison activities. The reply is:
NSC are currently working on cases came in October, 2000 and there is a 4 month windows on either side of October, 2000. This hinted that they could working on case anywhere between Jun 2000 ~ Feb 2001 ND, somewhat unfair.

They were not much more information other than saying that my case is within their current processing time.
I got RFE ??? Anybody got a similar RFE?

**** Posted the same info on a different thread also ***

I found out that NSC has issued a RFE for my case. NSC needs evidence of my last entry into US on date XX/XX/XXXX as a H1B. According to the notice this date is not reflected in my passport or on my I-94.

At the time I applied for my I-485, XX/XX/XXXX was the date when I last entered in US and we did send that I-94. The issue is that I don\'t have old I-94 copy at this time as I travelled outside country since then. I have latest I-94 which has a different date.

My lawyer has asked me to send the latest I-94 copy and copy of the page in my passport bearing XX/XX/XXXX admission date stamp.

Another Q is that my latest I-94 shows that my H1B expired in Dec 2001.

Now I\'m working on EAD. Shall I also send the copy of EAD just in case NSC wants to know about my current status as H1B is expired?

Does anybody else has a similar RFE? I think I have a helpful lawyer but as my case is so much delayed I just want to avoid any further RFE\'s.

Does anybody know of any other document apart from the above.

Thanks All

I don\'t know why this RFE was issued? May be my I-94 was not legible .

RD Aug 2000 EB2 RIR
Response from congressman\'s office & senator\'s office

My wife recently contacted both congressman\'s office and senator\'s office. Last week, the message from congressman\'s office is that NSC is working on June 2000 cases and we have to wait for our turn.

Today the message from senator\'s office is that the case is still pending. It seems the lady (liason) was very rude. We know that the case is pending. All we wanted is a rational explanation (I know it doesn\'t exist at INS). We asked if she knows the reason for this delay. Guess what, her response is "Do you know what pending means?"

So we will just sit tight and wait for approval, when ever it comes. We are done with contacting senator\'s office and congressman\'s office.

Case details:

RD: Aug 2000
ND: Sep 2000
FP: Feb 2001
question for rk2

I got a reply from Mary F. Mass around mid Feb, 2002. Is this the same liaison officer that reply your enquiry thru congressman? She told us they were working around Oct 2000 because my case were around that time frame.
My I 140 file was sent back to INS by US Consulate in Chennai, India, on January 10 2002

Dear Friends,
I spoke to an Officer at Chennai, US Consulate, she told me that INS have asked for my file and they have sent to them on January 10 2002, so now INS , NEBRASKA are sitting pretty on my file, so THEY DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE IT NOR APPROVE IT. I THINK THEY ARE THE MOST SADIST PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.


I guess they dont

If you read your I140 approval notice it clearly says since I140 is approved for CP, INS says "This completes all INS action on this petition, you need to contact NVC for futher info". DOes that mean they just delete/purge all our history/information from their system and only way to work on our cases is to get it back from COnsulate/NVC is a question?.

Talk to IIO twice today

They said everything is OK, only I have to wait indefinite time. One thing for sure, you have to renew your EAD ASAP. I did it on purpose that I applied EAD 5 months later after 485 receipt, and thought it\'s safe. What else can I say now? What a mess!
Answers to questions

Ms. Hilder from Congressman Kirk\'s office said that NSC is working on June 2000 cases (she said this a week ago). We were supposed to check with her after a month.

The lady from senator Fitgzerald\'s office said that we have to wait for 3 more months. "No other info., she was not so helpful at all."