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Prospects in US

From my previous working experience...

I was in a small-ish town in Texas, just turned 22 and was able to secure a temporary job as a receptionist/secretary that lasted a lot longer than temporary, where the owners of the large company would have happily kept me on if I wanted to stay. The minute I walked into the agency, I had the job within 10 minutes of me finishing my 'tests' for them and I was also offered other positions too during my time there.

I was earning a livable wage, able to pay the rent and had an enjoyable job. I had no degree (was halfway through my Bachelors). So out of my experience, it has only been positive. This time, I will be going back with my Masters and will temp etc if I have to but I am hoping to go straight into work in my profession as a Librarian.

One thing Peng, I can hardly see illegal immigrants taking a stack of IT jobs so I can't understand that aspect of your post and also, what do you mean you need a credit check for a job?! I would also think in this global environment, working in IT for a company who requires a 'recommendation from someone who lives in America for a long time' is a bit ridiculous with how communication and technology works these days.

What are your actual qualifications and work experience?

One more thing! I think it's better to be illegal than legal like us.

You must have a very defeatist mentality to say this. From what i 've read from you, i can see you have already given up but let me tell you that life is a Roller Coaster and can easily turn around for the better if you persist.WAKE UP MAN !!!
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Why was that so hard to get IT job last 2 years? Job market was good, though not excellent, last 2 years and a lot of people changed jobs. It's a bit down now and may be getting difficult soon due to possible recession.

Howevre, I'd agree sometimes life is tough in the US. I've been in the US for 10 years now, and what I found is this country is really great if you are rich.

How many job boards have you posted your IT CV ? efinancialjobs.com,CWjobs,jobbank,careerbuilder

How strong is your CV ? Have you updated your CV since you moved to America.Have you had someone to carefully review your RESUME since you started looking for jobs in America ?Have you been to any job fairs or recruitment programmes etc etc. Have you applied for any IT Internships ? Have you upgraded your IT SKILLS SET since you moved to the US ?
If your answer is no to any of these questions then i 'm afraid you are not putting in the effort.America is full of hardwork.

Please put in some hard work and smile later so that you can have a better testimonial for those of us who are yet to follow.Rather do not say things that will discourage us. !!!

Maybe you better leave the US. :rolleyes: Even in IT industire, there are thousands of jobs, my wife got a lot of job offers.

where do you advice him to go, i think he just needs the rigth orientation, if he can state his qualifications and area of specialization, am certain he can get a reasonable advice from d forum
not really

Peng's experience could be one of the difficult sides of the US ifluenced by a number of factors including the state, qualification and rightly (as Modest stated) the advice of the people being associated with. However, it still remains a reality, one of possible scenerios a desperate hustler could face.

However, shall we look at the qualification aspect of possibilities? It is important for Peng to clarify his/her qualification in order to throw more light on issues. I have a PhD and a teachers certificate (both obtained in the UK). Although comrades have advised in a similar thread that one should concentrate on the positives, i still believe it is equally important to have some ideas about the negatives and difficulties to make an informed decision. I understand in the US one could find people with masters and PhD working in restuarants and cleaning? How true is this?

We hear a lot of information about US back home and that is why we are in this forum, to be able to clearify issues especially when it comes to legitimate survival.

Yes PhD holders can work as cab driver, but that will be for limited time, for u to qet your bearings and foot on ground, but den for you to be able to be well stamped, you need a lot of info and that is power (knowledge)

How many job boards have you posted your IT CV ? efinancialjobs.com,CWjobs,jobbank,careerbuilder

How strong is your CV ? Have you updated your CV since you moved to America.Have you had someone to carefully review your RESUME since you started looking for jobs in America ?Have you been to any job fairs or recruitment programmes etc etc. Have you applied for any IT Internships ? Have you upgraded your IT SKILLS SET since you moved to the US ?
If your answer is no to any of these questions then i 'm afraid you are not putting in the effort.America is full of hardwork.

Please put in some hard work and smile later so that you can have a better testimonial for those of us who are yet to follow.Rather do not say things that will discourage us. !!!


this posting is great, pls for d sake of fellow country men that are in d same shoe, can you give insight on review of resume
Peng's experience could be one of the difficult sides of the US ifluenced by a number of factors including the state, qualification and rightly (as Modest stated) the advice of the people being associated with. However, it still remains a reality, one of possible scenerios a desperate hustler could face.

However, shall we look at the qualification aspect of possibilities? It is important for Peng to clarify his/her qualification in order to throw more light on issues. I have a PhD and a teachers certificate (both obtained in the UK). Although comrades have advised in a similar thread that one should concentrate on the positives, i still believe it is equally important to have some ideas about the negatives and difficulties to make an informed decision. I understand in the US one could find people with masters and PhD working in restuarants and cleaning? How true is this?

