Proof of arrest thing?


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So for my citizenship interview I am asked to bring documents about my arrest. I was arrested in 2005 by Homeland Security Agents (or ICE) wrongfully. They thought I was illegal because my documents were lost, and the next day they confirmed that I was legal and let go of me. No charges were ever filed against me. How can I get proof of that and from where? Thanks.
Call your local ICE office and find out if they can help you.. =)

Make them feel guilty for wrongfully arresting you and ask them for help.
So for my citizenship interview I am asked to bring documents about my arrest. I was arrested in 2005 by Homeland Security Agents (or ICE) wrongfully. They thought I was illegal because my documents were lost, and the next day they confirmed that I was legal and let go of me. No charges were ever filed against me. How can I get proof of that and from where? Thanks.

USCIS has this record in their system. So I think you don't need bring documents about your arrest. The notice is just for regualr arrest case. IO will understand you at interview.

Good luck!
So for my citizenship interview I am asked to bring documents about my arrest. I was arrested in 2005 by Homeland Security Agents (or ICE) wrongfully. They thought I was illegal because my documents were lost, and the next day they confirmed that I was legal and let go of me. No charges were ever filed against me. How can I get proof of that and from where? Thanks.

I would still call ICE, get the name of the person you spoke to, and ask how to get a copy of the arrest record. Bring this information to your interview.
I would still call ICE, get the name of the person you spoke to, and ask how to get a copy of the arrest record. Bring this information to your interview.

I called them today but they couldn't help me. She just said she wouldn't be able to send me a copy of my arrest record and I should contact DHS but she's a part of DHS too. I'm confused now. :confused:
I called them today but they couldn't help me. She just said she wouldn't be able to send me a copy of my arrest record and I should contact DHS but she's a part of DHS too. I'm confused now. :confused:

If you can not do anything then just tell the IO you can not get anything from ICE and if the IO want to cross check it out ask them to do it on their own.

What can you do if one branch government want you to get soem document form anothe rbranch whiule another branch refuses to do it?
If you can not do anything then just tell the IO you can not get anything from ICE and if the IO want to cross check it out ask them to do it on their own.

What can you do if one branch government want you to get soem document form anothe rbranch whiule another branch refuses to do it?

When I was getting my conditions removed at the end of 2 years, the same issue came up but all IO had to do was to make a phone call. She was very nice and understanding about it. I hope that the IO at the citizenship interview will be similar as well.
When I was getting my conditions removed at the end of 2 years, the same issue came up but all IO had to do was to make a phone call. She was very nice and understanding about it. I hope that the IO at the citizenship interview will be similar as well.

Before that still try your reasonable amount of effort to get a report from ICE.
I don't know if filing a FOIA request help or not.
Before that still try your reasonable amount of effort to get a report from ICE.
I don't know if filing a FOIA request help or not.

She said "you should consider getting a lawyer for this". It's like why should I have to pay at least a thousand dollars to a lawyer because of a mistake they did?
So for my citizenship interview I am asked to bring documents about my arrest. I was arrested in 2005 by Homeland Security Agents (or ICE) wrongfully. They thought I was illegal because my documents were lost, and the next day they confirmed that I was legal and let go of me. No charges were ever filed against me. How can I get proof of that and from where? Thanks.

Were you actually arrested and charged, or just detained?
Were you actually arrested and charged, or just detained?

ICE officers came to my house looking for someone else and they took me thinking I was illegal because my papers were lost. I told them I was legal and he said "you will be our guest until we figure out what's going on with you". I spent the night in the county jail and next day they admitted their mistake and let me go. Maybe I can contact the jail and try to get paperwork from them or something?
ICE officers came to my house looking for someone else and they took me thinking I was illegal because my papers were lost. I told them I was legal and he said "you will be our guest until we figure out what's going on with you". I spent the night in the county jail and next day they admitted their mistake and let me go. Maybe I can contact the jail and try to get paperwork from them or something?

If you were in a county jail they should have a record of your detainment. Contact them to find out.
If you were in a county jail they should have a record of your detainment. Contact them to find out.

I think the ICE borrowed county jail and the county jail won't provide
details what really happned. If the purpose of documentation is to show
you are innocent, then you can only get explanation from original arresting authority.

Beside country jail may consider their record is off access from the public so thay they
won't provide you for teh same reason ICE did not
I think the ICE borrowed county jail and the county jail won't provide
details what really happned. If the purpose of documentation is to show
you are innocent, then you can only get explanation from original arresting authority.

Beside country jail may consider their record is off access from the public so thay they
won't provide you for teh same reason ICE did not

What do I do then? :confused:
What do I do then? :confused:

Maybe try something simple first. Call 1-800-375-5283 and ask to ask with a level 2 IO for any tips.

I think you can go to apply first, then during the interview just tell IO that you can not get anything and IO have to take your words. If the USCIS
really want it then you go to a lawyer for help
I think the ICE borrowed county jail and the county jail won't provide
details what really happned. If the purpose of documentation is to show
you are innocent, then you can only get explanation from original arresting authority.

Beside country jail may consider their record is off access from the public so thay they
won't provide you for teh same reason ICE did not

That's all speculation..the OP doesn't have anything to loose by calling the county jail first to ask.
When is your interview date? I am sure you will be fine without any arrest documents. USCIS has your record, especially at your GC interview, IO already called DHS.

Good luck to you and bring goods news here after your interview.