QUestion about baby


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I received passport request from Buffalo yesterday, however we are expecting our first baby by Jan 21. We did our medicals a year ago around mid-December. So we are in the medicals expiration timeperiod now.

What options do I have? Should I send the passport now and land without baby? or wait till he's born and then add him to my
application and risk doing medicals for whole family again? Any other options?

You should inform them that your wife is expecting a baby in Jan 2004, send the fax and registered latter with return reciept with file #. Request them that you would like to add the baby to your existing file. If I am in your situation I will delay the landing because cold season in Canada and new baby and if you land in Ontario no health coverage for 3 months after landing. Write this in your latter

I am not trying to cause any panic, but here's what I saw on the flyer (this afternoon) sent along with the stamped passport and the landing document to my friends son (9 months) who was born in the US

"CHANGE OF INFORMATION: If any of the information you provided on your application form has changed (i.e. maritial status, family composition, funds available, medical problems), it is imperative that you contact this iffice for instructions before proceeding to Canada. Your admissibility may be affected. If you are expecting a child and are able to land in Canada before the child is born, you should do so. Failure to land before additional dependants are born will result in the need for a new application and the new fees for all family members."

If possible see if you can talk to someone at the consulate! If you are not too far from the Consulate, make a trip out there

Good Luck!