Question about Citizenship


Registered Users (C)
I am in the process of filling up N400 and wanted to ask a few questions
- I don't have proper entry/exit dates, What will happen incase I give wrong travel periods. Will they ask me to correct them or reject my application outright ?
- My spouse is not in the country, so should I show financial support docs ?

- My spouse is not in the country, so should I show financial support docs ?

You're still married, so No. It's divorced people who have to show proof of supporting their ex-spouse, or proof that the divorce agreement didn't require them to support their ex-spouse.
I am in the process of filling up N400 and wanted to ask a few questions
- I don't have proper entry/exit dates, What will happen incase I give wrong travel periods. Will they ask me to correct them or reject my application outright ?

month/year format is fine ex: 12 days India June/07
- I don't have proper entry/exit dates, What will happen incase I give wrong travel periods. Will they ask me to correct them or reject my application outright ?

You will be committing perjury if you willfully give wrong information on your N400 application.

You should also know that every time you are inspected at POE, and when your green card is swiped, your date of entry is recorded.

The USCIS/DHS has and can find this information. The IO during your interview can look this information up, if you claim that you do not recollect the dates.
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You will be committing perjury if you willfully give wrong information on your N400 application.

Perjury is a very strong word in a situation where the person does not have the right data and also does not remember.
Do note that the N400 is not final until it is signed in front of the interviewing officer. You are allowed to make changes and as long as a person discloses this issue of his/her own volition (not under interrogation) at the beginning of the interview or in an accompanying note along with the application, the issue of perjury does not arise.