Question on which I94 to submit at the Airport when travelling outside the country


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I came to US in March 2005 on H1B visa and I received an I94 which was valid till 2007. I have changed two jobs on H1B and I received the renewed I94 with the new H1B approval documents. The second I94 was valid from Jan 2007 to November 2009. The third I94 was valid till March 2011. My priority date was in 2007 and I received my Green Card in October 2011. I have also kept my travel document updated each year since 2008.

I have two questions:

1. Since my last I94 expired in March 2011, did I make a mistake that I did not renew the I94 document?
2. This is the first time I am travelling outside the country. Could you please suggest which I94 should I submit at the Airport?

Thank you.
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Thank you nkm. Could you please also tell me the answer to my first question? Was it a mistake that I did not renew my I94 document?
Thank you nkm. Could you please also tell me the answer to my first question? Was it a mistake that I did not renew my I94 document?

Did you work without a valid H1 based I-94 between March 2011 and October 2011? Were you interviewed for your green card in the US?

In any case, it does not matter and will not affect your travel in and out of US since you have a green card now.