We hear a lot of information about US back home and that is why we are in this forum, to be able to clearify issues especially when it comes to legitimate survival.

Yes PhD holders can work as cab driver, but that will be for limited time, for u to qet your bearings and foot on ground, but den for you to be able to be well stamped, you need a lot of info and that is power (knowledge)

yes, u can be out on the streets in the US with ur Ph.d degree without a job. These are very isolated cases anyway but happens more often if you have a degree from a third world country.
if you have a foreign degree and u are coming to the states, do not bank on getting ur dream job when u get here cuz the chance of it not happening in ur first 2 yrs here is >90%. U just have to live by the flow until u figure out how things work here and it does take quite some time.
What is wrong with Penq.

This country is way easier than where I come from (Peru),
I worked for 7 years in an H1 Visa, I am not even a bachelor,
I was not a good student, and after working here I get
plenty of job offers to work in other countries but I
cannot(they require to sign 3 years commitment contracts)
because I am waiting for my priority date to
get a GC.

So what is the problem, if I can make it with those qualifications,
anybody can make it.

Illegals are currently being pursued by the law, they are being
denied any form of amnesty. So they are getting their punishment.

yes, u can be out on the streets in the US with ur Ph.d degree without a job. These are very isolated cases anyway but happens more often if you have a degree from a third world country.
if you have a foreign degree and u are coming to the states, do not bank on getting ur dream job when u get here cuz the chance of it not happening in ur first 2 yrs here is >90%. U just have to live by the flow until u figure out how things work here and it does take quite some time.

pal can you tell us if one should work to agents to look for jobs or just apply on d internet and wait for calls as a fresh man

pal can you tell us if one should work to agents to look for jobs or just apply on d internet and wait for calls as a fresh man

Most companies as far as i'm aware hire through Employment agencies.Much as it is convinient for them to do that , it also takes away the pressure off them. Your best bet is to upload your current RESUME on the various job boards ie
Monster,Careerbuilder,CWJobs,efinancialjobs.com,Totaljobs and a host of others that you can think of.

Looking for a good job in this modern world is a full time job on it's own anywhere in the world and i believe the USA is no exemption.
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pal can you tell us if one should work to agents to look for jobs or just apply on d internet and wait for calls as a fresh man

You have to really be into Job hunting to get a job. U first need a well written resume, then look up the kind of job that u are looking for online,get company addresses and then submit applications to every company regardless of them not hiring at the moment. Its more work than it sounds thou but thats the only way you can get what you want. And in the US, never take NO for an answer. people say no sometimes here cuz they just want to get rid of ya.
Waiting for call?? That probably would never happen. U need to be on the look out 24/7 for that "dream job".
I didn't have to go thru job hunting as i had quite a few job offers even before i graduated from college but i know a few of my friends who graduated with some science and art degrees and they are working in department stores as their isn't any job out there for them. its kinda sad but thats the way life is.

Most companies as far as i'm aware hire through Employment agencies.Much as it is convinient for them to do that , it also takes away the pressure off them. Your best bet is to upload your current RESUME on the various job boards ie
Monster,Careerbuilder,CWJobs,efinancialjobs.com,Totaljobs and a host of others that you can think of.

Looking for a good job in this modern world is a full time job on it's own anywhere in the world and i believe the USA is no exemption.

we are heading somewhere and you guys are doing very nice job here

we shall all prosper
My background's is IT too. But I couldn't find an IT job here. :

As an experienced “IT” worker I get very ticked off about people using the term “IT background” its is vague and really means nothing. Its like saying I work in retail, or sales. Its so general.

Working in a technology related engineering discipline can cover a multitude of areas and skill sets. I know for a fact that I could very easily get a well paid software engineering job in the US even with my “foreign degree” for one simple reason. #
I could easily converse my way through a highly complex and technical interview process as I have amassed a great amount of specialised technical knowledge in a few specific engineering areas. Or in other words I would not be talking bull*hit at an interview.

I know my area of expertise very well and I would strictly apply for jobs that I know I would be able for. I have spent a considerable amount of time in the US and am well aware of it being a highly charged capitalist society, and believe me if you have a particular technical skill set that a company requires to win specific lucrative business opportunities they will most certainly hire you and pay you accordingly.

Even in the current economic US climate I am still very confident about finding a well paid engineering job simply because I have technical expertise that takes many years to build up and that not every one and there uncle has. Banks are loosing money but they still have to maintain technology infrastructures, they are not just going to turn off all their highly complex information technology systems and revert to a paper based system.

