Question on missing evidence


Registered Users (C)
I just recieved my husband's reciept notice. The letter states that some evidence is missing, it states,
Your applicationn was missing evidences that will need to be provided at time of interview. You will be notified via a separate notice what is required. Please do not send anythin by mail.

Please let me know if this something serious and need to worry about.

Thanks in advance for all your responses
Don't worry, it appears that a large portion of receipts say that. Don't forget that everyone has to bring "evidence" to their interview (at the very least, their green card).

It's all part of the USCIS "confuse the customer" strategy.

Relax, sit back, check your mail every day and enjoy the wait.
I agree with flydog.In my case I received a letter notifying me of missing evidence on my application,when I received my IL the requested evidence was as follows,GC,Passport and proof of Selective Service registration,wich I provided during my interview(minus the passport,lost it)......don't worry...good luck.
I got the same receipt. I think it is triggered for anyone who answers the "Have you ever been arrested, cited, detained, etc" question with a "Yes".
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same issue

I beleive it is triggered when you answer yes to any of the questions related to arrests or citations, in my case I was detained by INS when I originally entered the US and I received receipt with exception. good luck!