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Proof of education

Hi again

Trust me - I worried a lot about this one, as I also have a failed mark on my HSC, and I only did 4 subjects! I did, however, qualify for the HSC based on the rest of my results. Because it's possible to order a certificate that states your achievement WITHOUT the nasty grades on there, that's the one I ordered ($25 or so I think). If I get that far down the path, thats the certificate I will be taking. I will keep a copy of the graded one in my bag, just in case it's asked for. Bottom line is they want proof we did our VCE/HSC, so the simple certificate will prove that. :) Yes, there are pedantic officers, but as you say, you met their requirements and the words are there, so less stress ok? :) Order the other certificate if you can, might help you feel a little better.


hey Q,

Just to let you know--I spoke with DEpt of Ed in my State and was advised that in the State I completed my HSC, they do not produce certificates without grades listed. I vaguely recall my original certificate didn't list grades, but I no longer have that, so Ill be taking my replicate certificate with those cheeky grades listed. Perhaps in your state you can order one without grades listed? I also wonder if consulate will not ask for evidence of grades as a standard thing anyway. Just wanted to let you know anyhow. Good luck for May!! Ill be checking in to see how you go.

Went for my interview yesterday. Was asked for proof of education originals but not hs. He specifically asked for my degrees and I gave him hierarchically. He seemed impressed :)

Congrats on your interview! :)

From all the posts I have read (and thats quite a few!) they are very strict regarding your proof of high school qualifications. For example, here in Australia you can have university degrees (undergrad/post grad) without having ever finished high school. Although it seems reasonable to think higher qualifications would be enough, it really boils down to providing exactly what they ask for. As another Australian found out the hard way, having higher education post high school was not enough for him (he did not complete the final year of school and his visa was denied).

For me, one of the first things I got a copy of was proof of my HSC, that I actually achieved it, and not just finished the year.

All the best !


Thanks for Information. Really useful. Though it is not the case with Afghanistan. You can not have higher degree before lower. It has given me the idea that I have to carry all my educational proofs.
Hello sir ,
I am dv lottery winner of 2020.I did diploma in civil engineering (3 years course) equivalent to US High school diploma as per US embassy after which I worked for one year and now ,I am studying bachelor of civil engineering last year(University degree ) .My diploma degree includes more than 35 subjects &I failed in one subject and later on I passed in second attempt .
Does this cause a problem during interview ?
I am running university degree last year and I think during the interview my university degree will not be completed. and they only see the high school diploma marksheet .
Hoping for positive response
Best regards