Many big companies and corporations are highly dependent on ecommerce systems and internal business applications. People will relevant quality engineering skills will ALWAYS be needed in various sectors across various industries, both in the US and world wide.
I have a feeling that although you have an “IT background” your particular skill set is not of a high quality. I also think that your post has a feel of “I have moved to America where is my American dream please”
The opportunity to earn a fantastic wage in the US is there but they don’t send it out with your green card when you arrive.
I suggest you figure out what it is that you can actually do and apply for jobs that match your skill set. If you have sufficient software engineering qualifications then you most definitely would not be waiting two years for a job.
Even I have managed to secure jobs in the US internationally from phone interviews with out ever meeting the hiring company. I have never been interested in a H visa as I take issue with a company holding my visa status over me however, so have never progressed any of the offers.
I think you and all other people who think a US relocation = $$$$$$$ need a serious reality check. You don’t get paid for doing nothing in a capitalist society like America.

One more thing is that they need the credit point and recommendation from someonw who lives in America for a long time. This kind of crazy policy makes me very hard to get a better job.
Moreover, nobody would like to help us, eventhough we say that we've just moved here to sattle our lives here.
They really don't care, as they're caring their own lives too.

A credit check for a job? Are you on another planet?
By recommendation do you mean reference? I think you will find that all companies will look for a reference before making a formal job offer, it’s generally the way these things work. Are you sure there is no one from your “IT background” in the past that can give you a reference?
I am sorry that things are not working out for you but maybe your expectations of life in the US were unrealistic start with, you really should have researched your employments possibilities before committing to the move.
The USA is great in may respects but lets not forget that it also has its problems, just like any other country in the world.
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Well, I don't know why you are asking this question to me. I'm not the one who said I couldn't get the IT job and working at restaurant.
But, if you'd like know, here we go.

How many job boards have you posted your IT CV ? efinancialjobs.com,CWjobs,jobbank,careerbuilder
I haven't posted it for 7 years. The last time I posted was 2001 when I got the current job.
How strong is your CV ? Have you updated your CV since you moved to America.
I haven't update any career. I've been in chip design for 17 years now. Furthermore, I got GC through employment following H1B and all the H1 and GC is based on my job career. I have been having 6 digit figure since 1996 and I'm happy with it.

Have you been to any job fairs or recruitment programmes etc etc.
No. I already found job fair was useless. There are a plenty of job fairs when iT was booming in 90's, but they just received your resume and put it on the desk..


The best way to apply job is through friends who can forward your resume to their manager/director. If you send it to HR or through their homepage, you never know when they come back.
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Well, I don't know why you are asking this question to me. I'm not the one who said I couldn't get the IT job and working at restaurant.
But, if you'd like know, here we go.

The best way to apply job is through friends who can forward your resume to their manager/director. If you send it to HR, you never know when they come back.

wrong receipient. target audience was Peng. I hope there's no hard feelings Mr 6digit figure.Enjoy your money!!!
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if you have a foreign degree and u are coming to the states, do not bank on getting ur dream job when u get here cuz the chance of it not happening in ur first 2 yrs here is >90%. U just have to live by the flow until u figure out how things work here and it does take quite some time.
I don't think foreign degree matters. There are a lot of people who don't have US degree and get H1B.( I have only master degree from foreign country and could get H1B).

Back in my country, the companies do not care much about our recent career if we are young, because they know we can learn the stuffs through the daily work and eventually become professionals. There are some people who has literature degree working as programmer there.
However, the US companies do not have such patience and are very specific on job duty. Job qualification and skill(most recent career) matter in the first place.
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pal can you tell us if one should work to agents to look for jobs or just apply on d internet and wait for calls as a fresh man
Companies are reluctant to use recruit agents due to hefly charge nowadays and companies may turn you down if agent asked too much money. It's no longer booming time and is buyer's market.
Applying through internet and waiting for call is one way but you never know when they call.

I know a lot of people in my industry and they hop company to company, but I found most of them did not just apply blindly. They usually apply through the friends so that they can get quick call back and also friends gives the hiring manager references.
Find friends who are in the same job segment and ask them to forward your resume to his/her boss.
@alemitmee "A credit check for a job? Are you on another planet? "

The problem of credit, specifically credit history, is a large issue for new arrivals. It is actually common to have your record checked for many jobs, in addition to drug testing. It is also practically unavoidable nowadays to have your record checked when applying to rent an apartment, buy an insurance policy for a car, or get a mobile phone. Bad credit means refusal, or high deposits necessary, or unfavorable rates.

Now with tightening in credit it is even more difficult to get credit as a newcomer, and you are not considered to have a 'real' record for several years. So running into problems from having no credit history or bad credit history is a serious issue and a common one.
Claire can you please tell me what kind of jobs would require a credit check as in checking your FICO score for a job?

Drug testing is understandable but I would like to know what kind of jobs/companies would be performing credit checks.