Question about time

Arriving 2 hours early to an appointment denotes only that you are too desperate and selfish (which obviously shows immaturity). It shows that you do not respect other people's turn by occupying a space that should be occupied by the person whose turn is next (which denotes lack if civilization).

When I say "acting civilized" and carry yourself "like an American", I mean that this behavior resembles the level of uneducation, selfishness and immaturity, commonly found in some foreigners from third world countries. (They always want to be first no matter what, even if this implies running over other people's rights.)

In AMERICA, whether you agree with this or not, we do NOT arrive too early to appointments. And the reasons behind this are simple:

1- Respect for others: interviews are usually scheduled one after another calculating enough time to offer each applicant the time they deserve and need to accomplish their interview process.
2- Responsibility: There is nothing wrong in arriving puntual or perhaps some 15-30 mins earlier (reasonable acceptable standard in America) to prevent or anticipate the unforeseen.
3- Civilization: When you arrive too early you are only betting on an thin opportunity to getting away with a faster processing of your case, maybe because someone was late, or had a mishap and could not make it on time. (opportunity hunter). Doing this knowingly, denotes a serious lack of civilized manners not proper of the American people.
4- Maturity: Desperation for obtaining something you are entitled to or eligible for, only denotes immaturity and lack of patience not proper of Americans.

As mentioned on point #2, it is responsible to be there on time and perhaps some reasonable time earlier, but if a real mishap or unforeseen event should prevent you from making it to the interview, there are also civilized channels to re-schedule it. Of course, this might be probably unnacceptable under your angry psychics but it only denotes that you may not have the fitness to become an American Citizen. You may be able to obtain a blue passport shortly, but certainly unless you make a profound interior change on the way you view life, you will never be an AMERICAN. Good luck on your interview arriving there 1 day ahead!
to firstimmigrant:

First of all, your reply shows what a uneducated man you are with absolute lack of basic culture. As a told your friend jetector if you don't know WHY person asking what he is asking don't make stupid conclusions, just ask why he needs to come in 3-2 hour before his appointment time. Don't guess just ASK, maybe he has absolutely valid reason. But no you and jetector just make your own conclusions and start to accuse and give orders. That what I call stupid behavior and apparently age has nothing to do with it.

Job interview and naturalization interview is completely different things. And please don't make suggestions if no one is asking you. It is obvious that you don't know what are you talking about. Before you speak try to think, sometimes it helps.
to jetector:

Hey, are you a madman or what??? Please don't be offended but you acting like one right now. Here what educated, civilized and just normal person would do in ANY country, they ASK why the person wants/needs to come in early and ONLY then tell him politely how they can accommodate his needs, or not. This is CIVILIZED behavior, and you will NEVER be civilized person if you don't understand that. I travel a lot, but never saw as rude, savage and stupid person as you are. Again no offense, but you are acting like one.
You never be a real American because you just don't get it. This is very sad.
to firstimmigrant:

First of all, your reply shows what a uneducated man you are with absolute lack of basic culture. As a told your friend jetector if you don't know WHY person asking what he is asking don't make stupid conclusions, just ask why he needs to come in 3-2 hour before his appointment time. Don't guess just ASK, maybe he has absolutely valid reason. But no you and jetector just make your own conclusions and start to accuse and give orders. That what I call stupid behavior and apparently age has nothing to do with it.

Job interview and naturalization interview is completely different things. And please don't make suggestions if no one is asking you. It is obvious that you don't know what are you talking about. Before you speak try to think, sometimes it helps.

Completely absurd comments again, BTW, I don’t how you define educated?? I am technology manager with 10 direct reports and working for a Multi billion $ oil company. This has been an awesome forum for folks who want to gain relevant info but i guess NOT for everyone... You are free to make any assumption you want but i don't its worth my time and info in your situation. Best of luck anyway!
The guy is the living definition of the word "Pathetic" and "Obnoxious". It’s really sad to know people like this will be carrying an American passport around the world and making others think all Americans are like him... I wish immigration laws were tougher and required a "psychological fitness" exam. Poor guy, really!

PD. Only ignorants resort to insults to defend themselves.
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I feel sorry for company and people who hired you. Because it is obvious that you are having difficulty of understanding simple sentences fundamentals of human interaction.
Good lack.
I feel sorry for company and people who hired you. Because it is obvious that you are having difficulty of understanding simple sentences fundamentals of human interaction.
Good lack.

The correct sentence is not "....SORRY FOR COMPANY". In proper English you should say ...SORRY FOR "THE" COMPANY.... Also you should not say ... having difficulty of understanding... You should say: .... having difficulty undertanding (NO "of")

Maybe if you took some ESL classes and improved your bad grammar, intelligent people could better understand your simple sentences. MORON!
to jetector:

Well, that is why this is a great country, because people like you and your underdeveloped friend doesn't decide who can become US citizen. I know if it were up to you, you would tell people only to come in 5 min. before they interview and if they will not obey your commands you would deny them of opportunity to become US citizen :)))
That is how in your twisted mind real American should conduct them self's.
Keep up this nazi-like behavior of yours, soon enough maybe someone will put you in your place.
to jetector:

Come down you angry freaky "man". As I said you just don't get it, and it is driving you crazy. You just don't know what is wrong with you, but you know you are having problems and it is in your head. You are sad case of moral and mental degradation. Blaming people around you will not help, this is probably how you were born. Just relax some how you made it to America, so doctors will help you get through this, I hope. Stop order people around and throw accusations at them. You idiot..........