Questions on Family Based GreenCard


Registered Users (C)

I am a US citizen and would like to apply GreenCard for my parents who live abroad. I appreciate if you can answer my questions.

1) Is I-130 form the only form I need to file for them?
2) Do I need to fill any "Affidavit of Support" form with I-130 or later?
3) After filing I-130 what would be the next steps? Does USCIS contact me or my parents?
4) What's the average process time?


I am a US citizen and would like to apply GreenCard for my parents who live abroad. I appreciate if you can answer my questions.

1) Is I-130 form the only form I need to file for them? Yes
2) Do I need to fill any "Affidavit of Support" form with I-130 or later? Later
3) After filing I-130 what would be the next steps? Does USCIS contact me or my parents? They will contact you.
4) What's the average process time? 6 months to 1 year. Depends on country of birth.


I hope it helps!
Good Luck!