purpose of the visit


Registered Users (C)
hi all

a friend of mine running his own business wanna apply for a visit visa or tourist visa what we are suppose to say in section purpose of your visit ????????????????????

any insight are appreciated
What is the reason for the trip? Is it for a business trip? Is it for tourism? Is it for some other purpose that would require a different type of visa?
to be frank with you guys my friend have a good bank statment and business in his own country he wanna apply for a tourist visa and i recomended for him to have a hotels .... flight reservation but i am still confused about the purpose of the visit actually its not about the purpose its about his chance to get a visa he never been in the US never apply for a visa , dont have any relatives in the US he wanna try his chances to get a visa only ?????

thats all , any insight
He wanna apply for a tourist visa and I recommended for him to have a hotels .... flight reservation but i am still confused about the purpose of the visit actually its not about the purpose its about his chance to get a visa. This is the main purpose of it. I want to get the visa as soon as possible.
B1/B2 nonimmigrant visa is defined at INA 101(a)

(15) The term "immigrant" means every alien except an alien who is within one of the following classes of nonimmigrant aliens


(B) an alien (other than one coming for the purpose of study or of performing skilled or unskilled labor or as a representative of foreign press, radio, film, or other foreign information media coming to engage in such vocation) having a residence in a foreign country which he has no intention of abandoning and who is visiting the United States temporarily for business or temporarily for pleasure;

AND admitted, generally, pursuant to 8 CFR 214.2(b)

(1) General. Any B-1 visitor for business or B-2 visitor for pleasure may be admitted for not more than one year and may be granted extensions of temporary stay in increments of not more than six months each, except that alien members of a religious denomination coming temporarily and solely to do missionary work in behalf of a religious denomination may be granted extensions of not more than one year each, provided that such work does not involve the selling of articles or the solicitation or acceptance of do nations. Those B-1 and B-2 visitors admitted pursuant to the waiver provided at § 212.1(e) of this chapter may be admitted to and stay on Guam for a period not to exceed fifteen days and are not eligible for extensions of stay. (Paragraph (b)(1) revised 1/1/94; 58 FR 69210)

(2) Minimum six month admissions. Any B - 2 visitor who is found otherwise admissible and is issued a Form I - 94, will be admitted for a minimum period of six months, regardless of whether less time is requested, provided, that any required passport is valid as specified in section 212(a)(26) of the Act. Exceptions to the minimum six month admission may be made only in individual cases upon the specific approval of the district director for good cause.

***They make exceptions for both longer and SHORTER periods of admission***

***There is more but it is probably irrelevant***