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Quick Q regarding Education/Employment on DSP-122/DS-0230


Registered Users (C)
Hey guys:

Being from the UK, I've completed GCE/VCE A-levels. And 2.5 years of college (incomplete, no accreditation.. but can be completed if I wish)

- How do you guys use N/A. Do you enter this for *every* field that does not count, or just the main section(s), ie: children)

Q6: Do I simply choose "High School Diploma"? Or "College, no degree"
... part B, do I enter in my college, and simply write "Incomplete" under Degrees/Cert received (note: the q states attended, not completed like part A)
- How do I note GCE/VCE A-levels. Do I simply write this is the certificate received.. *or* do I write "High School Diploma"?
- I've also completed an ECDL/ICDL (EU Computer Driving License) course; should I note this?
[ Note: If I am to 'ignore' my time in college, should I therefore leave this absent in DS-0230 Question 33?]

Q7; Do I in this case choose "No" and leave the remaining questions as N/A?
... part C (Employment History): Considering I am entering under the Education requirement, do I therefore leave this empty.. or should I complete this anyway? Note: It does mention it relates to 'above'
[Note: Should I also leave the Employment history blank in DS-0230 Question 32.. this seems to relate to the past 10 years, so I assume I don't?]

Specific to DS-0230..
Q35 - There is only room for 3 past visits to the USA. Should I include an addendum for the remaining, or simply leave at 3? Note: it says 'all previous visits'
I guess you select "college no degree" since you are in University at the moment? (which they call college over there in the UK) and have yet to receive their degree.

A levels are really the equivalent to High school in the USA, maybe more. But not the equivalent to college/university.

This is the time you need an immigration Lawyer in you're case since the UK has a different education system in which they do not have High School diplomas. I don't think anybody here can give you accurate information.