proof that I did not go to COP?

If they did have evidence they would say that int eh interview and denied the case.
going to the neighbouring countries doenst always mean you going back to COP.

going every 2-3 months can raise flags.

how many days in total you spent out of US?
If they did have evidence they would say that int eh interview and denied the case.
going to the neighbouring countries doenst always mean you going back to COP.

They do not have to make a decision at the interview. Likwise they do not have to disclose their evidence at the interview.

The citizenship applications of people who got their GCs via asylum routinely go through another layer of supervisory review.
They gave you two alternatives. If I were you, I would take the second if in fact it's true that I traveled to the COP and simply explain why I went to COP.
If you really didn't go back, do not give up and aggresively follow it and take this issue to the highest authority and simply ask USCIS that you proff I did. I can not proof something you did not do and remember you have nothing to lose or fear but if you did go back, let the whole issue rest and do not bother with it because they will find out and then it might really turn ugly.
Good luck
Not sure, but the story was kinda odd. Who would ask for any proof of NOT going somewhere. If anything, the proof required would be of going somewhere.
At the time you were filing your application, I believe there was question asking you; did you travel back your COP since you recieved your greencard. I assume that that you answered yes. From that point on, the burden of proof is on the USCIS. They must prove that you have visited your country of origin, and take relevant action.

Why are they sending you this request? My personal opinion is that; first, it is not a good sign. It is solemn determination on the part of interviewing to get to the bottom of your case, and I believe it has to do with your extensive travel. They want to buy more time while they are investigating your case.
What can you do? as fellow members have suggested, you should send coppies of your travel documents. Retain the originals.

at the end, they will have no way of producing evidence that you travelled to cop. therefore, they will ultimately approve your case, but it may patient and good luck
guys, i think this person stated enough number of times that he never went to COP:

I went to my citizenship interview last week. I did not travel to my country of origin, but I did go a number of times to a neighboring country for both business and vacation. I received a notice from the USCIS today. They basically say provide evidence that you did not visit your country of claimed persecution and if you did go there, explain the reason thereof.

and once again here:

Why the heck would I make up the story? I do not have time to fabricate stuffs.

At the end of the interview the officer said that everything looked fine to him but because it was an asylum case (and he was a relatively junior officer) he had to get a supervisor to OK his decision.

I can show the RTDs with all the immigration stamps? But what evidence can I send? How long do international hotels keep their guest records?

and again here:

I did not go to COP. I visited a next door country every two or three months over the past few years. I was helping my company open a branch office there.

i think the forum's accusational tone in this post scared phil-NYC off more than USCIS did!