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Question on Medicals

@ orlandovillas

Thank you for the info on the medicals. Glad to see no stripping down and examination of the privates and breasts were required :D

Oh,no! There was no stripping down, just a regular physical: blood pressure, allergies, eyes,ears,mouth, height, weight. Nothing to worry about :)

How long does it take to get the result of the TB skin test? Do you get the result right away?

If I had TB test when I was a teen (I don't have the proof though ), do I still need to do it again?

How long does it take to get the result of the TB skin test? Do you get the result right away?

If I had TB test when I was a teen (I don't have the proof though ), do I still need to do it again?

Yes, u do. I've had a TB skin test like almost every 6 months for the last 3 yrs because i was in Nursing sch and i will be taking another test soon for my DV Lottery. I have all the Documentation for it but i still have to . It dosent hurt to get it and its kinda cheap too.
We had the medicals yesterday (Tuesday) and go tomorrow for the skin test result (Thursday).

If the area where they inject on your arm raises up across a diameter of >10mm then this is usually classed as positive, and you then need a jab. So far none of ours have started to swell at all.

Regardless of whether you have had the jab or test before, you must have it again as part of the medical to satisfy the immigration.

I might have made it sound worse than it really is - it stings but its not agony. I just dont like needles.


How long does it take to get the result of the TB skin test? Do you get the result right away?

If I had TB test when I was a teen (I don't have the proof though ), do I still need to do it again?
You wont need all of those you have listed - some depend on your age. The link I gave above http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/pdf/Tbl1.pdf shows the various ages that apply for each of the shots.

Do I have to get the foolowing vaccinations prior to the medical exam?

-- mumps
-- measles
-- rubella
-- polio
-- tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
-- pertussis
-- influenzae type b (Hib)
-- hepatitis B
-- varicella
-- pneumococcal and
-- influenza

The list is from here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1331.html.
You should contact your local embassy for this information, I assumed you are doing CP. In some case, they might or might not require some vaccinations. For example, my wife told me that Tokyo embassy does not require TB test during medical exam.
Sorry for a silly question)) Does it mean that the vaccinations are required/not required for certain age groups at the time of DV application?

Yes, use the chart, based on your age at the time of the application / medical to determine which vaccinations you need. Regardless of the consulate, the authorized medical centers are required to make you have the necessary tests (e.g. TB) even if the specific embassy do not ask for it. I'd not risk missing any of the tests, as the Immigration medical form specifically asks for the test resutls and doctors signature.
Yes, use the chart, based on your age at the time of the application / medical to determine which vaccinations you need. Regardless of the consulate, the authorized medical centers are required to make you have the necessary tests (e.g. TB) even if the specific embassy do not ask for it. I'd not risk missing any of the tests, as the Immigration medical form specifically asks for the test resutls and doctors signature.
Do you mean that I am supposed to take all these tests in advance, prior to DV medical exam?
TB test and all the other necessary tests will be performed by the designated immigration civil surgeon.

If you had vaccinations already, bring a piece of paper from your doctor stating the vaccination, dates and doses. It will save you money.
Medical results are sent directly to the Embassy (by doing CP), or are given, or sent to home address and then one should bring them with the other documents to the interview? :confused:
depends on the country. IN most, the doctor gives you the results in a sealed envelope and you take it to the interview. IN some, they send it directly to the embassy.